Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 8, 2011

Create a New Cupcake Recipe (101 in 1001 Days)

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Food — gardener @ 9:03 am

One of the items on my 101 in 1001 days list was to create a new cupcake recipe. I have been experimenting with cupcakes quite a bit lately and have become quite obsessed with them, so new recipes are a given.

The new recipe is an Orange Creamcicle Cupcake that I hope will be a huge hit amongst those I love and others. It’s a orange-vanilla cupcake with an orange-vanilla cream icing and orange curd filling.

What’s your favorite cupcake and why?

Making Lists-

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Techy — gardener @ 7:59 am

I know that it’s July- so this is going to sound somewhat crazy to some of you- but I’m already starting to think about Christmas. Since this year we won’t be home- my buying will be scaled down compared to the years we are at home, but I’ve got my eye on several ideas for my brother- one of which is a garman golf gps. He is a HUGE golf fan and plays as often as he can so I know this is something that he would absolutely love. The great thing is- I can order and have it shipped to mom and dad’s and he can open it there Christmas morning. I’ve got it added to my iPhone Christmas list application and in the next few months will start my ‘official’ shopping.

In case you haven’t guessed- I LOVE Christmas!

July 3, 2011

Unlikely Places

Filed under: Pets,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:47 am

This is a picture that I took a while back when JJ had surgery to be neutered.    I thought it was really sweet becuase Mister, who generally spends most of his time running away from JJ, couldn’t help but want to comfort him and make sure everything was ok.    In spite of the fact that they are both dominate creatures- they still love each other and I’d consider them close friends.

It’s odd how sometimes in the most unlikely places we find ourselves the best friends and that can be one of life’s greatest gifts.

July 1, 2011

Let’s Get this Party Started

Filed under: Life,Seasons,Things I Love,Women — gardener @ 8:14 am

First day of July and I’m ready to get this ‘birthday month’ party started! Looks like I’m going to start it with a bang… we’re headed out tonight to Hein’s birthday dinner celebration and tomorrow I’ll be seeing Pirates of the Caribbean with Bobbi. Sunday will be a day of rest for me and Monday- more fun and adventures.

I hearby designate July as a month of celebrations!

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