Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 23, 2016


Filed under: Women — gardener @ 1:14 pm

The title pretty much describes how I am feeling at the moment. Physically, I feel fantastic, but I have SO much to do between now and the time we leave for our vacation, that my head is spinning. Creative painting projects for the living room have pretty much taken the back seat, since I have a lot of work to get done between now and the time we leave. Cake projects, cupcake workshops, sugar work for a wedding I need to do when I return from vacation. All that and then some.

I suspect the feeling of discombobulation also may be attributed to the fact that I haven’t eaten enough today and I didn’t get enough rest last night. Tonight, I’m determined to do both. My work is done- packages need to be created and sent- but that’s tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’ll bake a cake- but now, it’s time to unplug and rest. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be more collected with my thoughts.

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