Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 8, 2010

Looks LIke

Filed under: Life,Life's Little Hiccups,Techy — gardener @ 1:28 pm

It looks like I’m going to have to block some IP addresses if all this spameroni keeps happening in comments.   Granted, y’all don’t see them, but everytime I log in I have more than I care to deal with to either approve, disapprove or mark as ‘spam’.   Obviously they get sent to the delete file and marked as spam. 

Thank goodness that the software catches them and they don’t get through the cracks.   It was quiet for a while, but I guess the spammers got restless and have reared their ugly heads again.  

Time to say buh buh.

July 7, 2010

I (Heart) The Internet

Filed under: Life,Techy,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 12:57 pm

One of my favorite things about the Internet is the fact that if I want to know something, the information is pretty much at my fingertips. At this point, I don’t believe there is anything I haven’t been able to find online, and believe me, my interests vary. I’ve searched for everything from merchant account resellers to restaurants in cities I plan to visit. I’ve even looked for specific plants and bugs. I’ve found it all. It definitely makes our worlds a little smaller doesn’t it?

If we want to visit Australia or New Zealand, it’s nothing more than a few clicks away and we are vitually there within seconds.

Oh Yeah

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 12:49 pm

My friend, who also reads this space (hey hey) said that she’s heard mixed reports on the importance of using the best prenatal vitamins once she is pregnant. Again, I suggested that she check with her doctor, but I also think that she could probably find some great resources online as to what is the best vitamins for her to take for both her and the little one, once she does get pregnant. Looks like if she gets pregnant, that will be the third friend that I have who is having a baby. Well, I say having- two very close friends have already had little ones this year, and I absolutely adore them both.

Exciting Times

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 12:46 pm

I had an email from a really good friend who told me that she’s trying to get pregnant. I’m excited for her, because it will be her first little one and she is one of those people that I believe will be a fantastic mother. You know how you meet some people and you just know that about them? Well, that’s how I see her. She said someone suggested that she try pregnancy vitamins even before she got pregnant, but since I have no experience in this area, I suggested that she call her doctor and make sure that’s ok. I hope she is able to get pregnant when she wants and that everything turns out perfect.

July 3, 2010

Finally Slept Well

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 3:16 am

Marcel worked all night last night, and I don’t even remember him coming home this morning. I usually hear him, and sometimes even have a conversation with him, but not this morning. I haven’t been sleeping well lately and I guess last night it finally caught up with me. The medication that I’m taking the the cramps I’ve been having obviously acted like sleeping pills last night. I woke up once and then went back to sleep 2 1/2 more hours before JJ woke me wanting to go out. I definitely needed it. I feel more rested today and that is something I’m grateful for.

Celebrating the 4th.

Filed under: Holidays,Life — gardener @ 3:08 am

We have friends coming over today for a BBQ and I’ve been trying to get everything prepared for their visit. I’m happy to say that aside from carmelizing the walnuts to put in the cucumber apple salad, the food is prepared and everything is ready to go. I just hope the rains hold off so that we can sit outside when we eat, and maybe even see a few blue skies so that I can get some pictures of my friend Carrie. She’s very photogenic and I thought it would be fun to take some pictures of her, and she was sweet enough to agree.

My cramps have been horrible, so I’m having to take medication to keep the pain at bay, but at least I don’t have to suffer completeley. Right now, I need to finish breakfast and get a few other things done before they arrive.

If you are celebrating Independence Day this weekend, please be safe.

July 2, 2010

Last Night

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 4:36 am

Last night we were at dinner with friends for a birthday gathering and someone made a joke about Marcel’s hair loss. I was worried that he would get upset about it, but he said that hair loss for men was one of those things that he had to deal with and he ended up making a joke back to the person and laughed it off. I didn’t figure he’d take it too seriously considering the person also had a little thinning hair, but you never know. I asked him about it later, and he said it’s just one of those things. He wasn’t offended at all, thank goodness.

July 1, 2010

Inturruption Junction

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 1:20 pm

As I was sitting in the theater today with Desere, I felt it coming on. “That” time of the month. I know, I know that may be a little T.M.I. (too much information) for some of you, but it is what it is. Tomorrow is supposed to be my running day, but it looks like that scheduled programming is inturrupted until that time is over. The cramps are just a little too much to run. I am going to attempt to get an hour or so of walking in so that at least I’m getting some exercise. There isn’t much I can do though, it’s just one of those things. Nature must run its course.

June 30, 2010

Sands Through the Hourglass

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:22 am

It seems like the sands of time have been flowing quickly through the hourglass lately and I’ve found myself with not quite enough time to take care of everything I need or want to get done. I know some of it is time management, and other is that I’ve had some extra things to do that needed attention and have taken away time from my regularly scheduled programming.

The first few weeks of July are always busy ones for me. There is the 4th to consider, along with Samantha’s birthday, my own birthday, and the birthday of several other people that I love dearly. I’ve also got work to toss into the salad mixture and it just keeps me stretched thin. If I veer from my path even a smidge, then the entire train seems to derail, so I’m trying to stay focused.

I DO think I’m learning how to get my breathing under control while doing my running. I’m still a far cry from being able to do run a 5k, but I continue to do my intervals according to the plan and I’m doing well. I actually repeated the first week again this week, mostly because of whines from Marcel about it being too hard. This morning I was feeling the lack of sleep and stressors from yesterday, along with the humidity left from an early morning thunderstorm. I struggled through the work out, but I was victorious and happy.

I have so much to say- but right now, I don’t have the time for more.

June 12, 2010

Takin’ Out the Trash

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:31 am

Even though it may have seemed as though I’ve dropped off the face of the Earth, nothing could be further from the truth. Things have been hectic, Marcel has been sick and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking (yes, again). I’m in the process of making some changes in my life, and some of those changes will involve changes to my spaces online.

I guess you could say that I’m taking out the trash. There are some things that no longer are working in my life, and holding on to them serves absolutely no purpose. So, I’m letting go and making changes. Some changes will occur quickly, while others will take a little longer. But forward momentum has begun and nothing’s holding me back.

I am a firm believer that if you don’t like that way something is going in your life- then you need to change it yourself. It’s time I started taking my own advice again.

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