Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 8, 2009

30 Days to Greater Happiness

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 2:50 am

I haven’t been on the computer too much this weekend, which is why y’all went yesterday without your daily dose of 30 days to Greater Happiness. Today, I’ll make up for it by giving y’all two days worth- what we missed yesterday, plus the one for today.

As for me, I’m going with two of my favorite guys to the park and spend some time running around and soaking up the sunshine.

November 6- Find meaningful work. The nature of your job isn’t as important as how you approach it. A positive attitude and a focus on the meaning behind your work makes it more rewarding.

November 7- Smile! Grinning, even if you don’t feel happy, releases seratonin in the brain, instantly lifts your mood and makes you feel better. Plus, smiling people are viewed as sincere, attractive, and social.

November 8- Make time for yourself. Persuing personal growth is just as important as spending time with others. Pencil in some ‘me’ time, even if it’s just a few minutes each day.

Sharing the News

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 2:41 am

I don’t know about y’all, but when the holidays roll around, I find that I don’t just think about gift ideas for people that I love, but when I come across things that I think my friends would benefit from, I want to share it with them. I have a friend who loves to travel, and she also happens to be expecting her first baby in January, and when I saw baby travel gear, I couldn’t help but think about her and how she could benefit from anything to make her traveling with the baby easier.

I’m excited for her and her husband and look forward to meeting baby Luca when he’s born. It won’t be that long now.

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