Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 12, 2013

Speedbumps in Scheduling

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 7:42 am

In addition to everything else- I’m also our IT person in the household. That means when there are problems, I’m the ‘go to’ girl to fix it. Last night Marcel started having problems with his laptop. I had a look at it- and did a few things, but I’ve got a feeling that a hard drive wipe is in order. I think it would function better and since it’s been so long since it’s had one, it can’t hurt. Of course- on those days when unexpected little ‘to dos’ come up- it throws me off schedule with everything else- which means- last nights dinner was nothing more than Domino’s. At least they deliver.

March 29, 2013

Good Friday Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 8:54 am

Things have been extremely busy here with all the prep work for an upcoming event I’m participating in, plus with everyday fun things and life in general. I have given myself this weekend to not only celebrate Easter- but also to rest and go back at it in full-swing come Tuesday. That may mean some restructure, but nothing I can’t handle. Living my best life means always being ready to change and grow, plus make the best out of each moment.

This week in Gratitude- March 29.

  • Grateful for time spent with a dear friend.  It was a time to recharge- laugh- and just enjoy each others company.   Friends are the glue that keep us together.
  • Getting the new lasagne pan completely clean after a little accident in the kitchen. (don’t ask haha)
  • The person who left the tulips on the door for me to find.   Thank you.
  • New business opportunities that weren’t even on my radar but if they work out- could be HUGE for my business.
  • Surprise Easter orders.


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:48 am

A few years ago, a friend of my cousins gave him a celebratory cigar when his son was born. My cousin- who had never tried a cigar decided to join in with the guys and ‘light up’. He loved it and so the love affair between him and a good cigar was born. He researches the best cigar prices, and every month orders a couple to celebrate. Even if he has nothing to celebrate in particular- he celebrates living. Shouldn’t we all find the little things in life to celebrate each day?

Snowing on Good Friday

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 8:45 am

It’s snowing- March 29th and it’s snowing. Wait- I take that back, the snowing has almost ceased and now the sun is shining. I wonder when I see weather like this- where normally it’s cool out- but not cold- if ole’ Al Gore rethinks his idea on the whole Global Warming thing- or if, like so man other things- he has an explanation for it?

What’s the weather like in your corner of the world?

March 20, 2013

Happy Spring?

Filed under: Seasons — gardener @ 4:42 am

Here we are- March 20th and the first ‘official’ day of Spring. Our forcast today includes a snow/rain mix and temps hovering just above freezing, so there isn’t much of a spring feel. Even Mister Sunshine is hiding behind a sky of grey, but I do know that Spring is closer than ever.

In spite of all the signs that contradict all that embodies this, one of my favorite seasons- I do see signs everywhere that we are getting closer. My chives are starting to come up- along with several other of my perennials. Yesterday, when I was out walking with JJ- I saw tufts of color dotted here and there- crocus in bloom. So in terms of the appearingly never-ending winter- this too shall pass.

Go To Girl

Filed under: Gratitude,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy — gardener @ 3:44 am

I love that I am my parents ‘go to’ girl for when they need help with anything related to the computer. If they are having issues- can’t quite figure out how to do something, or even need to find a particular product- I’m their girl. When they were looking for some screen for the back porch and wanting the best price possible- they called me, when diddy needed to find hydraulic swing clamps for his neighbor, who doesn’t own a computer- he called me. I’m happy to be able to be there for them, even though we are far apart distance wise.

It’s the beauty of technology and I figure after all they’ve done for me in my lifetime, it’s the very least I could do for them.

March 7, 2013

Always Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 2:32 pm

Through everything- the one thing that never falters is my gratitude. It doesn’t matter what’s happening around me- I know that there is always something good to find in everything and I’m determined to do just that.

Today- in the midst of all that is swirling around me- there is peace and the following:

Thursday’s bits of gratitude.

1- A few days of warmer temps and sunshine.

2- Doing Marcel’s taxes and filing them without too many “What does that mean?” questions.

3- JJ cooperating with me today when I gave him a quick ‘trim’ and a bath.

4- Home alone nights.

5- The knowledge that there are lessons and blessings in EVERYTHING- even in letting go. Sometimes you have to let go so you can grow.

Hello Sunshine

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 1:37 pm

For a few days this week the clouds parted and the sun made an appearance and it was pure bliss. One wouldn’t think something like sunshine could cause such a moment of happiness and bliss in life- but hey- it’s the little things in life, right?

I sat outside for about an hour one afternoon drinking coffee and just enjoying the rays after I’d finished working and it was so great. I even thought that it may be time to consider those prada sunglasses at Ok even though the sun appearance was a short lived thing- I’m still consdering the sunglasses. AFter all- to know me is to know how much I love sunglasses- in any weather. And the sun- I’m sure it will be back sooner rather than later.

March 2, 2013

Cold Toes

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 5:15 am

A few nights ago- I my toes were freezing- Ok- it seems like lately my feet are cold more often than not, but on this paticular evening I was desperate to get them warm, so I ran some bath water that may have been a little too hot. Then I did what one generally does when they run bath water- I got in the tub. My poor toes went into shock I think, because they started hurting AND they turned purple. Eventually they stopped hurting and the color returned, but since then- my feet have been a little numb. Of course, it probably doesn’t help that they’ll get cold and then I’ll put them on a hot water bottle to warm- but it was something I noticed after the bath incident.

I think it’s a normal type reaction, but I’m keeping an eye on it- and if it lasts longer than a week, it looks like a trip to the doctor will be in my future.

February 21, 2013

In the Meantime..

Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 5:58 am

A lot has happened in the last week- and I’ve learned quite a few very valuable lessons. I know that sounds cryptic- and I don’t mean it to, but I’m unable to do a lot of ‘talking- typing’ or any of the like at the moment. Blog writing for me today is actually an exercise in seeing how I feel just by doing what many would deem as a simple task. So far so good, but it’s a slow-going process.

In the meantime- I’m grateful for the sunshine and the green sprouts I’ve seen on some of my perennials- which is a sure sign (in spite of the forecast of weekend snow) that Spring is just around the corner.

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