Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 25, 2011

Food, Food and More Food

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Travel — gardener @ 7:43 am

That could be the story of my life lately- FOOD, FOOD and MORE FOOD! There are days (like today) when I see photos of myself and I feel so disappointed with the fact that I haven’t reached my goal yet in terms of weight loss. I also know this is because I’m not doing the work and the fact that I have allowed everyday stress and pressure to get the better of me, which has resulted in less than stellar food choices. I own that fact- but for some reason it seems to be more than a matter of ‘just doing it’– my brain seems to be short circuited. I know – it sounds crazy, but it’s true. That’s how I feel at the moment.

I came across a picture of myself the other day- one that I had in my address book as a reminder of where I don’t want to be again- and while I look nothing like that anymore- I still see myself has having a way to go. It will come- I know it will and I also know I’ve got to stop being so hard on myself- but I also need to reel in the reigns that is my life and start working through all that’s happening in my grey matter.

Right now- there is fun to be had with mom and diddy- so the best I can do is try to make healthier choices- and skip the chocolate.

Male Bonding

Filed under: Travel — gardener @ 7:38 am

Last night we were lounging around and watching a show that takes place in Florida (the name slips my mind) and it was about things that happen on the beaches in Florida with the lifeguards. It’s a pretty interesting show- and it amazes me at some of the things they have to deal with. While we were watching- Marcel asked if that the next time we go home for the holidays if we could possibly hook up with orlando fishing guides and find some of the best spots to fish. I know it’s something he’s been wanting to do for a long time- so maybe he, diddy and Matt can go. I know they’d all enjoy a little male bonding time.

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