Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 11, 2016

Wondering About

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life — gardener @ 10:29 am

I was looking through some of the old comments on this blog and I came across a few from an old online friend whom I haven’t heard from in many years now. I often wonder what happened to her and have tried on several occasions to look for her but with no avail. The few mutual friends we have also don’t seem to have any idea what happened to her.

“Sunny” Nelson- if you happen to see this- know that you are being thought of and you are missed. I hope you are well.

Sounds of Silence

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life — gardener @ 10:15 am

There are some days when I crave silence and noise of any type literally tosses my train of thought off the rails. Other days, I can’t wait to check out one of my favorite music places and follow the click here to get to my favorite play list. Music soothes me, but at the same time- sometimes I prefer silence. My husband, on the other hand always needs to ‘hear’ something. What about you? Which do you prefer?

Have a great week!

Reaching Within

Filed under: Food for Thought,In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 10:08 am

The last few weeks I’ve had this discombobulated feeling. I have SO many projects and thoughts happening- that I am finding it difficult to wade through them all and actually feel as though I am making any sort of headway. I’ve tried various methods- and I still can’t seem to get ‘still’ with myself, so I’m going to try yet something else.

I believe a full disconnect from everything is in order- with a focus purely on myself and what I need to do- in order to gain balance and structure again in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I have a great life, but things are off balance and I recognize that, so it’s time to do something about it before it becomes too far out of whack.

What do you do to balance yourself?

Who Knew?

Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 4:09 am

It never ceases to amaze me just how much knowledge Marcel has about music. We were out yesterday and ran into a neighbor, who happens to be a seasoned musician and they started this conversation about ns design which left me in the dust of understanding what they were talking about. When I asked him about it later- as in how and when did he become so knowledgeable, he said that it’s something he has always been interested in and that he enjoyed reading reviews and learning about different products and sound. Who knew? I learn something new about my husband each week.

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