Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 30, 2013

Watering the Garden

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 9:55 am

I was out watering my flowers and herbs a little earlier and I couldn’t help but smile at how great they are doing. I’m spending time with them daily- not lots, mind you, but enough to prune the dead flowers and to make sure they are getting the water and nutrients they need. The TLC is reflected in how they are performing- they’re beautiful.

This made me think of my own relationships- and how we should ‘tend’ our relationship gardens as we would our plants. We should give them plenty of TLC and nurture them so they can prosper and grow into something spectacular. At the same time, I realized that tending our relationship gardens is not a ‘one sided’ affair anymore than gardening is. We can’t expect to see beauty and growth in our gardens if we aren’t doing our part- anymore than we can expect for our relationships to become enriched if there isn’t investment on both sides. There’s a natural ebb and flow to relationships- where one may give more at some times than the other, but both balancing out and creating something special.

It left me thinking about my own personal relationships and what I’m bringing to the ‘garden’. What about you? Are you nuturing yours or are you letting your flowers die and wither? A little Sunday food for thought.

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