Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 11, 2010

Spammers- You Have a Lot to Learn

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 7:35 am

I don’t know why, but I get a LOT of SPAM on my sites.   Granted, I don’t really have to worry about it, because the spam filter catches it and all I have to do is mark it as spam and then every so often empty out the spam folder.  Right now- there are 186 spam messages in there.   Out of those 186 messages, there are probably 5 or 6 different messages that are repeated again and again and AGAIN.

Not that I’m going to allow them to advertise free on my website, but the way I see it is that if they really want to get approved, one would think they’d first- use different IP addresses than the same one 20 times with different names, plus that they’d actually write messages that aren’t the same and that are relavent to the topic.   Looks like they have a lot to learn.

November 10, 2010

Craving Silence

Filed under: Food for Thought,Home,Life,Travel — gardener @ 8:37 am

As I sit here and type this entry- I’m actually enjoying the fact that it’s silent in the house.  Marcel and the 4-legged members of the family are sleeping, allowing me a few moments of silent bliss.   I’ve always been one to appreciate a quiet moment, but yet it seems that lately, I’m craving those moments.  I’m not sure if it’s because they aren’t coming often enough, or if that I’ve had so much rumbling around in the grey matter that the silence allows me time with my thoughts to process and work through things that otherwise would be hanging in the blance.

I’m really excited about our trip, but we haven’t even boarded the plane and already our first week is completely booked.  Solid.  From Wednesday morning through Sunday, we have something going on each day.   I’m grateful- but I also know that I need to spend some time alone with my thoughts, preferably while lying in the middle of mom and dad’s field, surrounded by a plethora of cats.  I want to watch the clouds roll by and process this year- something that up until now I haven’t been able to do.  

6 day’s and we’ll be on our way.   I’m ready and can’t wait to see and spend time with everyone who wants to spend part of their holidays with us.

November 9, 2010

Little Pleasures in Life

Filed under: Food for Thought,Holidays,Home — gardener @ 8:26 am

My Friend Maggie- wrote on her blog -“MaggsWorld” about some of the simple pleasures that bring a smile to her face and warmth to her heart.   I became inspired by her list and decided that I’d share my own list.

Feel free to join us by doing the same!

  1. Waking up this morning and knowing that I have one week until my two month vacation.
  2. The bright and vibrant colors of the fall foliage making its way to the ground.
  3. Complete silence with the only sound being that of me tapping on the keyboard.
  4. The smell and flavor of steel-cut oats with cinnamon and a hint of cloves.
  5. Doing my best and finding that I’m being rewarded for it.

November 8, 2010

What Do You Think?

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:09 am

I was goofing off at the Macy’s website earlier today when I got finished working and came across this sweater.   It is not something that I may typically wear, but I fell in love with it and have been trying to decide whether to order it or not.    I love the colors, plus I love the clean lines.   In addition- its only 20.00, which in my book is a bargain.   

My only drawback is that I’m not generally a huge fan of turtlenecks, and I’ve recently ordered three solid colored ones.   Still, I can’t help but think about how much I love this sweater.   I’ve added it to my cart, I just have to make the decision. 

What do you think?

November 7, 2010

Saying I Do- Again

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:29 am

Today I was asked to do a photography job in May and I accepted. Desere’s sister and her husband have decided to renew their vows in May and she’d hinted a while back that she’d like me to do the photography, but today I was officially asked. Even though I will be nervous, I’m more than happy to be doing the pictures for them and pray that we have great weather. They’ll be picked up at their home in a horse-drawn carriage and taken to the church. There they will recommit their lives to each other and then they are planning a lunch at a local restaurant for everyone. It’s going to be a great day and I’m honored that they have included me to be a part of it. I just hope the photos will be to their liking.

November 6, 2010

Brain Power

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:13 am

This is going to sound crazy (or maybe not), but lately I’ve had so much on my mind that I find I’m forgetting more than I’m retaining. That may not be 100% accurate, but that’s how I feel. I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to do something to challenge my brain a little and allow it to think more, but wasn’t sure what I could do.

I was lying in bed a couple of nights ago when after I finished checking email on my iPhone (the ‘eye’), I thought I’d browse through the App Store. I found a cute little trial game called “Cut the Rope” and it had great reviews. I figured since the light version was free, I’d check it out- after all it was free. It’s basically a little puzzle game where you have to feed this creature in a box candies. The candies look like Life Saver Cream Savers and well- it’s cute. It also challenged me.

It didn’t take long before I’d played all the levels on the free version and that left me thinking that the full version would be perfect. It was only .99 so I downloaded it. I’ve been playing it every spare moment since. I’m not exactly sure that I’m feeling smarter or forgetting less, but at least the grey matter is working and I’m having fun in the process.

November 4, 2010

Enveloped in Sadness

Filed under: Memories,Sands of Time — gardener @ 11:28 am

I called Sheila earlier to see how she was doing. I knew she’d been struggling but I know by talking to her I have to confront the very things that I’ve been trying to avoid- and that something is Carol’s death. I know- for someone who is a take-the-bull-by-the-horns kind of girl, I’ve been avoiding this whole thing. Not Sheila- I love her dearly, but anything that puts me in that path of the sadness I feel when I think about it. It being the life changing event of Carol’s death.

I love Sheila dearly and the truth of the matter is I WANT to be there for her. I wish that I could go back in time- wave a magic wand and give her the life that she deserved to have. It wasn’t that she had a bad life- she didn’t. She had parents who love her very much- but things should have been different, but they weren’t.

I put my own self aside and called her. We had the small talk and this time she opened up to me- really opened up to me and I was able to talk to her- cry with her and open up. When I hung up the phone- I felt gutted. I still do- I feel as though a blanket of sadness has been thrown over my head and I know there’s nothing I can do but walk through it.

Sometimes… if having a magic wand were enough- … I know this too shall pass- but it’s one of those things that will take a while. I’m trying to give it that time.

November 3, 2010

Thanksgiving- More than a Holiday

Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Inspiration,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:01 am

I was thinking a few days ago about Thanksgiving- and how it really is more than a holiday of indulgence and football. The significance of that day is how people of different cultures came together and shared a moment together and were thankful for all they had been blessed with.

Even though some countries don’t celebrate Thanksgiving- I believe that we all have something (or many) things that we are thankful for and that we should spend the month of November and December focusing on those things that are of importance to us. Be grateful for the little things in your life- and in counting your own blessings- look around and see how you can reach out and help another, a perfect stranger possibly.

When we reflect on the richness of our own lifes- I personally believe giving and doing for others are the things that make our lives even richer. I challenge you all to spend the holiday season in love and in service to others and see how it impacts those around you and also who you are. I bet such an act would change all of our lives in a positive way and couldn’t we use a little more of that?

Gifts to Leave Behind

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:01 am

Marcel and I won’t be spending the holidays this year with his family so we’ve been trying to come up gift ideas to leave behind for them. They aren’t really big on gift giving, but yet I happen to love seeing a person’s face light up when they have been given something they love. I know how much Marcel’s nieces would love to get their hands on some Taylor Swift tickets and I’m thinking if we can make it happen that it will be their favorite Christmas gift ever.

October 31, 2010

Good Outweighs the Bad

Filed under: Home,Life,Memories,Sands of Time — gardener @ 11:33 am

As I was sitting here eating my big lima bean soup with ham that I made yesterday- I realized that we have 16 days until we leave for our trip.   I’ve counted down month after month, and now that the proverbial brass ring is in reach, it almost doesn’t seem real, yet it is.

I am excited beyond excited to be making this trip and yet at the same time I’m a little nervous about it.   The good definitely outweighs the bad, but I know that in spite of all the good- I’m going to have to come face to face with the reality that Carol is no longer with us.   I know that intellectually I’ve known that since March, but yet in my heart- sometimes I feel as though she’s still here.    I didn’t go home for the funeral because I don’t think I could have handled it alone- and yet, because of that- I lack the closure that I need.

At first, I thought I’d done my mourning and that I was moving on, but what I’d really done was found a way to tuck it deep into the subconscious so that I didn’t have to feel the pain.  It worked for a while, at least I thought it did- although the reality was that it manifested itself in the fact that I wasn’t making the right food choices or in the fact that I’d forgotten what exercise was.   I knew I needed to do something, but yet the desire had washed down the train with yesterday’s bath water.

Eventually the dreams started.   Sometimes they are bad dreams and other times they are just odd-  mostly though, they’re sad and when I wake up I notice that I’ve been crying in my sleep.  For a moment though- I think her being here is just a bad dream, but only for a moment until the reality sets in.

Last week I told mom and Desere both that there are days (like right now) when I can talk about things on the surface, but the depth of what I feel is yet to come out.   If I sense even a bubble of that emotion, I push it away back into the confines of my subconscious where I know I won’t have to deal with it.    Don’t get me wrong- I know I MUST deal with it, in order to move forward-  but that time has not come.     I know the time will come when I’m home-  when I stand before her grave and see that stone and know that it wasn’t all a bad dream, but it was real and that no amount of missing her will change a thing.    She is the closest person to me that I’ve ever lost and I don’t know what to do with the emotions but bury them even though I know it’s not healthy at this point.

I have always struggled with death of any sort-   and struggled the most when my grandmothers died, but this …. this doesn’t compare.   There are no words..  I need to go to the cemetary-  and yet I want to pretend that I don’t have a reason to be there.     Yes, this is something I’m not looking foward to, but I know that the good outweighs the bad… I just have to keep telling myself that when confronted with this.

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