Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 17, 2021

The Other “F” Word

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 10:35 am

Fall- That’s the other “F” word that is on my mind currently. But because I promised three friends that I wouldn’t use the word as they are refusing to think about another season until they can fully embrace the last few weeks of the current one- aka Summer.

Unless Mother Nature has other plans that have yet to be revealed, this has been a mild Summer season. I’m honestly not hating it, because as much as I love the sunshine and spending time outdoors- I also love cool evenings and sleeping without getting sweaty-so for me this has been the best of both worlds summer.

Life has been weird and discombobulated – so much so that yesterday I asked my mom if I was adopted as I definitely feel at times as though my thought process matches up with so many other members of my family- She laughed,, of course, but I often wonder what has happened to the compassion and empathy of some of the people I love.

Same holds true for a few friendships as well- as I’ve realized as of late that not all people want to see us grow and thrive- because it challenges their own comfort. There is nothing wrong with the latter- but when you expect others to stay where they are simply because it doesn’t mean you have to confront yourself- and resent them for embracing change in their lives- I’m not sure what to think. It has definitely been a reminder that the full moon is making its way into our atmosphere and looks like it may be a doozy for some.

I feel as though I’m in this season of growth- but right now pausing- taking inventory as if I’m about to launch into space- The Train Song- Drops of Jupiter comes to mind. I feel the urge to learn something new- expand on things I already know- and spend time with those I love.

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