Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 1, 2012


Filed under: Food — gardener @ 10:03 am

This afternoon I was out shopping with Marcel- walking through our favorite garden store and we came to the BBQ section. I rounded the corner after looking at countless BBQ grills and huge party tents and there was a huge display of my favorite BBQ sauce- Sweet Baby Rays. I almost started dancing a jig in the middle of the store. It was new in their assortment and I couldn’t wait to pick up not one- two but THREE 40 Ounce Bottles.. YUM! I see some BBQ pulled pork in my very new future! I love little things like that – It completely made my day!~

Every Little Savings Counts

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:03 am

Marcel told me yesterday that rather that pay someone to change the oil in our car this time- that he wasnts to attempt to do it himself. So this morning I called dad for him to see what he would recommend and he suggested that Marcel try Fram extra guard oil filter. I know nothing about these kind of things- but I passed on the information and Marcel said he was going to see what he can find. Anything to save some cash makes me happy. 🙂

April 27, 2012

Counting My Blessings

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:46 am

It has been a busy few days and tomorow promises to be an even busier one, which means I am going to head to bed early tonight and be up earlier tomorrow.   I’ve been thinking a lot lately-  (being sick gives you a lot of time for that) and as I mentioned in a previous post- I’m really feeling blessed.   It doesn’t mean I don’t have my days-  (today was one of ‘those’ days where everything seems to go wrong), but even now as I sit here and reflect, there is so much more that went well.

So as I wind down this day and think about all the things that remain on my weekend ‘to do’ list- I’m counting my blessings for all the things I was able to cross off that list.   I’m focusing on what I’ve done- and not what’s left to do.

My Gratitude List for April 27, 2012.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  1. The power of changing my vision-  Just because things don’t turn out the way I had envisioned doesn’t mean that they won’t turn out.  Sometimes we just have to stop- regroup and a new vision appears which is much better than the first.
  2. I can’t say it enough how grateful I am for the power of real friendship.   Those who encourage, inspire and are there for you- through thick and thin.   My sister friends-  Whatever would I do without you?
  3. My sofa- because right now there is no place I’d rather be.
  4. Beautiful blue skies, fluffy white clouds and new growth on the trees.
  5. Love-   Without it- where would we be?

Little Piece of Home

Filed under: Things I Love — gardener @ 8:49 am

I love it when mom and dad send me pictures while they are out and about in their yard- working or even just walking around. Today diddy sent me some pictures of the hybrid blackberries he’d just picked and a few days ago mom sent me a picture of their new compost spin composter. I know for some people it may seem like little things- or even the mundane- but for me- it’s a little piece of home- and I love it.

April 23, 2012

If You’re Happy and You Know It

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:13 am

Clap your hands! Clap! Clap!

That’s me- happy and if I wouldn’t send my iPad tumbling to the ground, I would clap.

If you saw me at the moment- lying on the sofa, still recuperating from this nasty bug I’ve had, you may wonder why I’m so happy because I’m confined to the house at the moment, mostly the bed and sofa.

There is something to be said about being forced into a position of healing and that you can either allow it to make you miserable (which I was at first) or you can use your unexpected life hiatus for the greater good of thinking, reflecting and embracing the good things.

    – Whats going on right now is temporary. I may want to be up and about, but can’t be, so I can use the time for planning. Planning I don’t usually make time for because I’m too busy with other things.

    -I’m enjoying the birds. They eat. They gather cat hair I’ve left behind for them to line their nests and prepare for their young. A simple thing really, but I bet if they could talk they would say thank you.

    -The trees that were barren a few short weeks ago are almost in full green of new leaf growth. It’s breathtakingly beautiful.

    – I have a wonderful and amazing husband. Yes, some days I want to strangle him, but I’m pretty sure he feels the same about me from time to time. It’s the ebb and flow of life, but we love each other and he’s overcome a lot. I appreciate him.

    -I have been blessed with some amazing friends. Good true blue quality friendships. I’m grateful and embrace each one. I love them all and am focused on those blessings and have let go of those who aren’t real or genuine. We are all different and have our life paths. I’ve made a conscious decision to surround myself with those who encourage, inspire and want to enjoy this beautiful journey we’ve been given.

    -There is SO much more.

My cup runneth over.

April 20, 2012

The Good Life

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 4:47 am

I love it when people that I love contact me to share great things that are happening in their lives and upcoming special events that they have asked me to be a part of. It makes my heart sing to see people happy and living a great life.

I also love it when they ask my opinion on great gifts like the Australian Opal Beads that someone I love is giving to someone they’ve fallen in love with.

We all have our little times when we hit a speed bump but on the whole, life is great and we just need to embrace every great moment.

Day Three

Filed under: Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 4:25 am

Today is the third day of not feeling well. Yesterday and today all symptoms have left with the exception of being constantly tired and having no energy. I did have a half cup of coffee today, so I’m convinced I’m on the road to recovery. There’s something to be said about positive thinking, right??

Marcel is working and JJ is at my mother in laws. It makes life really easy for me since I am unable to get out right now. It also makes it easy for me to sleep when I need to without being disturbed.

April 19, 2012

And We Wait

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 10:12 am

That’s what I’m doing- waiting, waiting, waiting- trying to get better. It has been a long time since I’ve been completely knocked flat from being sick, but here I am, day two.

Marcel is working today and my mother in law has JJ, which helps since I can’t get out. I’m hoping that tomorrow I’m feeling a little more energized and back on track again. Sitting and not moving is for the birds. 🙂

Beautiful Moments

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:10 am

One of the good things about being confined to the sofa and feeling bad is the excess time I have to browse websites on my iPad. I need to catch up on emails and I’m working on that a little at a time, but it’s slow business on the iPad.

One thing I have been doing is checking out babiesnbellies for maternity dresses and other sites since I just found out a friend is expecting her first baby. I’m so excited for them and I’ve already sent several links and ideas. Life is so full of great moments.

April 18, 2012

Eat Your Veggies

Filed under: Food — gardener @ 10:26 am

20120418-192238.jpg. This picture shows the vegetables I bought two days ago. A pound of broccoli, 4 eggplants, 3 zucchinis, 3 bell peppers, a 2 pound bag of pink onions, and 4 pears. Any guess on the price?

I’ll tell you – $11.00! Isn’t that a steal? I thought so too.

I love fresh fruits and vegetables and I can’t wait to put these to use once I get my strength back.

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