Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 27, 2013

Christmas Gifts

Filed under: Holidays,Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 8:27 am

Marcel and I decided that since we had bought a Smart TV in November, that it would seem somewhat silly to really go ‘all out’ and buy gifts for each other. Neither of us really needed anything major, and as much as I know he loves buying me jewelry, I have more than I need. So we decided that we would buy each other one gift and roll with that. After all, Christmas isn’t about the gifts.

I ended up picking up a shirt for him that he loved, and when he asked for suggestions of things I’d like- I knew there was one thing I ‘really’ did need, a new hand mixer. The one I have has seen better days, to the point of not always turning off when I turned it off, and sometimes getting ‘stuck’ in high speed.

I’d seen one a loved at a local retailer, plus it was twice the HP as the one I currently had, and the price was right. So that was my gift. I know some people may gasp at the idea of not having a ‘romantic’ gift under the tree- but the thought that he listened to the little thing I needed speaks volumes to me. On top of that, it’s a gorgeous sunny yellow, so everytime I look at it- I will smile.

How was YOUR Christmas?

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