Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 23, 2012

Little Things-

Filed under: Gratitude,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 1:13 pm

I’m one of those people who really delight in the little things. I know the ‘little things’ vary by person, but I’ll give you an example. We needed dog and cat food, but I’ve been putting off ordering it because it’s expensive. Granted, it lasts for six months or maybe even longer, but it’s still a chunk of change at once- especially when we need both.

So- I was online getting ready to place the order and I had been looking around for coupon codes (Something I always do before checking out anywhere online) and I couldn’t find anything. I decided to go through my email and see if there were any there- and the ones that I found were expired. Then I saw one from two years ago that was for bulk orders, and since what I was doing was technically a bulk order- I decided to try the code- after all what’s 20 seconds of my time? It worked!! AND it saved us about 12.00!! Needless to say- I was a very happy girl.

See what I mean about the little things? What little things have made you happy lately?

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