Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 22, 2011


Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 6:27 am

Several days ago I was talking to someone about negativity and how it tends to manifest within us if we aren’t careful.   I try to be a positive and happy person (most of the time) and see the best in every situation.   It isn’t always easy, but it’s something that I try to do, even though not always successful.

What I have noticed (or noticed over the last year) that when we surround ourselves with people who always see things in the negative or as a negative, that it’s quite simple to pick up that behavior.   It’s toxic and sometimes even without realizing it we can become negative.

Interstingly enough- last night I was watching TV and during a show someone mentioned a quote (I can’t remember by whom) that said,  “There aren’t negative happenings in life, but simply negative reactions.”    

I’m a firm believer that perpective is everything, and if you expect negative- you will definitely get it.   On the flip side of that coin:  it doesn’t mean that you will never be given obstacles (that’s unrealistic and a completely different topic) but it’s what you do with those obstacles that count.     You can let them be a brick wall- stopping you in your tracks, or you can use them to learn from- to add to your life experiences that leaves you richer and knowing that the biggest thing stopping us at times isn’t what happens to us- but how we choose to react to it.

Done! #64 on My List

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days — gardener @ 6:18 am

  Several days ago my friend Kimmie (who also has her own 101 in 1001 list said that I had already done #64 which is Influence a person to make their own Day Zero List.   I hadn’t even thought about her being inspired, since I saw us as doing the project together.   I still had plans to  mark it ‘Done’ on my list but hadn’t had the opportunity. 

My friend Maggie has also decided to add this to her ‘to do’ list, and since she’s also very creative- I’m looking forward to seeing what she comes up with.   I have to say- that I’m really enjoying the fact that this list is going to require me to do some thinking outside of the box, along with planning.  

This is a ‘fun’ project, but I also consider it a tool to help me grow as a human being.  I’m curious how my views will change (if at all) after completeing the 1001 things.

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