Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 19, 2010

Makes You Wonder

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Public Service Announcement — gardener @ 11:48 pm

Have you ever thought about how some of the ‘great’ advances in medicine have turned out to be more of a problem than something good? I was thinking about that the other day and about how some of the weight loss medications over the years have ended up causing heart problems and weren’t quite the ‘magic solution’ that some people thought they were.

I was even reading an article about human growth hormone side effects. It seems that nothing is without a side effect these days. My friend Desere was given some medication last night at the hospital to stop the pain that she was having from gall stones. When she got home, she read the paper with the side effects and it said- This medication does not help with pain associated with kidney or gall stones. When she called the hospital about it, they said they’ve been giving that medication for years. Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

New Look

Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 11:46 am

Welllll I finally took the plunge and changed the look here- I like it, reminds me of Spring and even though it isn’t something I designed myself, I’m thankful to the person who did design it- whomever you may be.

Soo What do y’all think??

Lightbulb Moments

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 8:57 am

Yesterday I started reading this book called Women, Food and God and even though I’m only on chapter 2, I’ve really been able to see myself in so many of the points that have already been made.

I think about all the things I’ve learned, and about the precentages of the people who gain the weight back after losing significant amounts. I think about all the things that I’ve held back from because of my weight, or because I allowed my weight to be a crutch and a reason to doubt myself. It obviously wasn’t about the weight- but so much more. I’ve known that for a long time, but it’s interesting to see things from yet another perspective- and to see a lightbulb go off in my head.

I’ve got a lot to learn, but I am enjoying the journey- even on the days that I can’t run the marathon, but instead have to walk- the important thing is that you continue to move forward, regardless of the pace.

That forward movement isn’t until this date- or that date- it’s LIFE, and as long as I’m LIVING (REALLY LIVING) then I should be moving forward, even if it means taking baby steps, or sometimes taking one step forward after taking two back. Just move– stop living in the past– and live NOW!!

Hormones Shomones…

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life's Little Hiccups,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 8:50 am

Remember a while back that I mentioned buying some Clearasil Gel stuff in hopes of sorting out these break out issues that I’ve been having? Well, I have been using it regularly for a while now- to the point that I probably have 1/3 of the bottle left, and I’m still not seeing any great results. Sometimes my face looks great, only to break out a week later. I have to say that it definitely is not the best acne treatment for me. Granted, I don’t technically have acne, but I’m having breakouts and they are never welcome- but especially UNWELCOME when I have a party to attend- like the one this past weekend. Yes, you got it- I had two spots on my face. I felt like a kid who woke up on prom day only to look in the mirror and find a huge spot on their face. That was me- only it was Marcel’s 25th anniversary gala and not the prom. I think I made it through without it being too traumatic though. Hormones- gotta love em.

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