Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 4, 2011


Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 10:36 am

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately focusing on the good. There are many stressful things going on around me, but rather than jumping in and worrying about them, I realize that with some things I can’t change them- so I just make myself available if someone needs me- and the rest I let go.

It does’t mean I don’t care- It means I can’t change some things, so what’s the point in worrying about it?

I’m focusing on the good and in turn- it is bringing more good things. We only get one life- so why not make the best out of every second?

Vacation Planning

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop,Travel — gardener @ 9:37 am

Now that I’m pretty sure that we’ll be taking a vacation with mom and dad later this year- I’ve put on my ‘tour guide’ hat and have started making plans. I don’t have anything set in stone as of yet- but I’m scouting locations, one of which could find us in the South of France. We will see where the travels take us. In the meantime- I’ve been playing Words with Friends with my brother and think he’s using a franklin speaking language master to help come up with words. He has literally beat me every single time we’ve played. Maybe I should get one and do some studying while we are on vacation. I simply have to beat him on of these days.

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