Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 8, 2009

Back to Basics

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:29 am

I wrote a few days ago that I was giving myself a big kick in the pants and was going to be getting back in my work out routine so that I could get the rest of this weight off and I’m doing just that.

I haven’t actually started working out yet, because that lovely monthly visitor has arrived and she’s obviously mad about something because she arrived yesterday with a vengance. I know, for some of you, that may be a little TMI (too much information), but just close your eyes if you don’t want to see it, after all, it’s a part of nature.

I’ve been doing some reading and I’m fairly certain that I’m headed into perimenapause, which I would probably be indifferent about, other than the fact that it is making me extremely cranky at times. I did read that exercise helps with that as well, which is yet another reason that I should be working out.

I’ve started being more conscious about my eating again. Not that I wasn’t conscious before, but now I’m really being conscious. I want to get the rest of this weight off once and for all, and eating right and exercise is the only way to do it.

I’m kissing any processed sugars goodbye and will only get my sugars from fruits. I don’t eat much rice or potatoes, but I’m going to make sure that I am not overdoing it with them either, especially since I love potatoes so much and it’s easy to go on a caloric overload with them.

It’s back to basics for me, and once this monthly thing passes, you’ll see me on the bike, running, or on the elliptical at least five days a week with a little strength training tossed into the mix to build muscles.

More later- but if you’d like to join me on this journey- feel free to do the same 🙂 and let me know what YOU are doing.

October 5, 2009


Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 7:42 am

Marcel and I both woke up this morning freezing and we’ve been cold all day long. I pulled out one of my heavy sweaters, put it on and my favorite pair of jeans when I headed out to the supermarket, but let me tell you- I needed a jacket. I really thought that because there was no wind, that it wouldn’t be cold if I didn’t wear a coat, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I told Marcel that we need to order a electric fireplace insert so we can keep warm. Even though I’m home now and in my flannel PJ’s (yes during the day, because I can), I’m still cold. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long, cold winter. I don’t mind though. I love it, even if it’s through chattering teeth.

October 4, 2009

Kick In The Pants

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:43 am

Do you ever have those periods in time when you just can’t seem to get full no matter what you eat? That has been me the past few weeks. I know that my sinuses have been giving me a few problems, but the truth of the matter is, I can be hungry, and a half hour later I’ll feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks.

I know when mom reads this she’s going to call me and say that the reason I feel like this is because I haven’t been working out regularly. Ok, who am I kidding, the past few weeks I haven’t worked out at all, unless you count walking to the train station to go to Bible Study on Tuesday mornings, and browsing the supermarket aisles. It’s true.

The one plus to all of this, is that I haven’t gained any weight, so that is a blessing, but before I do, it’s time to get myself back on track and buckle down. One thing is for sure. I may be able to maintain this weight if I stay on this path I’m on, but I won’t be able to reach my goal weight, so it’s time to find the balance between work, excersise and play.

Who wants to join me? If you do- let me know and I’ll create a group blog where we can all write and support each others efforts. 🙂

October 1, 2009

Hard to Believe

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 3:53 am

It’s hard to believe that the last time I wrote here was last Saturday and here it is Thursday and another weekend is upon us.

It has been a busy week, and it’s difficult for me to fathom that it’s now the first day of October and before long we’ll be getting ready for Christmas. It’s a cool 57 degrees in the Land of Never, and in spite of the cool temps, I have the door open and am watching the birds dangle off this small bag of peanuts I have hanging outside for them. It’s cute and I adore the sound they make when they sing.

Mister M, on the other hand, would really love to get through that screen door and have one for lunch. He watches and stalks them and if they get on the ground in front of the door he tries to run at them. Luckily he knows the screen is there and he stops just before smashing his head into it.

He’s been very whiny lately, and I am unsure why. I do think that bringing JJ home is going to be an adjustment for him, but I know it won’t take long and they’ll be playing constantly.

What has been happening in your world?

October is a busy busy month for us this year, with a whole lot going on starting tomorrow with multiple parties on one day. Next weekend is Marcel’s birthday celebration, a trip to see baby JJ, and later in the month we’ll pick up JJ, plus Marcel wants to go out of town and do something. We’d thought about planning a big trip, but we decided against it since we have such an expense with buying JJ and bringing him home.

I miss everyone- well most everyone 🙂

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