Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 14, 2009

Counting Down

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 6:48 am

It’s hard for me to believe that the days are flying by at the rate of speed that they are, and that tomorrow is the 15th of the month of JUNE.  JUNE!   Where have the days gone?   I know this isn’t the first time that I’ve mentioned how fast the time seems to be flying, and trust me- it probably won’t be the last. 

Over the next few months, I have so much to look forward to.  Granted- I look forward to each and every day, as it always brings something new, and usually something unexpected.  I also usually learn something each and every day, useful tidbits of information that I can pack in my suitcase of knowledge and carry with me on this continued journey called life.

Marcel and I are still undecided about a vacation this year.  We have a few ideas, but with the new car and other expenses, I’m just not sure we want to fork out the cash- but we’ll see what happens as the days and weeks unfold.

In less than three weeks one of my oldest, and dearest friends will arrive for 11 days of fun!  I’ve already begun the countdown and been planning things that we can do on her arrival day, and the subsequent days that follow.   She’ll turn 40 while she’s here, and I’ll turn 42.  It will be great to celebrate my birthday with someone from home for a change, and we plan to do it in style, with lots of photographs to follow.

Next Sunday, I have the opportunity to meet up with someone I went to high school with.  He and a team of five others are flying to Rwanda on a missionary trip and have an almost 12 hour layover here in Neverland.   I’ve offered to spend most of the day with them, show them around, and give them a little feel of the city.  It will be fun, plus I’m really excited about seeing Chris again after more than 20 years.  

There is also the possiblity of meeting up with another friend that I know from online in October, because she may also have a layover here.  She’s a wonderful person, and I hope we’ll have the opportunity to finally meet after all these years of knowing each other online. 

Also in October, a friend of my brothers is going to be in the area.  He and his wife are possibly going to add A’dam to their list of travels, and if they d0, Marcel and I will spend some time showing them around, plus getting to know them.  I’m looking forward to it, and hope that the opportunity presents itself.   I’m always excited when I get to spend time with people from home.

Right now, I’m going to pour myself a cup of java- head outside and spend some time in the sunshine.   I need to vacuum, and I may do that before I go, but the rest of the day is mine- and I plan to enjoy every second of it.

My Gratitude List for June 14, 2009

Today I’m Grateful for:

  • My dear friend Maggie, who is celebrating her birthday today.
  • All the little things in life worth celebrating.
  • Factory rebates on both my camera AND Marcel’s TomTom. Yeah!!
  • Finally getting my updated budget done, which has been on my ‘to do’ list for a long time..
  • Downward movement of the scale.

June 12, 2009

So Much- So Little Time

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 11:28 am

I have so much to tell, but so little time the last few days. Wonderful things have been happening to people that I love- with my parents celebrating their 44th anniversary yesterday, to my friends Maggie and Kimmie celebrating their birthday’s tomorrow. It’s times like these- those wonderful celebration moments, that I wish I could zap myself from one place to another, to share in these special moments with these people who mean such a great deal to me.

I have also been splurging a little the past couple of days- buying a ‘fold-up’ hammock for myself, a new camera, and a Tom-Tom Navigation system for Marcel. I figured since he has the car, he needs to make sure he doesn’t get lost along the way.

I hope to have more time this weekend to spend on the computer, but right now, my coffee awaits.

My Gratitude List for June 12, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Sleeping late, and the cut in my mouth finally healing a little.
  • My new camera, which takes awesome photos- and will be great to carry with me everywhere I go.
  • Friendship.
  • Birthday’s and anniversaries of people I love.
  • Ice Cold Green Tea.

June 9, 2009

Family Ties

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:12 am

There was a time when I never considered where I came from.  I knew that I was a child born to mom and diddy, and knew who my grandparents were, and that was always enough for me.   I have friends who are very much into finding out their ancestry and I always wondered if they did it for fun, or just out of curiosity of their ancestry dna.

Several years ago, Marcel and I had the opportunity to visit Scotland with my parents. It had been a dream of my diddy’s for many years- as his ancestors came over to the U.S. from Scotland- the Isle of Skye to be exact. To see him realize that dream was one of the most memorable moments of my life, and I can imagine it always will be. I remember standing behind he and mom as they walked towards the entrance of our ancestrial castle and having tears in my eyes at the magnitude of that particular moment.

It was then that I believe I also became curious as to what other mysteries lie in our families past, and what stories they could tell. When you think about it- it’s fascinating, and now I have a much better understanding as to why people spend years researching their family history.

What about you? Do you know where your family history lies?

June 8, 2009

Visits and Visitors

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 2:58 pm

I’m home alone this evening- the second of two while Marcel is off working.  I had big plans of how I was going to spend my time, but somewhere I lost track and two hours have passed and I’m not sure where they went.  

Well, I shouldn’t say that I’m not sure where they went, because I’ve been trying to play ‘catch-up’  because I haven’t spent that much time online lately, and while I’ve made some progress, I’m still not fully caught up with emails- but there’s tomorrow.  

 I did make tenative plans to meet up with an old friend from High School who will be in the area for a layover while headed with a group of six for a missions trip.  I’m excited about meeting up with them and showing them around a little.  I’ll find out more details later this week.

I also made plans to meet up with my friend Vivi who lives several hours away.  We’ve been talking about getting together for a while, but our schedules haven’t allowed- but we’ve finally been able to work something out.  I’m looking forward to it.  Even though we’ve only met once,  I really like her and I know we’ll have a blast.  

Since I’m talking about travels- and friends-  I’m on the countdown until Samantha arrives for her trip.  Just a little over three weeks and she’ll be headed this way. I can’t wait!!   I’ve been planning and plotting, and I hope to make this trip not only special but memorable for her.  I love visitors from home!!

Since it’s getting late, I guess I should drink a glass of milk and go curl up on the couch and watch a little television.  That shouldn’t take long to lull me into sleep.  

Tomorrow, I’ve promised to make some of Marcel’s favorites for dinner.   Homemade fried chicken breast strips, italian seasoned breaded zucchini, and potatoes.   I know- it isn’t exactly what I’d call ‘healthy’  but he’s been asking for a while, and I decided that tomorrow I’d make it for him.  The moment I told him, his face lit up with excitement- and that makes it all worth the effort of cooking two meals.    I’ll stick to baked chicken with fresh zucchini, mushrooms, peppers and grape tomatoes.  YUM!

My Gratitude List for June 8, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Making plans to spend the day with my friend Vivi.
  • Notes on menapause from my friend Maggie. (Thank you!)
  • Sleeping late this morning, and Marcel getting enough rest after working all night.
  • One of my favorite shows starting a new season next week!
  • The circus coming to town-  I’m going visit the animals!

June 6, 2009

On Being True to Yourself.

Filed under: Gratitude,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 12:02 pm

To be nobody but yourself–in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else– means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

– EE Cummings, poet

I thought that while Marcel was watching soccer, that I’d turn MY computer on for the first time in days to check mail and watch last seasons Survivor that I have sitting here waiting for a rainy day. It isn’t exactly a rainy day, but he’s watching the game, so I figured now is a good of time as any.

I came across the above quotation while reading through my emails, and it really resonated with me on many different levels. It’s something I’ve been seeing alot lately- people trying to put me in the box that they want me to be in, but those who know me well know that I don’t conform well to being put in any sort of box.

I recently found myself in a position where someone else, who was thinking a particular way, about a particular subject, kept projecting these feelings and telling me that THIS was how it was. In reality that was how SHE saw it, but clearly I knew that it was NOT the case in my eyes.. It didn’t make it untrue, but it was not my reality. Eventually, this person persisted with this particular projection until I started questioning myself, and struggling.

This wasn’t from someone who was trying to manipulate or hurt me, but yet someone who saw something completely different than I did, and I allowed their opinion to cause doubt and make me question myself.

Eventually, I had to take a long hard look in the mirror, and with a little encouragement realized that we are all different and don’t see things through the same glasses. I knew that above all, I had to be true to myself, and the rest would fall into place. 

I believe we all need these little reminders from time to time.  I know I do.  After all, we’re only human.

My Gratitude List for June 6, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Marcel surprising me with a day out.
  • 4 1/2 pounds of the sweetest strawberries I’ve ever eaten for 4.00.
  • Finding the perfect pair of white sandals, for a great price.
  • A book filled with discount coupons for museums, which will be perfect for Samantha’s visit next month.
  • Finding my favorite Green Tea bags on sale, and stocking up!

Must Be Love

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 1:13 am

Either my darling husband is sick, or he’s feeling mighty generous today. Out of the blue, he just asked me if I wanted to go to a store that I love, that he hates to do a little shopping.

I thought I must be dreaming, but you know I said yes before he had a chance to change his mind. I also told him that I wanted to stop in at another store, because I’d seen a pair of sandals in their sale paper, and I still have no summer sandals. I tried on 5 or 6 pair yesterday when I was shopping with Desere, and nothing really fit the way I wanted it to, so I thought I’d try these.

He said ok, so I guess we’re off to shop.

Progress Report

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 1:10 am

Since I haven’t mentioned it much lately due to lack of time, I wanted to share a little update on my progress with my weight loss.

The scales finally started moving again after a time of stagnation, and I can’t tell you how happy I was about that. I had really started being too hard on myself, stressing about everything, and even though I was making the right choices AND exercising, the weight wasn’t coming off. I finally realized that there’s definitely truth to stress causing a stand still on the scale, or even a possible weight gain.

Eventually, I was able to work through some stress that I’d been going through on many levels, and like magic, the pounds started coming off again. Slowly, but there is a downward movement and that’s what matters to me. I plan to reach my goal this year, and it’s actually in sight. A light at the end of the tunnel, and it isn’t an oncoming train!

I’ve made some decisions for my life this week- things that are really personal, but something I’ll probably share more about later. It’s something I’ve been considering for a while, but a few days ago several things happened that seem to confirm my feelings, so I’ve got to make a plan and set it into action.

More on that at a later date, I think.

One funny thing that happened this week was that I was in the supermarket- one that I use to visit reguarly and haven’t been to in a long time. When I was checking out, I heard someone say, “You’ve lost alot of weight haven’t you?” and I didn’t recognize the cashier so I certainly didn’t think she was talking to me. I looked up, and she was looking right at me, and she repeated her question again.

She WAS talking to me. I know I blushed, but I responded with yes, I had- and she proceeded to say that she recognized my husband, but didn’t recognize me- She said she kept looking to see because she didn’t want to ask me, and it not even be me.

I couldn’t help but laugh. We talked a little while, and off we went. It was a good feeling, but I still feel odd about people stopping me and wanting to know how I’ve done it.

Ironically, not an hour later, we were voting, and one of our old neighbors (who moved and we haven’t seen since) walked in. She was talking to Marcel, and I was voting. When I walked up, she looked up at me, shocked, and practically yelled my name. She followed it with- Oh my gosh, I didn’t know it was you. Look at you. Then her face got serious, and she asked if I was sick.. I laughed, told her I was indeed NOT sick. From there, she asked if I was taking Fenphedra– again, No, I’m not. Are you taking other diet pills? Come on, tell me how you did it. Did you have surgery?? Again, No.

After about five more of those urgent ‘tell me now’ questions, I finally explained to her that I’d lost the weight with diet and exercise-nothing more, nothing less. That different things work for different people, and that’s what works for me. Then she wanted to know if I was going to the gym etc..

Luckily, she received a phone call about that time and I was saved by the bell. Marcel and I made a mad dash out the door before she could get off the phone and ask another question.

Right now, I think I’m going to have breakfast, and head out the door to enjoy the sunshine with my favorite guy. I hear that the strawberry farm is open today, so I want to see about picking our own. Nothing better than fresh strawberries.

June 4, 2009

Love, Love, Love

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 11:28 am

Even though I’ve been extremely busy as of late, the one thing that has been equally as busy is the gray matter. I’ve been doing alot of thinking (what else is new?), and the more problems I see arise in the world, the more hate, the more discontent, the more wars, the fighting, the INSANITY-

…..The more I’m convinced that the world needs more LOVE.  Not Hollywood, feel-good-ooey-gooey-unrealistic-love, but real, true love.

I don’t care who you are, we ALL need love.

My Gratitude List for June 4, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • People who notice, and by doing so inspire and encourage.
  • An afternoon spent shopping with Desere.
  • Unexpected blessings, both large and small.
  • Homemade chicken soup
  • New life- Sheila’s baby was born yesterday.


Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 12:18 am

Looks like we’re going to take the plunge and buy a car this morning. We’ve been looking for the past several days, and Marcel just made an appointment with the guy at the dealership. I’m a little nervous about it- I guess the thought of handing over so much money to someone, but it’s a great deal, so I feel very confident about it.

If I could bottle this feeling in my stomach, I think I could corner the market on weight loss pills, because right now I don’t feel like eating anything. I must though, as we all know breakfast is the KEY meal of the day, and as much as I’d like to skip, I know better.

Thank goodness for fruit smoothies on days like today- I can drink my nutrition. That coupled with a few almonds should keep me going for a while.

Gotta dash.

June 3, 2009

Start to the Day

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 1:24 am

Finally, this morning I have a few moments to relax before I have to get started with the busyness of the day. The temps are slightly cooler than yesterday, the winds a little higher, but the sun’s shining and that’s what matters to me.

I should be having breakfast, but instead I’m sitting here, hoping to catch up on a few things. I’m boiling some eggs, that will later become part of the beet salad that I’m making for tonights dinner. I’ll finish it in a little while, and keep it in the fridge all day to combine the flavors from the ingredients.

Somewhere along the way, I need to get a work out in, a bath, and attempt to do something with this new hair style. I think she cut it a little shorter than usual, and hopefully it will look better when styled, right now it’s a mess- but then I haven’t been out of the bed that long, so it’s to be expected.

This afternoon, Marcel and I are headed to a nearby town to continue our quest for a new car. I’m hoping that the visit will prove fruitful, but time will be the only true tale.

Marcel also wants to look at gps systems. A couple of my friends have been doing ‘geo caching’ and I think it would be fun to have one for that, plus it always makes navigation easier- provided my dear husband actually listens to it. He tends to not listen to the ‘voice’ when he thinks he knows better. I have to wonder if that’s similar to the men not asking for directions thing.

Guess I’d better go run some cold water on the eggs. I would hate to overcook them.

How are you spending your day?

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