Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 28, 2013

Taking Care of Me

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home — gardener @ 11:32 am

Now that the hustle and bustle of getting everything done after being gone for two months- Marcel has started back to work and I’m taking a little time to just think about myself and relax.

After lots of indulgence during our holiday- it’s also time to get back into a healthy eating pattern and regular exercise regime. I’m taking one thing at a time- but the getting back into the healthier eating started yesterday.. It’s going to be a process, but I’ll get there. I’m determined for this to be a year of stepping out of allowing any type of fear to control my life- so I can live an unlimited life. That’s going to open doors in every aspect of my life- and I’m excited about it.

In the meantime- I’m still focusing on the positive around me- and even though I’m on a little break from a lot of technical aspects of life- I’m trying to keep up with blogging and start spending more time within my own thoughts and putting them out there.

So today’s bits of gratitude are as follows:

  1. The joy that playing ball with JJ brings me.
  2. Marcel going to the grocery store for me today since I was struggling with a migraine.
  3. Having nothing pressing-which is allowing me to concentrate on my own rest and getting back into the swing of things.
  4. Real friendships.
  5. Warmer temps after a week of below freezing weather.

January 21, 2013


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:26 am

As this trip is coming to an end- I’m feeling so full of gratitude for the beautiful people and experiences of this trip. Marcel and I spent a lot of time with my parents and I’m so grateful to be able to do that.. to have them both home and in good health. I don’t take that for granted as I know that life is so precious and short that we need to grasp those moments when we can.

I also feel so grateful for listening to myself- I’ve really been trying to do things because I want to do them and not because I feel as though I need to out of guilt or other peoples’ expectations. I’m grateful for that transition and how it makes me feel.. it’s a huge stress reliever.

I have so much to say and share about our trip- and so many wonderful moments that I’m grateful for- but it looks like some last minute company is popping in- so time for me to dash.

January 9, 2013

New Year

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 6:09 pm

Wow- It’s hard to believe that it’s been two weeks since I last wrote in this space or in any blogging capacity- but things have been ‘hopping’ around here. Right after Christmas we went to the mountains as a complete family and had a fantastic time. We stayed in a chalet there and it was fun to have us all together on a vacation since my brother and I were teens. (That’s a LONG time ago!)

Once we got back- it was time to ring in the new year- which we did right here at mom and diddy’s surrounded by friends, and with an adventure of hiking in the swamp on New Year’s Day. Yes, that ended up being more than an adventure, since I fell in the mud. It was hilarious though and made for a good laugh, but my first lesson of the year was never go hiking the swamps in Mary Jane shoes.

This year is shaping up to be a good one. I’m so grateful for the doors that have opened up to me over the last year and look forward to seeing good things happening this year. I’ve been blessed with so many ‘real’ and wonderful friends and I look forward to those friendships growing even more this year.

I feel grateful for the lessons learned last year- even the ones that came through painful experiences. I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason, and even though some things I didn’t necessarily understand at the time- later on, I realized that only by letting go and accepting that I don’t have to understand- that it opened the doors for many other blessings that I may have missed had I been looking and focusing on what was.

I don’t take anything for granted because I do know that nothing at all is promised. The only thing I know for sure is that I have this moment, and I’m loving each and every one I’m given.

December 21, 2012


Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 6:09 pm

I love my family! I have been excited about being here, but because of all the things that had happened (shootings etc.) I’d really been struggling to feel anything but sadness at the loss by so many this time of the year, but finally- two days ago- in the midst of cupcake baking- it hit me.

I’m grateful- for the silly cats that make me laugh on a daily basis- for my mom, diddy and Matt- for Marcel and for my absolutely fantastic friends. The ones that have VIP ringside seats to the inner circle- who love me for who I am- imperfections and all. For the email I received yesterday saying that my cupcakes are the best this person had ever eaten- for the reason of this season CHRISTmas. I’m grateful- for the pain and frustrations that have taught me life lessons… for letting go and moving forward and not allowing anyone to drag me into the darkness and out of the light- for not feeling bad for being who I am- and for not sinking away and being less just because some aren’t comfortable with me being me- for gallon people and for each breath that I take- for LIFE~

I am blessed and I’m SO grateful!

December 8, 2012


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 4:45 pm

Saturday’s bits of gratitude.

1- A day filled with fun and laughter out shopping with my sis. ♥ you!!!

2- Men who stop you in the parking lot of a store to tell you which register to use to get in and out of the store the fastest! Love tips like that and friendly people!

3- Being ‘home alone’ for a little while this evening- allowing me to catch up with a little work I need to get done.

4- Technology- which allows me to send photos and get instant answers while out shopping. Makes life So easy!

5- The golden glow of afternoon sunshine.

December 2, 2012

Sunshine on My Shoulders

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Home — gardener @ 9:03 am

It’s hard to believe that we have been home two weeks on Tuesday! Almost 1/4th of our vacation has passed in the blink of an eye. I’m definitely trying not to focus on that ever-spinning clock, but instead the fun and love that I’m feeling from everyone here. It’s a warmth like sunshine- and speaking of sunshine, we’ve also been seeing a lot of that as well.

We are really enjoying this time with family and friends, plus there have been a few surprises as well. I am finally in contact with my favorite high school teacher and we’ve made tenative plans to get together for lunch one day. I can’t wait.

So many great things happening all around and I’m grateful!

November 27, 2012


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 9:23 am

We are home for the holidays and having a super time- As always I’m feeling grateful- but on a different level. So happy to be home with family and friends.

Monday’s bits of gratitude.

1- Phone call love from family in other places. ♥

2- That I can sleep as well in my bed here as well as I can in the one at home in Holland.

3- Coupon Codes for free movies.

4- Cajun boiled Alaskan king crab made by diddy. YUM

5- Great customer service from Jessica- at Best Buy in Mobile.

November 16, 2012

Atittude of Gratitude- November 16

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 9:54 am

I know- you may have wondered what’s been happening to my gratitude posts- or if I’m even still living a life of gratitude, but to answer your question- yes, I am! I’m posting daily to my Facebook, since that’s where I spend most of my online time- and it’s good to see it from time to time throughout the day.

In addition, you never know when you may bless the life of someone else simply by sharing- so it’s a double dose of goodness. In giving- you not only bless the person you’re giving to, but you also bless yourself!

So without further verbage on my part-

Friday’s bits of gratitude:

1- The beauty of a flock of birds flying around outside in unison- It’s completely mesmerizing.

2- The angels that walk among us each and every day.

3- The ‘stroopwaffel’ guy at the market- who was thrilled that his waffels were once again going ‘global’ – so he tossed in a free one just because..

4- Learning from what doesn’t work and letting go.

5- Hindsight and the realization that it’s never too late to learn.

Blessings Abound

Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 8:43 am

This has been a year of blessings for so many people that I know. My brother has started a new life and is happier than I’ve seen him in .. well, ever. He has a new home- complete with boston bedroom furniture and other gorgeous furnishings- plus good things are happening all around him.

I also feel blessed. My business is doing well, and I have many great plans for the new year, which will hopefully allow it to expand and grow even more. I don’t take any of it for granted- I’m grateful. Not just for the month of November- but every day.

What about you-What are you grateful for?

October 26, 2012

Love and Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 12:50 pm

Even though I haven’t been posting them here very often- I’m still keeping in line with the ‘attitude of gratitude’ by posting them daily on my Facebook page. I have to say that in spite of having days where I have a little stress or feel overwhelmed- my abundance cup runneth over.

I’ve got some amazing friends- and I’ve found that in letting so some of the things I was holding on to that I shouldn’t have been- it has allowed more beauty into my life- and opened up a world of possibilities. Love it when those things happen!

So today- I’m feeling grateful for the following things.

Friday’s bits of gratitude.

1- An absolutely gorgeous day.

2- Fresh clean sheets on the bed.

3- My little side-kick JJ, who follows me everywhere I go.

4- Finding gift certificates in my inbox.

5- Listening to my gut instinct.

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