Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 27, 2009

Almost Forgot

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 12:46 pm

I almost logged out without sharing today’s gratitude list, and since I do like to take a moment out of my day to list just a few of the many things in life that I’m grateful for, I don’t want to leave without doing that.

I’d also love to hear something that YOU are grateful for today.

My Gratitude List for March 27, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • A great afternoon and lunch with Desere.
  • Discovering a new store that I didn’t realize existed.
  • Horseradish-Wasabi Sauce – One word (YUMMM)
  • Work! Yeah!
  • Solutions to life’s little problems

Now,  it’s your turn.    What is one thing you’re grateful for today?

Just Realized…

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 12:39 pm

As I sat down to type this, I realized that not only have I not eaten yet, but that I also have laundry in the washer that needs to be put in the dryer, so it looks like my time here is going to be very limited.

Since I’m sitting here squinting, because the lighting in this room isn’t very good, it probably isn’t a bad thing. I’ve noticed that when my allergies and sinues are giving me fits, then it seems that my eyes are less than stellar.   That coupled with the lighting, doesn’t make a great combination.

How have you spent your friday? I spent mine with one of my dearest friends, Desere. We went to lunch today at a very quaint restaurant that my sister-in-law suggested, and she was absolutely right when she said we’d love it. We did. The service was great, but the food was even better. We both had tomato soup in a bread bowl, surrounded by a salad of mixed greens, olives, feta, tomatoes, pickled bell pepper and other goodies. It was fantastic, and just enough that we were full and not stuffed.

Afterwards we did a little shopping and enjoyed the sunshine! I was so thrilled to see the sun today- since the weatherman said there wouldn’t be any, actually getting it on those days is an extra treat.

My stomach is growling, so time to eat.

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