Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 17, 2010

True Callings

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration — gardener @ 4:18 am

I found this in my email this morning from “The Daily Love” and it happened to be something that I needed to hear today. I don’t believe there are accidents in life and this was yet another confirmation of that fact.

A friend asked me yesterday if I was ok. When she asked me that I paused, because I wasn’t sure what she meant, so I asked her. She said that I didn’t seem as ‘happy’ as usual. Before I answered her, I decided to think about that for a moment and I found that I’m not ‘unhappy’ but yet there has been so much going on around me that has tapped into my emotions that I’ve often not had anything left over for the things that bring me joy. It’s time to start tapping into that joy again- those things that make me happy and being creative is one of those things.

Life ends not when you die, but when you stop believing in your true calling. Your true calling isn’t something your friends, parents or lovers want you to become. Your true calling isn’t living vicariously through someone else. And most certainly your true calling isn’t working just to “make a living” and “get by”.

Your true calling is that soft voice within you urging to be creative. Your true calling is the visions of a better life that you have. Your true calling is your Creator whispering to you who you really are.

One day we will all breathe our last breath. The only difference between those of us who will live a fulfilled life in the flow of their true calling and those of us who don’t is this: know that you are already dead, die to your fear and give up everything except what whispers to you in the quiet hours.

Follow your vision, do what makes you happy – it is your birthright to live in joy. But it is 100% your choice whether you do or not.

Say no to your fear. Live your true calling. Set sail and don’t look back.

April 9, 2010

New Feature @ Simply Wizardress- 5 O’ Clock Fridays

Filed under: Inspiration,Life,photography,Techy,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 4:58 am

My alter ego Simply Wizardress has started a new feature which will begin today- at none other than 5 O’ Clock. It’s appropriately called 5 O’ Clock Friday’s and anyone can participate, blogger or non-blogger.

All you need to do is take a picture at 5 O’ Clock today and send it in. Or you can write about it or share it somewhere else and let me know where it is so I can link it. I think it will be fun, and you can read more about it by reading about it at

The more participation the better- so come on’ join in.

April 8, 2010

New Mantra-

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 10:14 am

Repeat after me- Ok, you don’t have to, but when I read this, I felt as though it was written for me. I’m going to add it to my phone, my fridge and any place else where it can reach out, grab me and serve as a reminder.

” Most barriers to your success are man-made. And most often, you’re the man who made them.” – Frank Tyger

April 6, 2010

What is YOUR Signature?

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:55 am

~ “Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature.” ~

I’m not sure who wrote this amazing quote, but it definitely made me pause for a moment and ponder the meaning beyond the surface. Think about it- What do the things you do and say say about you? What is YOUR signature?

Is your signature something positive or does it leave something to be desired? Does it drain the energy out of others, or does it inspire and encourage?

Just a lil food for thought on this Tuesday afternoon.

April 5, 2010

Fork in the Road

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 7:55 am

Well, I’ve reached a point where I’m ready to start making some different choices and part of that means that I’ll be creating a new space to totally focus on health and weight loss. It’s about my journey to a healthier and “lighter” life, but also about realizing that as long as I believe in myself, I can do anything.

I’ll be sharing the link to the site as soon as it’s up and running, but in the meantime, I’ve come to the proverbial fork in the road. I have a choice- I can take the easy way out and do what’s least painful (in many ways), but that doesn’t come without it’s own set of risks, or I can take the road less traveled and beat a trail through the woods as I travel through uncharted areas and push myself to new limits.

You’re welcome to join me. It won’t be easy, and I won’t be sugar coating it, but it will be real, and I can assure you, not only will my life be changed, but if you join me and commit yourself 110%, so will yours.

The choice is yours.

March 31, 2010

I Needed This

Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 4:30 am

I’m having a pretty difficult day today. As one of my friends mentioned to me a few days ago, I’ve really had a bad month. Truth is, it isn’t me that has had a bad month, but those around me in the things that have happened, but I guess it has really taken a deeper toll on me than I thought.

Today, in spite of getting my work done, I find that there isn’t much else I feel like doing. I don’t want to do anything but cry and I’ve shed quite a few tears. I haven’t eaten a bite of food, drank a drop of water or even coffee, and as most of you know, that’s a staple in my diet.

As I was browsing my new email, I came across this little article from SparkPeople, and it couldn’ have come at a better time. It’s just what I needed to see and hear, and I think when I finish this, I’m going to lie across the bed and reflect on it for a while.

“Suffering is the tuition one pays for a character degree.”– Richard M. Rayner, M.D.,

What You Really Learn from Hardships

“Perhaps you think this isn’t very ‘positive’ sounding, but I find it helps people (patients and friends) put hardship, which is inevitable, to good use,” says Richard. “People can use their suffering either to gain character or become bitter. The ones who choose bitterness live a long, slow death. The ones who choose character truly live.”

Richard is right on the money. Happiness and sadness don’t happen to us–they come from within. The story of your life will be written with or without your help. The next chapter is happening while you read this. Will you wait to see what it says later, or will you help write it?

March 23, 2010

Thinking Thin

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration — gardener @ 8:28 am

I’m a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and I decided that since I’ve lost a few pounds in the past week that I was going to start thinking ‘skinny’ and see what kind of difference it would mean. I don’t mean that I’m going to sit and think about being skinny while shoveling ice cream, candies and other sugary, fat laden goodies in my mouth, but instead I’m going to think thin while making conscious choices to eat well and excercise.

I’ve been really critical of myself in the past when I didn’t eat exactly the way I had planned or when I didn’t get that work out in, and I believe it produces negative results. I’m human and perfection is a myth and unattainable to all of us, so I’m giving myself a break and loving myself no matter what, and visualizing where I’d like to be for my own optiumum health- not just thinner, but with a low BMI and a happy, healthy heart.

February 22, 2010

All For a Reason

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:53 am

I was re-reading an article a little while ago that Martha Beck wrote that appeared in an “O” magazine back in 2008. The article is about time management and how that we often think that something is important just because it’s important to someone else. A particular quote from that article resonated with me when I read it for the first time in 2008, and yet I was reminded of that same quote when I read the article again today.

To live richly and avoid regret, we must give priority to things of real importance.

Now I know that each of us prioritize and compartmentalize things in different ways, so what may be important to me, may not even receive a second look from you. But what important is that we all realize that in order to make the most out of these beautiful lives we’ve been given, we need to really learn the difference in what really IS important and what may SEEM important but really isn’t.

The article goes on to say: Pay attention, and you’ll notice that even when you’re under “urgent” pressure to do something unimportant, it feels discordant and wrong. Do what really matters, and your life comes into harmonious alignment.. From there it gives information and tips on how you can prioritize your life and it works as long as you read the article, take notes and learn from it by applying the principals to your own life.

Even though I actually own the “O” magazine that this article was printed in, I actually received this article via email today from the “O” magazine mailing list. I hadn’t thought about that article in a while, nor had I practiced the principals, and believe me, my life shows it.

Do you think it was a coincidence that I received that article three days after recommitting myself to a work out routine and healthy eating and have been wondering how I’m going to find time to fit in work and exercise without having to get up at the crack of dawn? I can answer that one for you- Nothing is coincidence. There’s a reason for everything, and this was a reminder that I needed. I’m grateful that it came when it did.

February 11, 2010

I Need a Kick in the Pants

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 6:22 am

I’m not sure why, but I’m still struggling to get myself back on the work out track. I’m doing really well with my eating, but I can’t seem to force myself to get on that elliptical. My intentions are good, and I keep telling myself to ‘just do it’, but then I find other things to busy myself with and I don’t do it.

I know that in order to get rid of this 40 pounds before we head home for the holidays that working out is going to have to be a part of the equation. I feel motivated, at least until I actually get ready to work out. I can’t really expect to be an example to anyone else if I’m not walking the walk. Anyone want to give me a kick in the pants?

January 11, 2010

Just Doing It!

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 10:41 am

It’s the beginning of a new week and I can already tell it’s going to be a great one. Yesterday, I did something that I’ve never done before in my life- I walked on a frozen canal. Yes, I know it doesn’t seem like much, but trust me, for someone who has never walked on a frozen canal or any other body of water, it’s a big deal.

I wanted to slide on the ice but didn’t dare. After much encouragement from mom, I decided to stop being silly and just do it. The worst that could happen would be that I would fall and break my leg, arm or something else, but life would go on.

I’m happy to say that I DID do it, and I didn’t fall, or even almost fall. I loved it and I found myself wanting to learn how to ice skate. Marcel recorded it, so once I get it uploaded, I’ll share.

Do it today people- you never know when tomorrow won’t come, and who wants to live with regrets?

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