Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 30, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude- Letting the Sun Shine In

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Inspiration,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 3:58 am

If you know me in my eyeryday world- then you know that even though I am human (thankfully) and do have my moments, that I do try to find the positive (silver-lining if you will) in every single day.

It’s no secret to those who know me- that this year my integrity has been tested,  my heart has been broken, and at one point I wondered if the pain of it all would ever get any better.

I won’t go into the details here, because quite truthfully- the details don’t matter.    Obstacles happen in life- and there is often this misnomer that if we choose to walk away from things that have become too painful and / or toxic to stay a part of that it is easy.   I can assure you- it’s anything but.   Especially when you have a half-hope that you could be wrong- that you’d really like to be wrong, only to find out that you are anything but.

It goes back to the quote from Maya Angelou that I love so much-  “When people show you who they are- believe them.”

So- it’s been a difficult year, but I knew that just as all things- that it would get better, and it has.   While some people would let an obstacle make them bitter- or let them live in a victim role, I know that I’m anything but.    Was I hurt?  Yes!

Did it make me question 90% of every relationship in my life?   YES

Did I allow it to make me bitter?    NO!!

Rather than become a victim to the story and make it about me-   I have thought and analyzed and been able to understand why things are what they are.    As I’ve mentioned before- it’s not about me- (it never was) and I know that I’ve always acted with integrity- even when I really didn’t want to.      That’s what matters- what I ACTUALLY did when called to task, as opposed to what I THOUGHT about doing..      The truth always takes care of itself..    It will never be my job to be judge, jury and executioner.

So now- months later, I can honestly say I’m better.    I’m grateful for the huge life lesson and the doors that it has opened since.

I feel the sun shining on my shoulders and it’s a beautiful feeling.

Grateful-   that’s me.

Learning New Things

Filed under: Life,Travel — gardener @ 3:57 am

I really have so much to talk about and share- and I need to actually check and see if my WP app works on my phone since upgrading to iOS 7 on my phone and iPad- then I can post more often. As it is now- I’m letting the family use my laptop and I’m just using my other devices.

I’ve loved meeting new people and learning a little Spanish and French along the way. I even had someone talk to me about abogado de inmigracion in the US. Granted, my Spanish is very limited- just like my French and German, but it’s always fun to hear about people wanting to move to the US and try to break through the language barriers.


Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 3:45 am

Traveling- that’s something we’ve been doing quite a bit of this last month. I have so much to share about our adventures, and there are still adventures to be had.

The biggest thing, aside from seeing some amazing places and spending time with some of the people I love most in this world is the time to gain new perspective on some things I wasn’t sure about. Sometimes you need a fresh look at things and now I have that, and look forward to putting it into action.

One step at time- right now there is more fun to be had and adventures to take.

August 22, 2013

Countdown to Travels

Filed under: Life,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 11:04 am

Just a few days (six to be exact, but who’s counting?) and vacation officially begins. Four or five days after vacation begins, so does the travels. On our list of travels- France, Germany, Belgium, England and maybe more.

IF all goes as planned, we’ll finally be able to see the beaches of Normandy, something that has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember.

The coming months are going to be busy ones- and honestly, it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m looking forward to all the new experiences and the fun times with people we both adore, plus all the people we will meet along the way.

Let the fun begin!

Dancing to the Music

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 11:00 am

It has been one of those check things off my ‘to do’ list kind of days. I’ve been home alone- had the music cranked up really hard and have been dancing and singing through the day. One of my favorite bands came on earlier and since they were being featured they played the entire new cd, which I loved. I haven’t heard all the songs- and the way they use the jody dv 8 tenor at wwbw in some of the songs really adds a depth to their music that I don’t recall in some of their previous albums. All great stuff.

Music is one of those things that can change my mood in an instant. Give me the right song and I’ll be dancing around the house in no time.

August 12, 2013

Good Eats- Stuffed Pablano Peppers

Filed under: Food,Life — gardener @ 7:58 am

In addition to eating well and really being aware of what I’ve been eating, I’ve noticed that this summer I’ve also been on a huge Mexican (or Tex-Mex) kick.    I crave it almost daily, and even on days when I don’t feel like cooking much;  I’ll make something simple like pureed black beans with a little low-fat mexican cheese baked in the oven, but I digress.

This dish to your right is one of the many I’ve whipped up this summer-   I made a mixture of cream cheese- herbs and spices- black beans- corn- roasted chicken breast- low-fat shredded cheese and stuffed these fresh pablanos.   I then baked them in the oven (covered) for a half hour or so, until all the cheese in melted and the peppers had a chance to cook a little.    As you can see here-  I served the pablanos on a bed of arugula, a little avocado, tomatoes, quark and chipotle chili sauce.   DELICIOUS!

So what’s your favorite summer eats?

August 5, 2013

Gratitude Abound

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 1:09 pm

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” –Schweitzer

Earlier today- a dear friend posted this quote on her Facebook wall.    I absolutely LOVED it.  It resonated deep with me, not just because it is so beautiful (and to know me is to know how much I love quotes), but because it came at just the right moment-  the end of an amazing day, where I felt like I have awakened after a deep sleep.

Not only am I feeling grateful, I’m also feeling joyous for the simply amazing people that are a part of my life.     I claimed before my birthday that this year was going to be the best ever and now I actually FEEL that way.  When I look around, all I can feel is amazed.   This is MY LIFE-    Is it perfect? Nope- and you know what?  It never will be.  Perfection is a myth-     What it is for sure, is that it’s filled with many AMAZING people, who love me, support and encourage me and without knowing have set my soul on fire!!      I have a great life-  and I am SO grateful for that- for each and every blessing, and each and every person that is a part of that.

The sky is the limit-   🙂

July 31, 2013

Tapping on the Heels of August

Filed under: Life,Seasons — gardener @ 3:28 am

My last post here was a few days before my 46th birthday. Hard to believe it has been 2 1/2 weeks already. I guess the old addage definitely applies here- time flies when you’re having fun. Celebrating my birthday for the entire month- there have been many good times in the making. Also a few sad moments, but I’m not going to focus on those. I’ve paused, tried to find the lesson in them and am moving on. Besides, the time has passed and I can’t spent my time looking back, or I’ll miss what great things are happening in front of me- and believe me, there are plenty!!

Things should slow down- at least for a few weeks, so my intent is to spend more time blogging- and hammering out some plans and goals that I have for this coming year. It’s definitely going to be the best ever. Just you wait and see!


Filed under: Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 1:28 am

Last week I had an email from a fayetteville nc business lawyer asking me to call him. At first, I thought it surely had to be spam, but they used my last name (which not everyone knows). I am pretty skeptical on all emails, so instead I did a Google search and found that the law office did indeed exist and the attorney was ‘real’.

So I called them, mostly out of curiosity- and as it turns out a distant relative of mine (same last name) had contacted them, and when they searched the last name, they found my email address and thought I was them. They were really sweet and friendly and apologized for the mix-up. I was unable to offer them an email address on my relative as I haven’t talked to them in years (and didn’t know they lived in North Carolina), but wished them luck in finding her.

July 9, 2013


Filed under: Life,Sands of Time — gardener @ 11:15 am

In a few short days I’ll turn 46. As Samantha said last week when she turned 44- Where has the time gone? I’ve been thinking about that a lot the past few weeks- not just about where the time has gone, but also what this last year has taught me. I’ve learned so much, not only about myself but about others and mostly that in staying true to ourselves- sometimes we have to say goodbye.

I’ve had some heartbreak this year, in fact- what I’d call serious heartbreak, but on the flip side of that coin- I’ve had experienced some beauty and joy beyond my wildest imagination. It trumps the heartbreak by far. Some may see it the other way- but I’m a firm believer that everything is about perspective. We either see things froma positive or a negative. It’s about choices.

Does that mean that I’ve not shed tears this year- No, quite the contrary- I’ve shed quite a few and even been angry at times, but I know that it’s been part of the healing process- and necessary for the journey to living my best life. I’m grateful for each lesson, for each tear, for all of it. I don’t understand it all yet- but I’m still grateful.

I found out this week that an old friend had a stroke- 43 years old. He’s having to learn how to walk again and use his left hand. Could it have been avoided? Possibly, but it wasn’t and thankfully he’s been given a second chance. I hope and pray that he’ll see it as that and use it to become a healthier, stronger person.

It really put things in perspective for me. Our choices- however small we think they are- matter. The people we spend our time with- matters. The relationships we invest in- matters. Every little thing- matters.

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