Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 18, 2011

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 9:32 am

I know I’ve mentioned that I’m back on track with my health and fitness routine as of this week. I’m pretty excited about it and am also feeling better knowing that I’m holding myself accountable by tracking my calories. I’m not back into the swing of things full-force with working out, but that’s coming. I’m putting together a plan and even considering a muscle building supplement to help me build lean muscle mass, which will in turn burn more calories allowing me to lose more fat. I’m still doing the research, but I’m looking forward to reaching my goal this year!

February 15, 2011

Nurturing Creativity

Filed under: Inspiration,Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:15 am

I’ve been realizing in this little journey that I’ve been on lately that something I’ve been missing in my life is that I haven’t spent enough time being creative.   I need to spend more time with my photography, with creating jewelry and even painting.  I’d forgotten how much I love painting until I went to Paint Party Studios when I was home for the holidays.   I went twice and loved it both times.  

I’ve decided to start spending time each week tapping into that creativity and doing something for me.   I’ve found that if I don’t nurture that creative side of me, that I feel as though something is missing.   

Today I bought some acrylic paint, some brushes and canvas.   At this point I haven’t decided exactly what I’ll paint, but I can assure you that it will be colorful!

February 12, 2011

Shiny Happy People

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 5:49 am

After a pretty emotional week (which included a sick doggie); I can say that the weekend has arrived and I’m feeling a little more energetic ready to take on the world.

I guess you could say that since we’ve returned from our trip that the pendulum of emotions have been across the board and I’m determined that things will stay on the upward swing.  I know that part of it has to do with the peri-menopause (which I’ve been said to have a severe case of) and other little obstables, but I really want to start focusing on the positive, especially since I know it will make a difference in how I deal with the negative.

I have a busy day ahead of me, but I wanted to share a few things I’m grateful for.    I’m always grateful, but I know I need to take more time to recognize those little things in life that I’m grateful for. 

My Gratitude List for February 12, 2011.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Dinner out with friends and my favorite guy tonight.
  • Inspiration to be more creative.
  • JJ, who is feeling MUCH better today.
  • Relaxing mornings and a good nights sleep.
  • The color red, which I always tend to gravitate towards.

February 10, 2011

Signs of Spring

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 6:00 am

In spite of my new found resolve to get the rest of this weight off and also start treating my body the way it deserves to be treated, I’ve found that there has been something holding me back. I’ve given it a LOT of thought over the past week or so and when I say thought- I don’t mean fleeting thoughts here and there. I’ve really tried to get to the bottom of why I’ve made some of the choices I have, and quite honestly- I believe I’ve made some progress.

We’ve had some pretty grey days as of late- weather wise, so yesterday when the sun was shining I took advantage and got out in order to soak up some much needed Vitamin D, plus to test out my Nike + iPod. I used it once when we were on vacation to test it out, but really gave it a test yesterday. I’ll write more on that later- but I can see it becoming a source to challenge me to do more and to require more out of myself- and that’s something I need.

I’m looking really hard for signs of spring- but so far, aside from the occasional sunny day- I haven’t seen one. It’s coming though, because the groundhog says so.

Time for Something New

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop,Techy — gardener @ 5:00 am

Desere was over last week for coffee and during the course of our conversation, she told me that the desktop computer that the boys have been using to do their homework and play games had stopped working. We talked about the possible causes, but we both decided that while it is possible that it could be repaired, that she’d really like to get rid of the desktop and buy a smaller, more portable computer, such as one of the tablet computers that are so popular right now. Not only will it free up space where the desktop now sits, but it will also mean the boys can do their homework on the couch or in other places, which makes it much more convenient. She’s looking for good deals and even though she hasn’t told the boys, will probably buy one in the next couple fo weeks as a surprise to them. I know they’ll be thrilled, and she’ll be glad to have her laptop back as her own.

February 6, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

Filed under: Home,Life,Sands of Time — gardener @ 11:10 am

My time online lately has been pretty scarce- in fact- it has been that way since we got home from vacation. At first I was trying to get over jet lag and really didn’t feel like being online and now that I’m almost past the jet lag, I have been busy trying to tackle other things in the house that has kept me away from the computer.

This weekend has been really windy and for some reason the only thing I’ve wanted to do is cook. I’ve done just that and made a fantastic pot of cauliflower-vegetable soup along with some brownies and BBQ pork for sandwiches.

There are many things that I’ve had on my to-do list for quite some time that I’ve decided it’s time to start doing. It may happen a little at a time- but it IS happening, and I love the feeling of making progress. I’ve also had a few ‘ah-ha’ moments this weekend and find myself feeling better than I have in a while, which makes me smile.

What about you- What makes you smile today?

I’m still working on finding a balance between computer time and time at home, but I know I’ll get there. I want to start spending more time reading blogs, since it has been a while since I’ve done that. I’ve missed some of my old favorites, plus I’d like to discover some new faves as well. I’ll probably start trying to give myself an hour a day for blog reading and see where it takes me.

February 3, 2011

7 Years and Counting

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 9:38 am

Yesterday was mine and Marcel’s 7th wedding anniversary. In some ways I find it difficult to believe that we’ve been married that long and in other ways it seems like it’s been longer. There have been times when people have commented that we have the perfect marriage, but in reality- I don’t believe that anyone has a perfect marriage. Trust me, there are times when I want to strangle him, just as I know there are times when he feels the same about me. We do love each other though and we both constantly see that there are ways that we can work on and improve our relationship.

He’s good to me and good for me- and I love him dearly- for that I’m very grateful.

Sunshine on My Shoulders

Filed under: Home,In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 9:00 am

I sleep with my curtains open so this morning when I woke up, I was thrilled to see that the sun was shining. That may not seem like something big, but when you’ve been living with the grey days that we’ve been living with lately- trust me, it’s a huge thing.

I took JJ out for a long walk, basking in every single moment of the sunshine and even thought for a moment that I may need a Sun Hat if I’d spent much more time outside. The skies were blue- there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and I have to say that it was a perfect day.

February 1, 2011

Thinking About It

Filed under: Life,Seasons,Shop til ya Drop,Travel — gardener @ 6:17 am

I was lying in bed this morning before actually getting up, thinking of ways that I could rearrange my closet to fit the clothes (and shoes) that I bought while we were on vacation. Since the clothes are all stacked (neartly, I might add) in a moving box that we used as one of our checked pieces of luggage; I haven’t made much of an effort to move them because I know what is going to be required to get them in the closet.

While I was struggling with jet lag- I didn’t even consider attempting to reorganize my closet, but now that I’m pretty much over the jet lag and regaining some energy- I’ve actually started thinking of things I can do to make the transisition easy or at least less time consuming.

Tomorrow is our anniversary, so I doubt it will happen tomorrow (7 years of marital bliss) but I suspect within the next couple of days that my closet will take on a new look. I’m feeling inspired and this, my friends, is a good thing.

January 30, 2011

Six Weeks is Just the Beginning

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 10:47 am

While I was walking through Wal-Mart one day, I came across a Biggest Loser book that has a six week plan to become a healthier- thinner you. I figured that there probably wasn’t much information in the book that I hadn’t already discovered in my own research, but I bought it anyway because it offered a six week long structured program and I thought it would be good to try.

I knew it would involve the healthy eating lifestyle that I’m used to, plus it would actually give me more structured work-outs, something I definitely need more of. I’ve started reading the book, but I haven’t started the program yet. I knew that it was getting close to ‘that time of the month’, so I decided to get past the jet lag and that time of the month before starting. It looks like that will be happening in the next couple of days, so I’d venture to say that within the next couple of weeks I’ll be jumping in with both feet.

I figure I can do anything for six weeks and it will give me the kick-start I need to continue with this journey to a better lifestyle and a thinner- healthier me. I know it will also do wonders for the stress factors and the hormones which seem to be raging more than not these days.

I’ll keep y’all posted and also share the link of the site where I’ll not only be sharing my progress, but also where I’ll be writing about my thoughts and any obstacles I encounter along the way.

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