Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 20, 2012

One Month and Counting

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Travel — gardener @ 9:30 am

One month- I’m on the official countdown until our trip home. It goes without saying that we are extremely excited about it. Today we took care of the forms we needed to get done- and this coming week, I’ll get one of my passports renewed and we will be ready to go.

I still have a LOT to get done in this time frame, but it’s hard for me to believe that we are down to the final count. It seems like we haven’t been home in years- although I know that isn’t the case. Let’s get this party started!! The countdown has begun!!

October 12, 2012

On the Running Trail

Filed under: 5k Training,Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home,Inspiration — gardener @ 2:31 pm

20121012-232605.jpg I don’t know how many of you who read this space are aware of this, but I have a goal of running my first 5k when I’m home for the holidays this year. It has been on my radar since our last trip home and even more so now.

In preparation, I’ve been running some and walking almost daily. Where I’m at right now is about 4 miles daily- sometimes more. It feels good, and on the days that I can’t- like today, I can tell.

The good thing is, my body far more capable than my mind says. My limits are few and I plan to break through more and more of them.

Winding Down

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 2:23 pm

It has been a busy week and we are tapping on the heels of a busy weekend with Marcel’s birthday celebration this weekend.

Once it has passed, I plan to actually unplug for a few days, with the exception of Pinterest and a few other little things.

Is everyone a member? If you aren’t you are missing out. I find the best ideas there for baking and cooking, but also things like making classroom furniture look more hip and trendy, plus making the most amazing things out of what others would consider trash.

I’m getting some ideas for Christmas projects started. I can’t wait!!

September 20, 2012

Home Improvement Goal Setting

Filed under: Home — gardener @ 10:35 am

While Marcel and I were out walking today- we started discussing our goals for next year in terms of what we’d like to do in our home. We’ve been talking about how we would like to move- but with the market as it is- we’ve decided it would be better to do some improvements here and enjoy our space even more. One of those projects looks like it will include leather seat repair on an old chair that is in our storage shed. It’s an old family piece and I think Marcel would really like to have it displayed in the house again and personally, I think we can make it happen. In addition we plan to paint the walls (if we can agree on a color) and do some changes in the kitchen, which are needed for my business.

We have a few ideas, but first- we plan to get past our vacation and then start planning home improvements.

August 20, 2012

Smart Idea

Filed under: Food for Thought,Home,Life — gardener @ 10:25 am

Two months ago- I found out that of my neighbors wives passed away suddenly. I don’t know them very well, but I do know that they are elderly and they have no children. It has been a difficult transition for him, knowing that he’s alone- even though he will say that she was much better off passing away because she’s no longer in pain. I heard a few days ago that he’s considering donating property to charity when he passes away and is working on getting the proper paperwork in order. I think that’s a really smart thing to do- instead of allowing it to become property of the State once he passes.

July 27, 2012

Welcome Rain

Filed under: Home,Inspiration — gardener @ 8:21 am

I love balance- not only in my life- but in everything around me.   We’ve had GREAT weather this week-  amazing, in fact- but the blue skies are now cloudy- and it’s begun to rain.   I don’ t mind.   In fact, I’m sitting outside on the covered verandah as I type this enjoying the smell of rain and the feel of the temps dropping.    It also means that I won’t need to water the plants tonight, as Mother Nature has that covered.

Balance-  It’s so important isn’t it?  In all aspects of life.   I can tell when I find myself getting out of balance and know that it’s time to start being more aware.   It’s a great thing in my eyes-  an inner compass so-to-speak and as long as I pay attention I know I’m where I need to be.


July 26, 2012

Happiness in a Cup

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 8:01 am

I  was at a restaurant for dinner not too long ago and when I ordered coffee- this is what they gave me-  “Happy Beanz”.  The name alone made me smile, but the coffee was delicious!

I’ll admit that I was a bit skeptical since they used to serve my beloved Illy coffee, and I was sad to see it gone, but this gave Illy a run for the money.  It’s still not my beloved, but it was really good and with a name like Happy Beanz- how can you go wrong?

July 6, 2012

Let them Eat Cake

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Life — gardener @ 10:46 am

Last week (and the week before), Marcel asked what I’d like for my birthday this year. Since we are trying to save moolah- I told him that I really didn’t want anything, but he hasn’t been having any part of that. Over the years he has given me two charm bracelets– one silver and the other gold. I wear them both, but these days I tend to lean towards the silver.

As for my birthday- I’ll just be happy to have a great day in the company of people who love me, and maybe a little cake. Ok, definitely cake.

June 6, 2012

Hectic Week

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 12:30 pm

In addition to being super busy this week (my busiest week planned all month, thus far), I’ve been having to take care of a few extra things for Marcel and also on the prowl trying to find a place to buy welding jackets for a project that someone I know is working on. I can’t believe that it’s Wednesday already- and the next couple of days are going to be me hitting the ground running in order to be able to check everything off my ‘to do’ list. Next week is looking a little less hectic- and I’m looking forward to some kitchen experiments and hopefully sunshine so I can get in some bike rides.

May 25, 2012

Let’s Party

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 9:12 am

I’m finally feeling somewhat better than I have been in quite some time. I’m still not 100% but I know that I’m well on my way and that makes me happy. I was talking with a good friend yesterday about all the great plans happening this summer and I’m excited about them all.

Not only am I hosting several parties, but I’m also going to be attending quite a few, along with several other fun outtings with great, great people. I don’t know about you, but there is something energizing about being around people who are positive and fun- it fills my soul with joy!

Today, we finished doing all the flower planting- got the fountain running and I’m sitting outside right this moment and thinking about Globe String Lights Outdoor and how great they would be for evening entertaining. One thing I would love to find is a huge old tin tub or maybe even a huge flower pot to fill with ice and put beverages in to keep them cold. Yes indeed- I’m ready to get these festivities started.. and the planning has already started.

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