Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 6, 2012


Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 6:38 am

 It has been a while since I shared a photo of Mister M. in this space- so I thought it was about time.

This was him earlier today and when I look at him- I can’t believe that he’s  7 years old.   SEVEN!  It seems like yesterday we were visiting him after his birth and picking him up to bring him home to live.    Now here we are- seven years later and I often wonder where the time has gone.

I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately-   Yesterday I celebrated my ten year anniversary in the place I now call home.   It’s been one of ups and downs- but a lot of learning and growing not only about myself, but about others.

Some of those life-lessons have been painful, but after walking through them- I have come out on the otherside with something valuable to apply to my life and to help me in this journey along the way.    I’ve  felt alone here at certain times throughout that ten years- but now I’m surrounded by a wonderful group of people that I adore and who I’m happy to have as a part of my inner circle and to call my family.

Along this ten year journey- I’ve learned so much and in that process it has meant letting go-   and learning that when I hold on to something that I should be letting go of- it keeps other doors from opening and other blessings from happening within my life.

It reminds me of something I heard T.D. Jakes say in a sermon recently-  “When people walk away from you- let them go.”    I’ve embraced that- and have done some walking myself.    And you know what?   It hasn’t been without pain, but there is always a rainbow after the rain.

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