Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 13, 2010

Junk Food Junkie

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 4:23 am

Over the past year, Marcel has really started eating quite a bit of chocolate and other goodies in the evening. I think he’s gained about five pounds, but for those of you who know him, know that those are five pounds he could use. This morning he asked me if I thought he could use fat burners for men to help him get rid of his ‘belly’. Want to know my response? I rolled my eyes. I know a few people who could probably benefit from them, but he’s definitely not one of them.

Make-Up Or Not?

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 4:20 am

This morning I was looking in the mirror trying to decide if I was or wasn’t going to wear make-up when I go out in a little while to visit a friend. My allergies have been giving me fits, and I still have that little cough and it seems like the weirdest things set it off, such as the Tony’s Cajun seasoning I put on my popcorn yesterday. (cooked in olive oil -yum)

I noticed that even at the age of 42, I’m still having little break outs and wonder if adult acne treatment could be something for me. Granted, I don’t really consider it acne, but I do think I have more breakouts than your average person. I eat well, so I just don’t get it.

Oh, and I decided no make-up.

January 12, 2010

Gratitude January 12

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:34 am

Even when I may not have time to write a whole lot here, I do want to try to take the time to remember things that I’m grateful for today and every day.

My Gratitude List for January 12, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Bible Study, which started again today.
  • Each and every one of the women who were there today, who bless my life in more ways than they know.
  • Free coffee that I got at the train station, simply by helping another.
  • Running into an old school mate who didn’t recognize me because I’d lost so much weight.
  • Marcel, for cooking dinner.

January 11, 2010

Gratitude- January 11

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 10:45 am

Even though I may not be sharing them here every day as of yet, I really am trying to spend this year focused on the positive and that includes living a life of gratitude. I find that if I spend my time focused on the good things in life, then I have far less time and inclination to focus on the negative.

I challenge you to do the same.

My Gratitude List for January 11, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • For having the courage to get out on the ice and slide like a kid.  (Thanks mom)
  • Morning cuddles with both Mister M. and J.J. 
  • The wonderful coffee that Marcel brewed us this morning.
  • Free coffee at the grocery store that I can drink as I shop.
  • Snow and frozen canals.

Just Doing It!

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 10:41 am

It’s the beginning of a new week and I can already tell it’s going to be a great one. Yesterday, I did something that I’ve never done before in my life- I walked on a frozen canal. Yes, I know it doesn’t seem like much, but trust me, for someone who has never walked on a frozen canal or any other body of water, it’s a big deal.

I wanted to slide on the ice but didn’t dare. After much encouragement from mom, I decided to stop being silly and just do it. The worst that could happen would be that I would fall and break my leg, arm or something else, but life would go on.

I’m happy to say that I DID do it, and I didn’t fall, or even almost fall. I loved it and I found myself wanting to learn how to ice skate. Marcel recorded it, so once I get it uploaded, I’ll share.

Do it today people- you never know when tomorrow won’t come, and who wants to live with regrets?

January 10, 2010

We Could All Use A Little More…

Filed under: Inspiration,Life,photography — gardener @ 11:16 am

All You Need is Love
I think this says it all- no words necessary.

January 9, 2010

Health and Fitness Update

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 1:51 am

As you know, I recommited to myself and promised that I would do my best to reach my weight loss goal by November of this year. I’m also on a 21 day sugar detox to try to readjust my tastebuds to live without sugar and that means not eating anything with sugar or that’s sweet.

At first, I lasted two days, and the fudge in the kitchen called my name a little too loud and I had a piece. Two pieces to be exact. I knew what I was doing and no I didn’t kick myself for doing it, but rather than saying ‘forget it’ with the sugar detox, I started again fresh the next morning. It’s now been three days, and while I still miss sugar, I’m managing without it. I hope by the time this 21 days are over, I won’t crave it any longer.

In other news- I’ve been very good about not eating after 8, and I continue with that pattern. I haven’t started tracking my food yet on paper (or on the “eye phone”) but I will. (I have been keeping an estimate and close eye on what I have though, and I feel confident I’m staying within my calorie range.

I still haven’t got on the elliptical, but what I have done is been walking some in this weather. I’m really ready to get back on the elliptical, but I really want to get rid of this cough before I do, because anytime I get too warm, the coughing fits start. I hope that will be soon.

So that’s my start- I’ve increased my water and yesterday while I was out with Desere, I resisted cookies, chococcino and even the beautiful ciabatta bread that was served with my tomato soup at lunch. I wanted it, but in the end, I know that it isn’t worth it.

Icy Roads

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 1:45 am

I can’t believe that yet another few days have passed since I last wrote in here. Things have been slightly busy, and in the evenings when all is quiet, rather than spend time on the computer, I’ve been watching movies, and some of the new shows that I’ve just discovered and fallen in love with.

Yesterday I spent half of the day walking, shopping and lunching with Desere, and afterwards I spent some time on a little photo safari looking for winter pictures. I didn’t have to look far with the weather being what it is. One thing is for sure, with all the cars I see slipping and sliding all over the road, finding the cheapest car insurance should be a necessity. Having something is definitely better than having no coverage at all.

Marcel and I ended up in a couple places yesterday where the roads weren’t cleared and where the road wasn’t wide enough for two cars. One of those moments happened to be on a hill, and we met three cars in a row. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck by the time we got out of there. Thankfully we didn’t slide off the embankment and into the canal and made it home safely.

Today and tomorrow I’m not working, so I’m planning on catching up with a few things around the house and possibly writing a few letters.

January 6, 2010

Gratitude- January 6

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 8:38 am

It’s hard to believe that we are almost a week into the new year. Aside from a few frustrations and speed bumps, the year couldn’t be better and I know with each passing day things are only going to continue to be great.

In a little while, I’m going to retire to the kitchen for a little while and start dinner, but before I do.

My Gratitude List for January 6, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The softly falling snow and the beautiful blanket of white.
  • The silence and overall peaceful feeling that comes along with the snow.
  • New recipes, which I’m excited about trying.
  • Thick warm socks that keep my feet warm on days like these.
  • JJ and Mister M. who never fail to make me giggle.

I Can See Clearly Now

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 8:32 am

Do you remember that song from the, what was it 70’s? Even though I am a child of the 60’s, I happen to love that song, but that isn’t what this entry is about. It does relate to seeing clearly and about something that I’d like to share with y’all. For those of you who know me, you know that I always love sharing products that I find that I think others can benefit from, and this is yet another one of those occasions.

This morning I was reading online when I came across an article about eyeglasses. Now, I don’t personally wear glasses, but both of my parents do so I figure it’s just a matter of time before I join them. I can’t tell you how many times mom has mentioned paying astronomical amounts for prescription glasses for both she and dad both, so after I read about the great prices that can be found online at Zenni, I decided to give mom a call. I told her that she should check her email that I was forwarding her an article that I read on how easy it is to get great prices on glasses by using Zenni optical.

I’m all for saving money and in this day and age with the uncertainties associated with the economy, the fact that someone offers prescription glasses for as little as $8.00 a pair is exciting. According to the article I read, they are able to do so because they have no middleman. They also don’t have a store that has excessive overhead that they have to cover, which ultimately is passed on to you. In addition, they don’t offer designer or brand name glasses, but instead, they offer inexpensive QUALITY glasses in many styles.

Mom had never heard of them, but now that she has, she said she’s definitely going to check them out. After all, the way I see it is why pay more if you don’t have to?

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