Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 3, 2010

Gratitude- July 3, 2010

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 3:23 am

It has been a little while since I shared a gratitude list, so I thought that maybe it was about time I did so.     In spite of not being consistent with sharing them every day here, I do take some time out of my day, each day and think about the things I’m grateful for.    

I was walking with JJ this morning and an elderly neighbor was walking with me for part of the journey and I asked how she was doing.    She said that every day that her legs will take her where she wants to go, are good days.    She’s right-  It’s one of those little things that we take for granted, but that are so important.

My Gratitude List for July 3, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • My feet and legs, which happily take me everywhere I’d like to go.
  • Cooler temperatures and so far no rain.
  • Time spent with great friends.
  • JJ, for sleeping late this morning, which allowed me to sleep late.
  • My fan, which kept me cool all evening while I slept.

Finally Slept Well

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 3:16 am

Marcel worked all night last night, and I don’t even remember him coming home this morning. I usually hear him, and sometimes even have a conversation with him, but not this morning. I haven’t been sleeping well lately and I guess last night it finally caught up with me. The medication that I’m taking the the cramps I’ve been having obviously acted like sleeping pills last night. I woke up once and then went back to sleep 2 1/2 more hours before JJ woke me wanting to go out. I definitely needed it. I feel more rested today and that is something I’m grateful for.

The Heat Makes it Easy

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 3:11 am

I was thinking this morning about getting on the scales but ultimately decided not to. I can tell I’ve lost weight, and the one thing about the ‘heat wave’ we’ve been having is that I would consider it one of the best weight loss products out there. I tend to eat much less when it’s warm, plus I drink more and tend to avoid the hot foods. Who knows, maybe I will step on those scales sometime this weekend just to see what they say.

Celebrating the 4th.

Filed under: Holidays,Life — gardener @ 3:08 am

We have friends coming over today for a BBQ and I’ve been trying to get everything prepared for their visit. I’m happy to say that aside from carmelizing the walnuts to put in the cucumber apple salad, the food is prepared and everything is ready to go. I just hope the rains hold off so that we can sit outside when we eat, and maybe even see a few blue skies so that I can get some pictures of my friend Carrie. She’s very photogenic and I thought it would be fun to take some pictures of her, and she was sweet enough to agree.

My cramps have been horrible, so I’m having to take medication to keep the pain at bay, but at least I don’t have to suffer completeley. Right now, I need to finish breakfast and get a few other things done before they arrive.

If you are celebrating Independence Day this weekend, please be safe.

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