Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 21, 2009

A Challenge…

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 7:13 am

“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, can not keep it from themselves.”

I love this quote- and it was in a book about friendship that a dear friend sent me for my birthday. I’ve heard it before, but it brought a smile to my face to find it in that particular book. Little things like that bring joy to my soul.

It also brings me to the challenge I present to you- See if you can’t bring sunshine into the life of someone you know- or maybe even someone you don’t. You don’t have to share it with me, although I’d love it if you did.

We all have a light within- it’s up to us to let that light shine!

July 16, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration — gardener @ 6:42 am

In spite of waking up this morning with a little allergy / sinus thing going on, I feel good. 

Since Samantha left, I’ve been spending a little time reflecting about the people in my life, and what they mean to me.    Gone are most of the negative people-  you know the ones, the weeds in our proverbial garden of life.   I’ve weeded most of them, and what few remain are contained in a corner.  Slowly but surely, they’ll eventually be gone as well.  

It isn’t that I don’t care about them, but there are some people that rob us of our energy and who don’t seem to respect the boundries that we set, and I’ve learned in the past couple of years that I’m not obligated to share my life with people that I really don’t want to share my life with- so I’m not.

I’ m grateful for all the wonderful people in my life.  I’ve been blessed with many wonderful friends, and people who have re-entered my life from the past who have also brought so much joy to me.    I’m grateful for the friends that I’ve made over the past years, some of which I haven’t had the opportunity to meet in person, but I know that one day I will.

Perspective is everything… I’ve realized recently that I need to spend time focusing on what matters, and letting go of the things that don’t.   As difficult as that is, and I’m still learning to do that-  I already see a difference in life. 

I’m content… Does it mean that I don’t have goals and ambitions?  Certainly not- but it means that I’m happy at this place I am in life, and the future only gets brighter from here folks.

My Gratitude List for July 16, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Contentment, and all that it embodies.
  • Eva and Erik for being an example to many of what love is-  I’m honored to count them amongst my friends.
  • Ice cold green tea.
  • Film Grain phases.
  • Cajun Shrimp nail polish.

June 25, 2009

On Living a Meaningful Life

Filed under: Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 9:37 am

I often find it interesting how certain events in our life find us at a crossroads where we are faced with the decision of which ‘road’ to take. Neither is necessarily the ‘wrong’ path, but one is usually more fruitful than the other. Truth is- in the past, 9 out of 10 times, I’d do like most people and take the path of least resistance.

Again, it wasn’t a ‘bad’ choice, but it wasn’t always the ‘best’ choice. Somewhere along the road, something within me changed.. and I realized that ‘getting by’ was no longer enough- that I’d been getting exactly what I’d been giving- enough to get by, but I wanted more.

I realized that ‘getting’ more would mean that I would have to ‘give’ more- more of myself, and that meant actually ‘showing up’ both emotionally and physically- ready to do my best.

It was when I started ‘showing up’ every day in my own life, that I noticed things starting to change. My outlook changed, but mostly I realized that I could do far more than I ever thought I could.

Several days ago, when I called mom to tell her about my adventure in climbing the tower with Vivian, she was excited for me. She knew how often in the past, I’d been defeated before I ever started, simply because I had the mentality that I ‘couldn’t’, so I didn’t show up. I don’t mean in the physical sense, I mean in the emotional/mental sense. I can’t tell you how many times I’d stop doing something, just because things got a little difficult, or because I’d convinced myself I couldn’t, before I ever tried.

I was and still am excited about climbing that tower and those 465 steps. The fact that my legs have never been so sore in my life didn’t matter, what mattered is that I accomplished what I set out to do, and I never once doubted myself. I ‘showed up’, was present and ready to meet any challenge head on.

Today, while going through emails- I came across the following quote, which I found not only timely, but also true. I wanted to share it here, allowing me to glance back at it from time to time when I may need a reminder.

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.

– Sam Ewing, humorist

May 16, 2009

On Bringing Out the Best in Others

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 9:56 am

When my friends triumph, I don`t think anyone cheers them on louder than I do.   I am literally THRILLED for each and every accomplishment that they have.   I stand with them and rejoyce, and I try to encourage them to see in themselves the very things that others see in them.  

Even when I know a friend is making a choice that I don`t believe will turn out the way he/she hopes- if my opinion is asked, I give it,  I encourage them, and hope that my opinion was wrong.   I never want to see people I care for stumble, but if the day comes that they do, I want them to know that I`m there for them if they need me.

The same goes for my “True Blues”.  I know that no matter what happens, that they`ll be there for me in times of triumph, and also in times of tears.  

I have been asking myself, and I’ll ask you- When is the last time that you encouraged someone that you know to take a step forward and live their potential?  

There are times when people are scared to take that next step, and just seeing that someone else believes in them, is enough to give them the strength to move forward.

I thought the following words of ‘wiz’dom are a gentle reminder of that very thing.

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” – Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman

How can you bring out the best in others?

Everyone has hidden treasures of talent and undiscovered potential. Everyone has something substantial to contribute.
Why are these valuables still buried beneath the surface?
Why don`t they shine through?
Confidence may be an issue. By teaching someone a new skill, you can help build that confidence.
People need someone to believe in them. They need to know that if they take that first step out of their comfort zone, someone will be supporting them all the way.

With small words of encouragement, with just a little extra time, that someone could be you. In some cases, others may just be unaware of their true abilities and potential. If you`ve never tried to shoot an arrow, how do you know that you`re not the next Olympic archer? Concentrate on bringing out the best in others, and you`ll bring out the best in yourself. Then stand back and watch `em go.

May 6, 2009

The Window To YOUR World.

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration — gardener @ 7:39 am

I’m eternally curious, much to the frustration of my parents, and some of my friends.

I often wonder, if we could peek inside the windows that represent the lives of others, what we would see? I also wonder what others would see if they had the opportunity to peek into my life- what my life says about me- what my actions and reactions project to others?

“Life is not a ‘brief candle.’ It is a splendid torch that must be made to burn as brightly as possible before it is handed on to the next generation.” -George B. Shaw

Some of you may have known my original blog- the title was “Let Your Light Shine”. It represents many things to me, but mostly it reminds me to ‘shine on’ in spite of what speedbumps or roadblocks life may send my way. There are times when in order to do that, I must retract, rethink and create a new game plan, and others when I rally around those I love the most, reaching out to them for their help and wisdom, aways knowing that even in those darkest days, there are good things happening.

Today, I was going through some old emails, and came across these words of ‘wiz’dom from Spark People.

Light is meant to be shared. If you try to hoard it or keep it covered, out of everyone’s sight, you’ll just end up smothering it. Try to close it in your fist so it doesn’t get away, and it burns you. You can’t possess light. All you can do is appreciate it, use it and help others use it, too. In the same way, your life is also meant to be shared. Many people look upon their lives as something that must be jealously protected and stowed away. They block out others and are afraid to share their time. What happens? Their spark suffocates. But there are others who have an abundance mentality. They believe, correctly so, that there’s plenty of life to go around, that all flames get brighter when we share them. They know that when we invest energy in others, we get even more in return. Don’t sacrifice your chance at a bonfire because you’re too busy trying to keep a tiny match from going out.


My Gratitude List for May 6, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The burn on my  hand this morning when I spilled coffee on it, not being much worse than it was.
  • “Home Alone” time.
  • Marcel coming to my ‘rescue’ when I spilled coffee on my hand.
  • Fresh Cod Fish for tonight’s dinner.
  • Shining lights.

April 9, 2009

On Changes

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 11:27 am

Often I hear people talk about how they are miserable about something in their life.   Truth is, there have been times when I have been exactly the same.   There were things happening in my life that I wasn’t happy about, but rather than actually taking the action to make the necessary changes, I would ‘talk’  about how miserable I was, becoming entrapped in the cycle of misery, and denial.  

To some, it’s easier to be miserable and to live in a situation that clearly isn’t working, than to make the actual effort to change.   After all, you’ve been miserable for so long, you’ve kind of gotten use to it haven’t you? 

For years, I did the same thing-  I complained about being over weight, and wanting to lose weight, all while shoveling thousands of calories of garbage down my throat, and washing it down with liter after liter of Mountain Dew.  

Truth was, I didn’t WANT to be overweight (after all who does?), but I also wasn’t prepared to stop talking and start DOING. 

At least until last year, when I finally decided enough was enough and started making changes for ME.   It wasn’t just about saying no to fast food and junk, and replacing it with fresh fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.  It also wasn’t JUST about getting out and actually moving and adding cardio to my lifestyle, but it was an entirely different change of mindset, which occurs when we are ready to own our choices and make a change.

I am far from perfect.  I stumble, and some days I fall, but to quote something someone said to my nephew last weekend-  “You can give out, but NEVER give UP.”    and I don’t. 

Change is possible in all aspects of our lives.  If you have something that is no longer working in your life, make the change.  Stop waiting for someone to wave a magic wand and ‘fix’ it all, because the only cure to your problems is YOU.

Own all of your choices

The choices you make today will determine the path that your life will take. When you sit back and look at the decisions you’ve made in your life, are you happy with the route you’ve paved? If you’re not, make a change today. The next time you make a choice, ask yourself if this decision will lead you to the path you want to travel along. Set some new goals that will lead you to your dreams and then plan your course.

“Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made”  – Wayne Dyer


March 28, 2009

Living Beyond Our Self Imposed Limitations

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 1:36 am

Anyone who knows me knows that I love quotations and words that motivate and inspire. I like to share things that I come across that serve to inspire and motivate me, in hopes that it will have a domino effect in the lives of those around me.

This morning, I came across the wise words of Ralph Marston, which I share below. If you were a regular reader of my old journal, then you know that I often shared Ralph’s words of ‘wiz’dom.

When I began my weight loss journey in January of 2008, I learned to set myself free, to let go of the excuses, realizing that the only person who was holding me back, was ME.

These words below can be said about so much more- and I find myself being challenged in other aspects of my life- to realize that ‘can’t’ is a word that defeats me before I even begin, and that even if I don’t succeed in the way that I may have hoped, just beginning is moving towards the goal, towards grasping the brass ring.

I hope that today, you’ll also be challenged to reach beyond yourself, outside of your comfort zones and go for the brass ring.

Happy Saturday- Thanks Ralphie, for these great words of ‘wiz’dom.

Set yourself free

There is no outside force holding you back. You are holding you back and you are blaming it on someone or something else.
The way you are able to continue holding yourself back is by maintaining the illusion that you’re a victim. Once you release that illusion, you will naturally and easily move forward.

In fact, it is easier to fulfill your best possibilities than it is to avoid them. So let go of the blame and watch the limitations drop away.

Certainly there will always be challenges, and yet it is not the challenges that hold you back. For each challenge provides you with a pathway through which you can move toward fulfillment.

It is your very nature to accomplish. Lovingly accept your destiny, and allow that accomplishment to be manifest through you.

Set yourself free to follow your purpose. Set yourself free to truly live.

— Ralph Marston

March 19, 2009

What Have You Done Today….

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 1:57 pm

Those of you who know me, know that it’s no secret that I’m a HUGE fan of the NBC television show The Biggest Loser.  I watch not only the American version, but also the Australian version, and am inspired by the transformations that occur in the lives of the participants.   I consider it to be one of the biggest sources of inspiration for me taking off 82 pounds of excess weight that I’ve been carrying around for far longer than I’d like to admit.   This year, I plan to reach the goal weight that I’ve been working so hard to achieve.

The theme song to The Biggest Loser (U.S.) is a song by Heather Small that I first heard years ago on the Oprah Winfrey show-   it’s called  What have you done today  and the words are nothing short of inspiring.

What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It’s never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

Still so many answers I don’t know
Realise that to question is how we grow
So I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can’t stop me now
And you can do the same

What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It’s never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

We need a change
Do it today
I can feel my spirit rising
We need a change
So do it today
‘Cause I can see a clear horizon

I read earlier that success creates success and I believe that to be true. Each time we accomplish something, especially something that we’ve strived for, or were maybe fearful of in the past, it makes it much easy to accomplish the next time.

I can’t tell you how many times in the past that I would be defeated in something before ever allowing myself to try- just the thought of certain things overwhelmed me, and I can’t became more the rule than the exception. It was the excuse I used for many things in life- but no more.

Even when I’ve had to take baby steps, instead of leaps and strides, I’ve done that- and taken pride in knowing that the momentum is forward, and moving forward is progress.

I’ve noticed that the more I accomplish, the more I want to accomplish, and realize that the only thing limiting what I’m capable of is ME. How often are we our own worst enemy?

I remember last year vacationing in the Czech Republic (Prague) with my parents and Marcel. I’d started working out and living a healthier lifestyle at the beginning of the year, and our trip was in April. I remember standing at the base of the Charles Bridge at the location of Prague Castle, and how it towered over the city, and we were walking to get there. I remember thinking to myself, that I could ‘never’ get to the top of that hill- that it was just too high, and that I didn’t think I could make it.

I remember pausing and telling myself that those negative thoughts were exactly what was holding me back in life, and that IF I didn’t try, I’d already failed. It didn’t matter if I got winded, or even tired, but trying was the important thing.

What I wasn’t counting on, was just how much those few months of exercise had done for my physical condition. I breezed up to the top of that hill, overlooking the red clay rooftops down below and found that I wasn’t even winded.

I had tears in my eyes at the sense of accomplishment, and also wondered how many times my self defeating attitude had held me back in the past. Never again.

There are many things that we can do each and every day to be proud of, and even if it’s something as simple as turning off the phone and computer and spending time with our loved ones instead of answering emails and taking phone calls- it’s something to be proud of.

So tell me- What have YOU done today to make you feel proud???


My Gratitude List for March 19, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The sense of accomplishment I feel after working out, and pushing myself.
  • Sitting outside with Marcel and Mister M. this afternoon, and soaking up the sunshine.
  • Great deals for some of my favorite products at the supermarket.
  • Being invited to join a new promotional group for a certain product.
  • Ground almonds and hazelnuts, which is more delicious than any peanut butter.
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