Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 6, 2021

Off Days and Learning

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 11:03 am

Yesterday I had one of those ‘off’ days- I can’t really put any rhyme or reason to it other than maybe hormones, but what I do know is that I felt triggered. Not only emotionally but also physically- I had stayed within my calorie range yeterday, yet last night- all I wanted to do was eat- eat- eat-

I thought- if I could just satisfy my craving with ‘something’ I would feel a lot better. In the end- I did not cave and I survived. In fact- I woke up feeling much better today and when I went out for my walk I did realize that I overdid that and ended up over heated, but I did it. (Note to self- Pushing too hard isn’t ok) I hydrated and ate some hummus and Wasa for lunch which gave me enough salt to replenish what I lost. After a couple of hours- my energy returned.

Tomorrow’s goal is to do smaller bite sized walks- 20 minutes each and do three- it will help increase my steps, plus it shouldn’t overheat me.

I’m learning- actually relearning things I learned a long time ago- and some new things & it’s working. I’m grateful. Progress over perfection, always.

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