Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 10, 2012

Choices, Choices and More Choices

Filed under: Food,Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration — gardener @ 6:50 am

Not too long I read Bob Harper’s book called “The Skinny Rules“. I’ve been on a quest to live a better and healthier life since 2008 where I shed around 100 pounds, but in 2010 when I hit some extremely difficult times- I lost the focus. I still continued with very many of the healthy habits that I’d made an everyday part of my life, but some of them (important ones) fell by the wayside.

I’ve gone back and forth with getting to a place where I can ‘just do it’ and make the big picture a regular part of my life and I take inspiration in any manner I can find it. That’s why I got Bob’s book. I love him on the Biggest Loser- and I thought I could use the extra inspiration. It’s great principals and pretty much how I was trying to live anyway- so it made it easier to see it in black and white. It’s a way of life- not a diet.

One thing that I didn’t do- that I’m now doing- is skipping carbs after lunch. I’m also a huge fan of potatoes- but potatoes make me crave more potatoes- and at the end of the day- even when eaten plain- they pack a punch of calories, so I’m kissing them goodbye. I didn’t eat many anyway- so it’s been easier than I thought.

Sugar is probably my worst nemesis, and with me owning a cupcake shop- it makes it even harder, since when I try new recipes I NEED to try them. But- I’m learning balance and realizing I don’t have to eat two to test a recipe- A bite- or two is enough.

The biggest thing has been exercise- I’ve not been consistent and I see that in my legs and butt- the muscle mass has depleted, so I’m working on a regular routine with added strength training. I’ve only been at it a week, but I’m already feeling different. Stronger- Healthier.

I have the choice each and every day- and I choose to be healthy.


Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 6:41 am

As one of my goals for next year- I’m really going to be working on getting my name out there in the public more. I guess you could consider it small-scale branding. I’ve got ideas in the works for big things, things that I won’t start until next year- because of our upcoming two month vacation, but I’m excited. The idea of custom made shirts to use at markets so I can easily be recognized, along with a few other things really excite me.

I’m curious to see how at the end of next year- when I look back over the year- how I’ll feel about how far I’ve come. In the meantime- I’m having a blast and so blessed to be able to do what I love and make it my work.

101 in 1001 (Visit the Heineken Experience)

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days — gardener @ 6:38 am

   As part of my Day Zero List for 101 things in 1001 days- I added the “Visit the Heineken Experience in Amsterdam”.   I honestly don’t know what I was thinking about at the time- other than I thought it may be a fun thing to do, because anyone who knows me knows that I am not a beer drinker in any way-shape-or-form.

I actually considered removing it from my list but then the opportunity presented itself for me to go- AND free.    So off I went last week.   It was fun- and I even spent some time in a simulator pretending to be ‘beer’ and going through the entire brewing process.   That was quite the experience.


So, yet another item checked off my ‘list’.    The question is-  will I complete my list at the end of those 1001 days?   That remains to be seen, but I’m trying.

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