Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 28, 2013

Beauty in Everything

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 9:21 am

This afternoon I came home from what would be considered a pretty ‘non-traditional’ Thanksgiving morning, (but definitely ranks in the top 10 of my all-time favorites) and one of the first things I noticed was the golden color on the ground and what was left of the golden leaves in this lone tree.

It wasn’t sunny at that particular moment, but yet something about the way the leaves contrasted with the skies- and the morning I’d just experienced, brought a smile to my face.    I grabbed my phone- and made a b-line towards that area and proceeded to take a few shots-   granted, as usual, the photo doesn’t do the color justice.

It is the little things in life that really bring me the most pleasure.  The laughter shared with friends,  time spent with family, and the colors of Fall- to name a few.

There is beauty everywhere, and all we have to do is look around to find it.



Wedding Bells

Filed under: Life,Things I Love,Women — gardener @ 7:27 am

There are few things that excite me more than to see people that I love filled with happiness and joy. Recently, two of my dearest friends have decided to get engaged, and the wedding plans are in full swing. I’ve been blessed enough to be asked to be a part of the planning and celebration, which has inclueded the discussion of rings- both are leaning towards the idea of platinum wedding bands, which I think will be perfect with the engagement ring.

I can not wait to hear the date- which is yet to be decided, and then the planning really begins. I love weddings, even more so when it’s between two people that I adore.

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