Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 24, 2009

Gratitude List

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 12:17 pm

Since I forgot it in the previous entry- I wanted to take a moment out of this day and reflect on a few of the things I’m grateful for today. May this encourage or inspire you to do the same, and if you wish- feel free to share a few things you’re grateful for in comments.

My Gratitude List for August 24, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Meeting the goals that I’ve set for myself today and recognizing that I need to write a specific goal plan, rather than allowing it to swim in my head.  Seeing it on paper will help me achieve those goals.
  • Spending part of the afternoon with Bobbi, whom I’ve missed seeing.
  • My favorite tuna steaks being on sale.
  • Easy days in the kitchen, otherwise known as minimal cooking due to warmer weather.
  • Marcel, for not only washing the whites today, but also for hanging them on the line to dry.

Striking Balance

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 12:13 pm

This morning, after grocery shopping and in between work assignments, I had an email from my friend Bobbi that her morning plans had been canceled. Since I was in the process of putting away groceries at the time I saw her message, I decided to give her a call and see if she felt like popping over for a visit, since it had been what seemed like forever since I’d seen her, and I know she missed me. haha Actually, I missed her, and it was great to actually sit down with her and have a face-to-face chat as opposed to sending Facebook or email messages.

During her visit, I received email from two different contractors, with work for me to do. Once she left, I got busy with the assignments and completed the goal that I set for myself today with time to spare. One of my deadlines is in two days, and the other, which is a more complex assignment in some ways is due at the end of the week, with more work from both contractors upon completion of these projects.

What I did decide, is that I’m going to have to generate some sort of list so I can keep up with what I need and when I need it, so that I don’t get consumed in work and forget about everything else. After all, I am still searching to find that balance, and I do believe that the list will help in doing just that.

I don’t want to neglect my journals, and I also don’t want to neglect my interpersonal relationships, as my friends and family mean everything to me.

So tell me, how do you find balance in your life? Right now, I think I’m doing pretty well, but I still have a few things to scratch off my ‘to-do’ list before Marcel comes home from work in a half hour.

Guess that means I’d better get busy, and in the meantime, spill the beans. How do you find and keep balance in your life without losing sanity?

Knowledge is Power

Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 12:06 pm

Those of you who have known me any amount of time know how much I love to learn, and one of my absolute favorite things about todays technology is that attending university has broadened the horizons of what attending school really is. Rather than sitting in a actual classroom at specific times, online universties are allowing students to complete their degrees in virtual classrooms, from the comfort of their own homes.

My friend Michelle and I were recently having a conversation about education. She had been considering her Masters at an organizational development university which offers her the benefits of fitting classes into her already busy schedule, allowing her to complete her Masters degree much faster than she would if attending a traditional university.

She’d been considering her Masters in Organizational development at Gonzaga University, and the site has proven invaluable with information regarding her chosen path, and feel that she would have more long term career options if she’d instead persue her Masters in Organizational Leadership. She appreciates the challenge that this online university brings, plus the diverseness of the students in the virtual classrooms which offer many different perspectives to the mix, and thinks it would be the best option for her educational persuits. After looking at the site myself, I can see she’s right, and finds me with the desire to once again go back to university and learn.

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