Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 14, 2015

Gratitude in Motion

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 7:47 am

As I sit here with the doors open- the crispness of fall present, the sound of drizzling rain falling- I feel content. The past few months have been a whirlwind of one thing to another, with quite a few tragedy and sadness in the mix. It wasn’t without a blessing though, because it allowed me to consider a few things not only about myself, but also about others in my life.

I was reminded once again that in life there is no certainties and the importance of living in the now- and also in doing so, the importance of not holding on to anything that doesn’t serve you, including bad feelings- toxicity or anything that can hinder our potential in being our best selves.

I wrote a few letters- to a few people that I felt I didn’t have closure with. Not because I needed something from them- but because I needed to give myself the gift of knowing that there were things I needed to say- and wanted to do so while it was possible. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed and I prefer to live life without any regrets.

I am grateful- for the big and the small- and for the absolute amazing people in my life. We inspire each other, love and respect each other and that is a beautiful gift.

Wherever you are- if you have something that needs to be said- Don’t wait. Say I love you- mean it- Say I’m sorry- mean it. Tomorrow, or even two hours from now- may be too late.

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