Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 6, 2012

Gratitude – June 6, 2012

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 1:28 pm

Things have been happening around here at warp speed- so I haven’t been posting my list every day the way I should here in this blog-    Not for any reason other than I don’t always turn on my computer- but instead do a lot from the iPad or iPhone.      I’m still sharing on Facebook, but that’s limited to most of the people on my friends list.

I think on the days that I don’t turn on the computer- I’ll still post from the iPad- even though the format may be a little different.

My Gratitude List for Wednesday, June 6, 2012.

Today I’m grateful for:

  1. The rain subsiding when I went out for a walk with JJ.
  2. Marcel and the two surprise bouquets of fuchsia colored peonies he brought home for me.
  3. Finding an electric citrus juicer in the one kitchen cabinet I never look in.  (I didn’t buy it, and can’t remember where it came from- its very old- but i washed it and it made my lemon juicing a snap. Yay!)
  4. The sense of accomplishment from checking things off ‘my do today’ list.
  5. Water, which not only helps sustain my body, but all living forms in some way or another.

Hectic Week

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 12:30 pm

In addition to being super busy this week (my busiest week planned all month, thus far), I’ve been having to take care of a few extra things for Marcel and also on the prowl trying to find a place to buy welding jackets for a project that someone I know is working on. I can’t believe that it’s Wednesday already- and the next couple of days are going to be me hitting the ground running in order to be able to check everything off my ‘to do’ list. Next week is looking a little less hectic- and I’m looking forward to some kitchen experiments and hopefully sunshine so I can get in some bike rides.

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