Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 2, 2010

Learned About the Home Buying Tax Credit

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:02 am

I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve really found myself interested lately in learning about trying to find the best ways to get the most deductions when I file my taxes. I’ll admit that in the past I really haven’t thought much about it. Things have been pretty much straight forward, but so much has changed that I wanted to check into things and see what I could find.

Upon doing a little research, I found a great video about a home buying tax credit, which could benefit many of us. The video talked about a credit that had been extended into April 30th of this year. Basically, if you haven’t owned a home in the past three years, and you have bought or are in the process of buying a home and have a signed contract by April 30th of this year (with closing being done by the end of May), you are entitled to a new home tax credit of around $8,000. With all the struggles in the economy these days, that’s a tax break that many of us could use, but one that some of us may not even be aware of. I know I wasn’t.

Luckily, not only did I learn something that can possibly benefit us, but it can also possibly benefit y’all as well. It could also be a deciding factor for those of you who have been thinking about buying a home but weren’t sure. Now would definitely be the time so you can still get the tax credit.

Good Friday Gratitude

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 1:09 am

I’m on the train so my WP skills are limited on the “eye” but I wanted to share a few things I’m grateful for on this good Friday.

– Sunny skies after a week filled with weird weather.

– Jesus, who paid the ultimate price for ALL of us.

– Family and friends.

– A good cup of cappuccino.

– Relaxing at the end of a long, tiring day.

April 1, 2010

Planning and Goal Making

Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 11:27 am

This morning I was thinking about how in order to be successful at anything, I need to have goals, and lately because of all the things that have been going on in my life and in the life of those I love, goals have been the last thing on my mind.

As I was on the elliptical today, I was thinking about business hosting and how there were several companies that would meet the needs for the possible business venture that I am maybe going on with someone very near and dear to me. Before I chose the hosting for my sites, I also read about which sites offered what and made an informed (or what I thought was informed) decision based on the different reviews I read about the sites. The same will apply before making any business decisions.

As I was sweating away on the elliptical, I realized that aside from a few hosting ideas, and research I’ve done about that, I really don’t have the plan written out. Granted, it’s thought out in my head, but I need to put paper to pen and start creating some plans, and goals. Not just in this aspect, but in all aspects of my life.

It’s the only way I’m going to get where I need to be. Care to join me and start making a few goals of your own?

March 31, 2010

I Needed This

Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 4:30 am

I’m having a pretty difficult day today. As one of my friends mentioned to me a few days ago, I’ve really had a bad month. Truth is, it isn’t me that has had a bad month, but those around me in the things that have happened, but I guess it has really taken a deeper toll on me than I thought.

Today, in spite of getting my work done, I find that there isn’t much else I feel like doing. I don’t want to do anything but cry and I’ve shed quite a few tears. I haven’t eaten a bite of food, drank a drop of water or even coffee, and as most of you know, that’s a staple in my diet.

As I was browsing my new email, I came across this little article from SparkPeople, and it couldn’ have come at a better time. It’s just what I needed to see and hear, and I think when I finish this, I’m going to lie across the bed and reflect on it for a while.

“Suffering is the tuition one pays for a character degree.”– Richard M. Rayner, M.D.,

What You Really Learn from Hardships

“Perhaps you think this isn’t very ‘positive’ sounding, but I find it helps people (patients and friends) put hardship, which is inevitable, to good use,” says Richard. “People can use their suffering either to gain character or become bitter. The ones who choose bitterness live a long, slow death. The ones who choose character truly live.”

Richard is right on the money. Happiness and sadness don’t happen to us–they come from within. The story of your life will be written with or without your help. The next chapter is happening while you read this. Will you wait to see what it says later, or will you help write it?

March 25, 2010

Gratitude- March 25, 2010

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 1:13 pm

I haven’t done a gratitude list on here in a while, so I thought that maybe it was about time that I do so. In spite of not listing them here daily, I’m still grateful for everything in my life. I think it’s something we should all take a moment to think about each day.

My Gratitude List for March 25, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Sunshine, which meant that I could spend the entire day outside in the sun with my laptop working.
  • The delicious sweetness of fresh pineapple
  • Truth- because it really does set you free.  Don’t believe me?  Ask those who live the lie and see what they tell you.
  • Simple pleasures like playing ‘balley balley’ with JJ and seeing the happiness in his eyes.
  • Survivor and the laughter it brought me.

Heroes -vs- Villians

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 12:49 pm

I just finished watching last nights episode of Survivor that came on last night and it was one of my favorite episodes ever. This season has the “Heros” vs the “Villians” and some of my favorite players ever are playing, including J.T., Rupert, Colby, Russell and James. Hmmmmm, I just noticed when I was typing this that all of my favorites are guys.

Last nights episode was hilarious and I caught myself “LOLing” (Laughing out Loud) several times during the show. I can’t wait to see what happens next week. It’s going to be a good one. That’s all I’m sayin’, especially since I know Mom and Diddy haven’t watched it yet.

I’ve been watching Survivor since the first season and I have to say that I think this is my favorite to date. Anyone else out there watch it?

I’m Feelin’ Good

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Things I Love — gardener @ 12:41 pm

I’ve been pretty proud of myself lately that I’ve been spending more and more time on the elliptical and I’ve felt so much better. I really forgot how much I’ve missed spending the time on it, and even though I’m not back to same resistance level I was at last year, I’ll be getting there soon. Marcel has talked about starting to use it himself, just to build up a fitness level but he’ll first have to get rid of the shingles.

Once the days start getting longer, I’ll start doing some interval running, but I’ll do that in the evenings after dinner and the elliptical and strength training during the day. I’m determined to get this 40 off by November.

Shocking Snack Discovery

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 8:09 am

I’ve been a member of the SparkPeople website for several years and love it. (It’s free and if you haven’t signed up, then you should be.) Anyway, I receive several emails from them a day regarding health and nutrition. One of those emails usually compares to foods and shows which one is the better choice of the two.

I’ll admit, most of the time I don’t read them, simply because I don’t have time, and also because I rarely eat out so I don’t have to worry about those temptations, but this morning I clicked just out of curiosity to see what the challenge was.

The question posed was- Which is the better choice- a Snow Cone or Cotton Candy?

Now this was a no brainer for me. After all, I have been around long enough to know that cotton candy is nothing but spun sugar, and after all, the bulk of a snow cone is ice which has no calories.

Imagine my HUGE surprise when I saw that the cotton candy was the better choice. While NEITHER one of them are good choices, the fact is-

Cotton candy is lighter in weight and lighter on calories. A large (but lightweight) 1.5-ounce serving is worth approximately 175 calories and it’s completely fat-free! While Sno Cones are made of mostly ice (calorie-free), that syrup really adds up. The average Sno Cone weighs about 12 ounces (half of that is ice and half of that is high-sugar syrup) and packs 540 calories into a seemingly “light” dessert. Every squirt of that syrup contains up to 100 calories alone! If you want a sweet treat, don’t let that Sno Cone fool you–it’s only masquerading as a low-calorie food.

Can you believe that????? 540 calories in a Snow Cone????? I would have NEVER figured that one to be true.. but I learned not to be fooled by appearances, because as you can see- they can be deceiving.

March 23, 2010

Thinking Thin

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration — gardener @ 8:28 am

I’m a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and I decided that since I’ve lost a few pounds in the past week that I was going to start thinking ‘skinny’ and see what kind of difference it would mean. I don’t mean that I’m going to sit and think about being skinny while shoveling ice cream, candies and other sugary, fat laden goodies in my mouth, but instead I’m going to think thin while making conscious choices to eat well and excercise.

I’ve been really critical of myself in the past when I didn’t eat exactly the way I had planned or when I didn’t get that work out in, and I believe it produces negative results. I’m human and perfection is a myth and unattainable to all of us, so I’m giving myself a break and loving myself no matter what, and visualizing where I’d like to be for my own optiumum health- not just thinner, but with a low BMI and a happy, healthy heart.

March 21, 2010

It Isn’t Tulips…But

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,photography — gardener @ 5:18 am

I know, it isn’t tulips but it is a sure sign they are on their way. First were these
crocus and this morning I noticed the daffodils. NEXT UP, TULIPS.

Stat tuned to this space because I’m expecting great things and I love sharing great things.

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