Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 16, 2011

Goal Setting

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 6:27 am

I’ve been thinking about the things I’d like to accomplish in 2012 and I’m already working on setting some goals to allow me better time management and also to get me back in the right mindset for not only getting things done but for being more positive. I consider myself a pretty positive person, but I’ve allowed a few negativities to take root and manifest in my life and I’m working on ‘weeding the garden’ so-to-speak.

One thing that I’m definitely going to be doing is spending more time focusing on the little things I’m grateful for. I used to share them here often- and I’m going to get back to doing that list.

Another thing- is taking more time to nuture and take good care of my body. I’ve only got one- and I haven’t been doing all that I can to take care of it and I know I should. I owe it to myself.

More on the horizon- but this is a good thing to refer back to as I start preparing and writing things down. 2012 is going to be a good year- I’m certain of it.

Little by Little

Filed under: Home,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 6:23 am

Since we finally bought some new living room furniture- something we’d been talking about for a while and in desperate need of- we have decided that next year we’re going to do some other home improvements. Possibly some new interior doors- painting throughout, along with some new light fixtures and maybe even some switch plate covers. The plan is to wait until Spring- when we can open the doors without freezing- since the smell of paint will bother my allergies- but I’m already starting to get excited about planning and getting it done.

Little by little- 2012 is shaping up to be an amazing year.

Low Profile

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:16 am

I’ve been keeping a pretty low profile since I haven’t been feeling well and unfortunately that means I haven’t been coming on my laptop as much and writing- anywhere. I realized a few days ago that it could be part of why I’ve been feeling the way that I am, because writing can be somewhat like therapy for me- even if it’s something that I only read myself. It’s a way for me to purge my feelings and thoughts on certain issues and move on. Since I haven’t been doing that- I’ve noticed that I’ve been dwelling on certain things for far longer than I usually would- so a lesson to me- don’t stop writing, even when you don’t feel like doing it.


Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 5:16 am

Even though I haven’t had much of a physical presence on my blogs- (that is about to change)- I’ve still been busy with a gazillion other things like trying to get my business off the ground and trying to make decisions such as whether I need a reporting engine and other technical goodies. I’ve had to do the research on my own- and I admit it is a bit daunting and I find myself a bit lost at times- but that could be a culmination of a list of things. I do feel as though I’m making progress though and I hope that means I’ll be able to go into the New Year with a new perspective and a boost in business. I have faith, but I know it will just take time.

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