Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 29, 2011

Wishful Thinking

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 7:47 am

Marcel has wanted an ATV for a while and while I think it would be fun to have- I’m not sure that I’d rather have one of those instead of a new sofa and a little remodeling within the house. Marcel is another story. A few nights ago I caught him looking at RZR XP Accessories and when I asked what he was doing he said wishful thinking.

May 27, 2011

Kind of Gross

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 6:22 am

This is gross- but when we took JJ to the vet earlier- we walked past this bench and there was an elderly lady and a boy- who looked about 10 sitting together. She was atempting to remove pimples from his nose- or at least that’s what it looked like to me. I tried not to stare- but honestly- I thought it was a pretty gross thing to be doing in public. My thoughts were that it should be done in the privacy of someone’s home- but certainly not on the street.

May 26, 2011

Rainy Days

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:02 am

I’m sitting here watching it rain- thinking that I should probably be in the kitchen cooking dinner- but yet snce we haven’t seen rain in a while – I’m fascinated with the dark cloud and huge drops falling from the sky. I’m also reading up on tretinoin so that I can possibly get an idea if it’s something that could help my face, since I seem to be going into another one of these breakout periods. I’m hoping that it’s stress- or the fact that I haven’t been drinking enough water, so I’ll wait and see if it clears up on its own before making any decisions. In the meantime- I’m going to enjoy the sound of the falling rain.

May 19, 2011

Doing Well

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:54 am

Most of you know that Desere has been going back and forth with the doctors as to whether she would have surgery or not- and Wednesday was the day that they actually did go in and do surgery to take care of the problems she’d been having. Marcel and I stopped in earlier to visit her- and she’s doing so well. It was almost like a different person. If all continues to go well- she’ll be coming home on Saturday- This is definitely something to celebrate and I’ll do so by making her some banana nut crumb muffins! This is such great news for her and hopefully the end of her problems.

May 18, 2011


Filed under: Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 9:46 am

I mentioned a few days ago about some bad news that I received from home- I’m still processing, not so much the news- but the pain associated with those around me who are affected by the news- myself included (being that I’m a pretty emotional soul.) Towards the end of last year- my dad’s youngest brother was diagnosed with calon cancer and found a few spots on his liver- They went in, removed a section of his colon, and the part of his liver that had the cancerous spots. That was in February- and here we are mid-May and he’s found out that there is no hope.

Sadly, he found out from a doctor at the ER while there gettng fluids because he was dehydrated as opposed from his oncologist- but he had an appointment this past Monday and the doctor had no way of knowing that he hadn’t already been told. It’s one of those things that you suspect- but hearing it makes it ‘real’.

Diddy has been taking him to the doctor- and I know that hearing the news hurts diddy- and it hurts me to know people I love are hurting. His one request was to see his son and also to see another brother who lives out of town before he dies. Diddy took care of contacting his brother and I’ve been in contact with his son- my cousin and his wife. I’ve actually been in contact with them since he was diagnosed, but now they know how dire things have become- They are making a trip home and I’m glad.

There is a silver lining to all this- I’m in touch with my cousin whom I haven’t had contact with in many years- I am hoping to build a friendship by getting to know he and his wife- We are family and I have missed that connection. There is a lot to process but even in the midst of sadness- something good has happened. That’s what I’m trying to focus on right now-

May 14, 2011


Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 9:51 am

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about doing something new. I have been checking out colleges, but I’ve also been doing a little research on possibly applying for a few tech jobs in the area. I haven’t decided exactly which I’m going to go for at this point- but every ounce of my being is telling me that it’s time for change. The possibilities are endless.

May 6, 2011


Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 10:30 am

I was thinking last night while lying in bed that so many people are at new chapters in their lives right now that it’s surprising. It’s all in the ebb and flow of life- but when I really stopped to think about what is happening in my immediate circle of family and friends- I was pretty amazed. There is a balance of trimumphs and struggles, and while some are facing a long road of uncertainties others are basking in bliss and blessings.

While some may look at one chapter ‘bad’ and the other ‘good’ – it is much more than that. While a struggle may not be ideal, it defnitely gives us lessons in life to learn- if we are open to seeing and learning from that. At the end of the day- if you learn a great life lesson to hold close and carry with you in spite of your struggles and find that you’re much stronger than you ever deemed possible- doesn’t that seem pretty great within itself? It does to me.

April 29, 2011

Beautiful Day

Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 9:20 am

Marcel is napping, along with JJ and Mister M. and I’m enjoying the peace and quiet that comes along with them all being asleep. We took JJ out for a walk earlier, or shall I say he walked with us, because technically the walk was for me- but it’s just as good for im as it is for me. It’s a gorgeous day- and as we walked along Marcel was telling me something about an email the he received from somene he works with that had a link that said click here. He wasn’t sure what it was, so he waited to talk to his colleague before actually checking out the site. As it turns out- the guy was sending him something that Marcel had asked him to send a while back but had forgotten.

Right now-I think I’m going to pour myself a glass of water and check out Wednesday’s Survivor since I haven’t watched it yet.

April 28, 2011

Fun Times

Filed under: Life,Seasons,Things I Love,Women — gardener @ 12:28 pm

I need to check in on my 101 things in 1001 days list and see if I’ve done anything as of late that I can check off. Today- I visited friends, both old and new, had a great lunch, did some walking around a new city (at least to me) and yes, ate a cupcake. It wasn’t just ‘any’ cupcake- it was an Oreo cupcake it was delicious! I brought a caramel one home for Marcel and tasted it too and it was just as sinfully good, but in a different way.

I also walked in the rain today- and spend some time walking around inside a cube shaped house. Fun times!

Early Night

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 6:31 am

The last two nights haven’t been kind to me in terms of sleep- so I’m hoping that tonight will prove to be more fruitful in that area. Marcel is working, so that will afford me the opportunity to go to bed ealy, relax and hopefully be able to clear my mind and fall into a slumber without any problems. My plan is to sleep late in hopes of feeling more rested and also in hopes of it being a natural dark circles under eyes treatment, since mine were pretty bad today. One thing is for certain- It’s going to be an early night.

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