Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 27, 2010

Coconut Man

Filed under: Food,Things I Love — gardener @ 7:02 pm

This afternoon we had some friends over for fun and games. When it got dark and too cold to stay outside, we decided to come in and goof off. The guys were watching football and the ladies and some of the kids were sitting at the table. Mom drew a smiley face on a coconut that I have and we added a styrofoam hat along with a grapefruit body- Before you knew it- we had a coconut grapefruit snowman. Yes- the things we do to entertain.

November 25, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Filed under: Things I Love — gardener @ 9:04 am

Happy Thanksgiving y’all- I hope that even if you live in a country that doesn’t celebrate this holiday- that you’ll still take some time out of your day-to-day life and reflect on what you have in your life to be thankful for. So many of us (myself included at times) tend to get so caught up in everything around us that we fail to pause and really reflect on the ‘good stuff’ or blessings that we have in our lives. Trust me- once you start counting them, you’ll see you have many more than you thought.

November 11, 2010

Good Things

Filed under: Gratitude,Home,Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 7:39 am

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting over the past few days and trying to really be conscious about the good things in life. I’ve had a pretty difficult year (probably my most difficult to date) and I think I’ve lost my focus a little. I know that so much of what happens in life is in direct relation to how we react to it, so I’m trying to focus on the good and let the rest fall to the back burner.

Today has brought several good things- Me being almost finished with the preparations for our trip. Marcel finding a suitcase that we had been looking all over the place for, and cheap car insurance that’s better than our current coverage. All those things are something to smile about.

What makes you smile today?

November 8, 2010

What Do You Think?

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:09 am

I was goofing off at the Macy’s website earlier today when I got finished working and came across this sweater.   It is not something that I may typically wear, but I fell in love with it and have been trying to decide whether to order it or not.    I love the colors, plus I love the clean lines.   In addition- its only 20.00, which in my book is a bargain.   

My only drawback is that I’m not generally a huge fan of turtlenecks, and I’ve recently ordered three solid colored ones.   Still, I can’t help but think about how much I love this sweater.   I’ve added it to my cart, I just have to make the decision. 

What do you think?

November 6, 2010

Brain Power

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:13 am

This is going to sound crazy (or maybe not), but lately I’ve had so much on my mind that I find I’m forgetting more than I’m retaining. That may not be 100% accurate, but that’s how I feel. I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to do something to challenge my brain a little and allow it to think more, but wasn’t sure what I could do.

I was lying in bed a couple of nights ago when after I finished checking email on my iPhone (the ‘eye’), I thought I’d browse through the App Store. I found a cute little trial game called “Cut the Rope” and it had great reviews. I figured since the light version was free, I’d check it out- after all it was free. It’s basically a little puzzle game where you have to feed this creature in a box candies. The candies look like Life Saver Cream Savers and well- it’s cute. It also challenged me.

It didn’t take long before I’d played all the levels on the free version and that left me thinking that the full version would be perfect. It was only .99 so I downloaded it. I’ve been playing it every spare moment since. I’m not exactly sure that I’m feeling smarter or forgetting less, but at least the grey matter is working and I’m having fun in the process.

November 3, 2010

Thanksgiving- More than a Holiday

Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Inspiration,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:01 am

I was thinking a few days ago about Thanksgiving- and how it really is more than a holiday of indulgence and football. The significance of that day is how people of different cultures came together and shared a moment together and were thankful for all they had been blessed with.

Even though some countries don’t celebrate Thanksgiving- I believe that we all have something (or many) things that we are thankful for and that we should spend the month of November and December focusing on those things that are of importance to us. Be grateful for the little things in your life- and in counting your own blessings- look around and see how you can reach out and help another, a perfect stranger possibly.

When we reflect on the richness of our own lifes- I personally believe giving and doing for others are the things that make our lives even richer. I challenge you all to spend the holiday season in love and in service to others and see how it impacts those around you and also who you are. I bet such an act would change all of our lives in a positive way and couldn’t we use a little more of that?

Gifts to Leave Behind

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:01 am

Marcel and I won’t be spending the holidays this year with his family so we’ve been trying to come up gift ideas to leave behind for them. They aren’t really big on gift giving, but yet I happen to love seeing a person’s face light up when they have been given something they love. I know how much Marcel’s nieces would love to get their hands on some Taylor Swift tickets and I’m thinking if we can make it happen that it will be their favorite Christmas gift ever.

October 29, 2010

All About the Savings

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Shop til ya Drop,Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 4:50 am

It’s no secret amongst my family that I’m the technical minded one of the bunch. I’m definitely no genius, yet somehow my family seem to think so when it comes to matters of the technical side. I say they are biased and would deem me brilliant no matter what, but I digress.

Mom asked me the other night what I wanted to do on our first day home for the holidays and my response was ‘find them a new computer.’ Technically, I’m hoping I can talk them into getting two computers, simply because I think they would benefit from having two ‘newer’ computers in the house. The ones they have now are lacking in speed, amongst other things. Even though the decision hasn’t been made yet, I’ve already been checking out computers at Best Buy, which is where we’ve bought the last four computers we’ve owned. I’ve always had great service, plus it seems that I can always find a Best Buy promotional code to add a little extra savings to the mix. I figure you can’t go wrong with that, especially since y’all know how much I talk about how I don’t check out online without first looking for a coupon code. It’s all about the savings, which gives us more money to spend on other technical goodies, such as WiFi Internet for mom and dad.

October 20, 2010

My thoughts on Eat, Pray, Love

Filed under: Quotes- Soul Food,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:48 am

As I mentioned yesterday- Desere and I went to the movies last night to see the movie based on Liz Gilbert’s book entitled Eat, Pray, Love. I first heard of the book when Gibert was on Oprah and then again when I saw Julia Roberts (who played Liz Gilbert in the movie) on the Oprah show earlier this year. At that point I hadn’t read the book (and still haven’t), but yet I knew I wanted to see the film.

I knew what to expect going into the movie and had heard that some people didn’t like it and found it boring. I went in with an open mind and walked out smiling with a few tears streaming down my face. I was really tired when we went last night and I was afraid that I’d doze during the movie- especially since it was more than two hours long. That never happened. I yawned a few times, but not out of boredom.

If you are expecting a fast paced typical Hollywood film, then I’d say skip this movie, but you could be missing out on something special. I loved the movie and cried several times at some of the things that were said and found myself relating on so many levels. Not with my current relationship, but with relationships past. I believe it’s something that we can apply to all facets of our lives. This movie is based on one woman’s journey to find herself, but yet there is a piece of all of us wrapped up in this film.

“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

October 18, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:52 am

I haven’t read the book Eat, Pray, Love but ever since I saw Julia Roberts on Oprah talking about her experience in taping the movie, I’ve wanted to see it.   In fact, I’ve wanted to read the book, but it is one of those that I haven’t bought yet and now that I’m going to see the movie, I may not end up buying it after all.   I’m weird in that sense.  Usually if I read the book, I may not see the movie.   If I watch the movie, I never seem to read the book afterwards. I’m not sure why that is.

Tomorrow night Desere and I are going to the movies to see Eat, Pray, Love and I’ll be sure to let y’all know what I think.  I’ve heard mixed reviews on it, but since I know what to expect going in, I can’t imagine it being a bad movie.   After all- it does contain eating, praying and loving-   How could anything with all that goodness be bad?

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