Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 24, 2010

Cleaning out the Closets

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 4:07 am

Marcel and I have been in this process of Spring cleaning since the weather hasn’t been good enough to do much of anything else. In that process, we’ve tossed a bunch of papers that we really have no use for anymore, making sure to shred them before we did. We also decided that it’s about time that we update our life insurance policy since it has been a while since we’ve done that.

Tomorrow, I’m going to tackle my closet… That should be fun.

February 15, 2010

Chasing Spring

Filed under: Seasons,Things I Love,Travel,World — gardener @ 12:29 pm

I’m still thinking about travel today, and even thought about planning a weekend getaway for the weekend coming up, except Marcel has to work. I wish he could take the time off because I could really use a get-away but right now I just don’t see it in the cards. Who knows, maybe I’ll get some friends together and just get away for the day. Even that would be better than nothing.

Maybe I’m just chasing spring time, I don’t know- I just know I’m ready for some sunshine and some fun that isn’t spent indoors. I was actually looking at trips to Iceland the other day and Marcel said that was the last place he wanted to go, because we’d be going from cold to colder, but I don’t think it would be as bad as the name sounds.

February 13, 2010

Ode to Oats

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Things I Love — gardener @ 2:52 am

I know I mentioned it in my gratitude list yesterday, but have I mentioned how happy I am that I am finally in full supply of steel-cut oats again? Marcel was out with JJ yesterday and when he came in, I noticed he had something behind his back, and it was the package that mom and diddy had sent. I literally screamed for joy. I’d been eating yogurt for the past month or so, but there is nothing better for breakfast than my beloved steel-cut oats. It’s better than any quick trim burn and cleanse, not to mention it’s heart healthy and WARM, which is a great thing considering the sub-zero temps that we’ve been having.

It’s funny how the little things make all the difference isn’t it?

January 28, 2010

Let the Sun Shine In

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 6:46 am

With Marcel being sick and not wanting or feeling like getting out of the house, that has meant that unless I want to walk somewhere that my travels have come to a halt. I don’t mind, since the truth is, the weather hasn’t been very conducive to getting out and checking out any of the daily deals that can be found at some of our local stores. Now that the sun is shining though, I can’t help but be tempted to get out and see what I can find, but a whining doggie and a pot of soup that needs to be made await me instead.

I had some really fabulous soup at my friend Bobbi’s on Tuesday and I’m going to make it for Marcel and I tonight. It’s roasted bell pepper soup, and it’s some of the best soup I’ve ever eaten. I’ll share the recipe later. First, I’d better get outside with JJ before he has another accident.

January 21, 2010

Time Will Reveal All

Filed under: Life,Sands of Time,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:44 am

This morning I struck up a conversation with Marcel about something that I have planned in the future for someone that I love dearly. I can’t really go into many details here, because I know they read this blog from time to time, and even though chances are they won’t put one and one together and get two, the chance exists that they might, so I can’t say much. I will say this- I’m planning a party, and if all goes according to the thoughts rambling around in this grey matter of mine, it’s going to be a big one.

I talked to Marcel about it and gave him a brief idea of what I’m thinking about, and told him that I’d do my best to keep things under a certain budget, including buying inexpensive wedding invitations. He’s all up for the idea, as long as he doesn’t have to do any planning. All I can say to that is, men! I have lots of ideas, that I need to start hammering out now if I’m ever going to be able to pull it off. I’m pretty positive I can, but It is going to take some careful planning, and also some help from the other side. That’s all I’m going to say for now- but expect to hear more in the future, even if it’s the not so near future. Curious? Time will reveal all.

January 15, 2010

Tisket A Tasket A Flower Basket

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:17 am

I was looking today at the roses that Marcel gave me a few days ago, and couldn’t help but be reminded that in less than a month we’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day. February is usually an expensive month for us, since it also happens to be the month of our anniversary, and on February 2nd, we’ll be celebrating six years or matrimonial bliss. It’s also the month of my mother-in-laws birthday. Several years ago, Marcel and I spent Valentine’s Day with Hein and Desere. The four of us went to dinner, and although we don’t have plans for that as of yet, I do think it would be fun, so who knows?

One thing I’m sure of, is that my darling will more than likely give me flowers. What kind of flowers will be a mystery until that day, but he loves giving me flowers ‘just because’ but also on holidays. Occasionally, I even order flowers myself. I’ve found though, that over the years, that when I order flowers online that I look for coupon codes, such as Proflower code that will save either a percent off the total price of the order, or even a certain dollar amount off if you spend a certain amount. Either way you slice it, it means savings in your pocket, and who doesn’t want to save a little cash? Who knows, you may just have enough left over to buy a box of chocolates. I’m a huge fan of coupon codes and don’t buy anything online without first looking for the codes, including when I buy flowers.

January 13, 2010

So Excited

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 12:05 pm

I have been sitting here for the past half hour chomping at the bits (whatever that means) waiting for an email to come in regarding a little surprise that I was hoping I could come up with for two very special people. It’s one of those things that I really want to talk about, but I’m not sure if they read this journal, and since I want it to be a surprise for them, it may be better if I keep my mouth shut for once.

It isn’t the surprise that I was really hoping to give, but it’s the next best thing. The email finally arrived moments ago and I was able to confirm that what I was hoping to do was indeed possible. Now I’m waiting on yet another email from the same person, so that I can start brewing ideas, but I need to know what my latest possible deadline is. I think it’s the end of the month, which doesn’t give me much time, but I WILL get it done!

September 25, 2009

Ode To Oats

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 1:52 pm

I’ve been so busy this week with work, that I haven’t had a chance to report that my 20 pounds of steel-cut oats arrived yesterday! I resisted tempation of making a bowl yesterday, and had my first bowl this morning. It was pure elation. They arrived just in time, because I’d actually bought a package of steel-cut oats that were designed for bird feed, and I was ready to cook and eat. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I’ve since started feeding those oats to the doves, who also happen to have a fondness for them. I can’t say I blame them.

September 22, 2009


Filed under: Holidays,Things I Love — gardener @ 7:30 am

You may laugh, but I have found myself singing Christmas carols the past few days. Don’t worry, it hasn’t been all day, but I think the cooler air has me feeling festive and thinking about the upcoming holiday season. I’ve already started making my Christmas list (which I’ll check twice later for good boys and girls haha), plus I’ve been thinking about getting started with my Christmas cards. I guess in order to get started, I’ll first have to order some, but that won’t take long.

I’ve been thinking that maybe we could do photo cards this year with the four legged members of the family, but I’m not sure yet. I think it would be adorable, but Marcel may not. While I ponder that idea, I can at least start my list.

When do you start getting ready for the Christmas season?

August 23, 2009

Ode to OPI

Filed under: Things I Love — gardener @ 6:22 am

You may remember me mentioning in a previous entry about how I was attempting this experiment with a bottle of OPI nail polish that Samantha had left me when she headed home from her trip here. I’d worn it on my toes for more than a month, without it chipping or peeling, and ended up adding another coat just to cover the end where my nails had grown a smidge longer. I have always had a huge problem with polish staying on my nails for more than a day without chipping or peeling, which is why you never see me wearing nail polish because I can’t stand to keep it on once it starts chipping or peeling. I find that wearing it when it’s chipped or peeling looks a little ‘ghetto’ and personally feel if you don’t have time to keep it looking fresh, then don’t wear it.

Granted, I’m not trying to step on anyones toes here, but giving my own personal opinion as to how I feel about it. Call it one of my little pet peeves. I painted my nails with the bottle I had and it passed the test with flying colors. I finally removed it two days ago, after being on a week. A WEEK, and there were two spots that the polish had chipped, that I could see if I looked closely, but that the average person wouldn’t see unless they were literally inspecting my nails.

I decided on Friday, in order to celebrate my new found employment, plus to celebrate that 2 pounds not too long ago, that I would buy not one, but two bottles. Now if I could just remember where I’d seen it. Generally OPI isn’t sold in stores, but strictly a salon product, but I knew of one place I’d seen it, but for the life of me couldn’t remember exactly. As it turned out, the store that I thought sold it wasn’t the one, but it was one just around the corner.

Marcel stood outside (which is a good thing because he may have fainted at the price), while I took a peek at their collection. I decided on two from their winter “Spain” collection, all of which can be seen on the OPI website. I chose Pamplona Purple, and also No Spain No Gain. Pamplona Purple is just what the title says- purple. Somewhat of an eggplant color, and while I wasn’t sure about purple for nail polish, I know that purple is one of the ‘in’ colors for fall, so I figured why not. (I’m wearing it now, and while it did take me a little getting use to, I like it.) No Spain No Gain is a deeper pinkish/ reddish color, berry color. I haven’t tried it yet, but I know I’m going to love it. You can see both colors on the sites front page, as all the new colors from the Spain collection are listed.

Miss C. , I think it’s time you went out and bought yourself a bottle. You deserve it, so treat yourself girly, and of course come back and tell me what you chose. I loved the Ate Berries in the Canaries and the Pink Flamenco, both of which reminded me of you with your sparkly pink self. I also like the Barefoot in Barcelona, maybe because I just like the name and wish I was walking barefoot in Barcelona, or maybe because I think it would be a great neutral color to wear from time to time. It may be next, although I doubt it. I love ‘color’ too much.

So as I predicted, the OPI passed the nail test with flying colors (no pun intended haha) and even though it’s a bit on the pricy side, when you want to have long lasting polish, it’s worth it.

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