Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 8, 2014

Three Days Later…

Filed under: Food for Thought,Home,In the Neighborhood — gardener @ 10:07 am

Three days ago I posted how we were almost a week into this month and there wasn’t a shower in sight. I now stand corrected! Yesterday the rains started, and it’s been a crazy ride ever since. One moment rain, the next sunshine, and the next, a combination of rain and hail. All with some wind thrown into the mix for fun.

Truth is- even though the temp has dropped 10 degrees since yesterday and it’s pretty chilly outside, I know the plants are soaking it up and smiling, as are the trees. After all, they need it to continue their beauty.

The balance of nature reminds me of life- and the importance of having it in our own lives. We need it not merely to survive, but to thrive.

April 5, 2014

April Showers

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 12:49 pm

Almost a week into April, and so far, not a shower in sight. Granted, you won’t hear me complaining, as I know they will show up all too soon.

Life- it’s so fragile, yet when you stop to think about it, also so amazing. I am blessed beyond words, and so are you!

It goes without saying that there will always be obstacles, speed bumps and sometimes even road blocks- but that’s just part of the learning process- part of the beauty of the journey. Enjoy every step of the way. I know I am.


March 25, 2014

Whole Lot of Gratitude

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 8:35 am

I’ll admit that I am not the most patient of people. This will come as no surprise to most people who know me on a deeper level, and to those who don’t- you may be sitting there thinking to yourself, “No way, really?” Trust me, it’s true.

When I was much younger- someone very wise told me never to pray for patience, because you would find yourself tested to the max, and you know what- I have no doubt, that they’re right.

Sometimes though, things happen. We find ourselves in situations that will not only test our patience, but also test our resolve. Knowing that ‘not being patient’ will have a consequence. I know- We live in a world that has become so filled with instant gratification that patience has become a thing of the past. Truth is- I know that I definitely fall into some of the trappings of instant gratification world- which doesn’t always mesh well with the journey to patience.

Until non-patience has a price, as is my case now.

Another thing you may not know about me- is that I’m really stubborn. Granted, I like to call it ‘strong-willed’, which in some circles may be a horse of an entirely different color, but the truth is- they are one in the same. I’m open to ideas- and always open to learning, but when I have an idea, I want to be able to run with it- yesterday. (Enter lack of patience 101. haha) Yes indeed, stubbornness and lack of patience can be fast friends, until they are challenged- then look out!

I’m on the mend, but I’ve been unable to do almost anything. Now generally, I would love the quiet time and the ‘do nothing’ time- but what I’ve learned is that I don’t do ‘nothing’ well. Even when I’m sick, I still do my thing, so being forced to do nothing- (without consequences if I don’t listen) has been a huge lesson in patience.

The sun is shining- I have massive amounts of energy, and things do to- but at this point- rest is the order of the day- the only order of the day.

So I’ve learned to let go, which hasn’t been easy- and not without one temper tantrum, and a few days worth of tears. But it has been a huge gift on many levels. I’m learning (then again I’m always learning) to rely on other people- something I don’t necessarily do well.

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for those whom I call my tribe- who have offered to come from near and far (literally) to be here for me. Truth is- in the grand scheme of things- this is minor, and shall pass, given time. It’s not serious, and for that, I’m beyond grateful.

I honestly couldn’t manage without Marcel, (at leat not without hiring someone). He’s been the ‘chief cook and bottle washer’, around here- taking care of everything. Cooking, cleaning, and even offered to feed me AND wash my hair. That’s definitely love times a thousand. I’m so appreciative of him- and this has also turned into a little learning experience for him with cooking. So it’s a good thing on many levels.

Patience- I’ve learned that isn’t such a bad thing after all, and my body is thanking me- on many levels.

March 19, 2014

Spring Fever

Filed under: Pets,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 11:47 am

20140319-194210.jpg Spring Fever has hit, and Mister M. is no exception. He has been finding these crazy bursts of energy- where he attacks things (see photo – him just before attacking me- which I may, or may not have provoked.) and runs around like a cat with his tail on fire.

He is funny, and his spring fever has been the source of many giggles the past few days.

In addition, since we didn’t have much in terms of winter, he has also started shedding early, and the Furminator brush has already been getting plenty of use.

Lucky for him, I have an arm (my dominant) that I can’t use at the moment, so he has a brief reprieve.

That Furminator, best pet tool brush for shedding ever!

March 15, 2014

Quiet Times

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 9:03 am

Things have been somewhat chaotic over here (at times) this year, and so I have been taking some time to just be still and do what works for me. Sometimes, that means not being on the computer much, and sometimes it also means pulling back and only communicating with my inner circle. It’s nothing personal, but it’s one of those things that I have to do from time to time, to ensure that my body, mind and soul stay as healthy as can be.

I see this as a good thing- or even more as a necessity. I learned a valuable lesson last year when I did not take the time to listen to my body, do what it needs- and ended up with what I’ve coined ’empty cup syndrome.’ I’d given, and others had taken- of my precious life force, until I had no energy left for anything. I couldn’t talk- hear noise, or be around people. It was a first for me, but it was a valuable lesson, and a huge gift. One I haven’t taken for granted.

I believe we all need to take the time to do what works best for us, especially if we want to be our best for others. It isn’t a sign of weakness or selfishness- but instead a sign of strength and wisdom.

Diagnosis and Insurance

Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:09 am

Some people know (and some don’t) that Marcel has been diagnosed with a medical condition that is degenerative, but can be controled with medication to keep from progressing. It’s one of those things that we didn’t see coming (unlike some diseases), but thankfully the doctors have been amazing. It’s not something he can be ‘cured’ from, but something he’ll live with for the rest of his life. On the grand scheme of thigs- it isn’t ideal, but it could be much, much worse.

Thankfully our insurance plan is also a really good one and covers a lot of the procedures and tests that he’s going through. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be able to afford insurance and good coverage. Finding places like health insurance of burlington nc can make all the difference in having peace of mind- especially when dealing with unexpected illness. Insurance, definitely something that everyone should have, without question.

March 8, 2014


Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration — gardener @ 12:49 pm

Today’s bits of gratitude.

1- 59 degrees and sunshine in March.

2- People who are there for others when they need them.

3- Propping up my feet and soaking up some vitamin D after a productive day.

4- Watching the grace and seemingly effortless manner in which birds fly.

5- The sound of mallards landing on the water.

February 28, 2014

Making a Difference

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 9:18 am

Someone once told me that even though we may not realize it, that people are watching us, and our actions have an impact on others. I’ll admit- I don’t give a lot of thought to that idea. I live my life, stumble, learn lessons from my stumbles and mistakes, pick myself up and continue moving forward. Sometimes I pause in one spot because some things require that, but I try not to keep the forward momentum going. My intents are never with malice and I really like who I am. Does that mean I think I’m perfect? Far from it, but I accept myself, flaws and all- and try to stay open to the lessons life sends my way.

What you see is what you get with me. Love me or not. I am who I am- (I think Popeye said that once upon a time.)

A few days ago my mom and diddy visited a friend of theirs. It’s someone that I’ve known for a long time, but I haven’t spent a lot of face-to-face time with her in many years. We are friends on Facebook, yet we never ‘chat’.

Yesterday, mom said that when they’d stopped at her friends house- she told mom that she was always inspired by my lists on Facebook, and my general positive outlook in life. She said it was always a day brightener to her- and it really lifted her spirits quite often.

Those words really meant a lot to me.

Mom said, “Well, you really just never know when you’re making a difference to people, even when they may not voice it.”

She’s right. It made me pause and think about my life- about the things I say, and also the people who are a daily part of my life. They are people like me. People who encourage and inspire. People who are energetic and who aren’t jealous of seeing others succeed or do well- in fact they celebrate those moments.

It made my heart swell with happiness, joy and mostly gratitude. Why? Because they make a positive difference in my life each and every day. I know when they reach out to me that it’s sincere and never met with jealousy or contriteness, but with love.

Thank you Ms. D for the words that not only made my day, but also caused me to press pause and take a look around the people in my life. I’ve done that a lot in the last year- and I realize more than ever just how blessed I am.

Everyone makes a difference in our lives. Even those who could be deemed as having a negative impact, if allowed- they also serve a important purpose.

I’m grateful for the pause to ask myself what kind of difference I’m making. What about you?


Filed under: Home,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 8:42 am

After months and months of being undecided on a paint color, we’ve finally chosen not just one- but TWO!    I’m so excited, and can’t wait to actually get the ball rolling (or is that the roller rolling?) on this project.     We decided to paint all the walls one color, with the exception of one wall in each room, and that wall will be a contrasting darker color.   I-Can’t-WAIT!

We still have a few things to decide-  like whether we’ll change the color of the trim work, when in reality it can work as it-    plus I still need to decide on what Annie Sloane chalk paint that I’ll be using for the built-in shelving unit, but progress excites me!    Maybe if Marcel is feeling a bit better next week, we can visit one of the stores that carries the Annie Sloane paint, so I can choose the one that will go perfectly with the colors we’ve chosen.    Seeing in person is always the best way to go.

Plus with it appearing that Spring is coming early, looks like we may be able to get it painted earlier than anticipated.  We’ll just need to contact the contractor and set up a date that works for all of us.

February 17, 2014

Home Improvements

Filed under: Home — gardener @ 11:45 am

For a while now, Marcel and I have been in the process of redoing things in our household.    Our ultimate goal is to paint everything, get some new inside doors, and change the decor a little.    I’ve been eyeing some Annie Sloan paint ideas, and I suspect that before all is said and done in our decorating adventure, that some of her techniques will find their way onto some of our furntiture.

In the meantime, we’re going through everything- getting rid of things that no longer serve us, or that we no longer use, plus attempting to make a final decision on the paint colors.

It won’t be long now (hopefully), and we can hire the person who is going to do our painting.   I’m so ready.  I don’t know about you, but home improvements really excite me.  I love the endless possibilities.

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