Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 8, 2012


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:48 am

Part of my new ‘plan’ is to post here more often and to get back into a regular blogging routine. I think because I’ve kind of gotten out of the habit- that in spite of having a lot that I want to say- I just haven’t collected my thoughts enough to sit down and write- espcially nothing of great interest. So, that’s part of my plan of things I want to do in the coming time. I have many stories and life lessons to share.

Right now- I have a husband who wants to eat, so I guess that has to be my priority- even though I’d rather sit and write. More to come.

March 7, 2012

Focus and Refocus

Filed under: Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 11:40 am

I’m on the road to refocusing some things in my life. I’m a person who really believes if something isn’t working in our lives- then it’s up to us to take the steps to change it.

For the past couple of years- I’ve been unfocused on many things. My head is a minefield of thoughts and I’m always tiptoeing around one thing to the other and never really getting anywhere. If you know me at all, then you know that defintely isn’t who I am yet for the past two years that’s exactly who I’ve become.

I have recognized why and how- but now it’s time to do something about it- recognizing hasn’t been enough. So I’m taking a little break to focus on me- completely on my health and well-being and what I need to do to stop spinning my wheels and get that forward momentum going again.

I’m off in a ditch somewhere- and because I’ve gotten into this loop of odd thinking- I’m finding it hard to get back up. That’s how I know it’s time for change- because what I’m doing isn’t working. It’s time to reinvent what works for me- and make it happen and believe me- it will.

Things that make You go Hmm

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 11:00 am

Last week Marcel and I were picking up some supplies to fill an order I had for this week. We were walking through one of my favorite stores and I noticed a barcode scanner lying on the shelf. I assume it was something that they use to place orders or maybe keep up with inventory. For some reason I had this urge to hide it behind the boxes of candy it was lying in front of. I don’t know why- but I just did. I didn’t do it- but I thought about it long and hard. It left me wondering though- how often things like that do happen.

February 19, 2012

Sense from Nonsense

Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 8:56 am

Being in the land of ‘dizziness’ has given me a lot of time to think. It has also given me some moments of frustration since I don’t do well sitting still for days on end- but that’s a story for another day. I take this as being my body’s way of telling me to stop and slow down for a lttle while. I finally stopped stressing about it and started listening.. Since then I’ve slept better and even though I’m still dizzy- I’m not constantly thinking about what needs to be done that I can’t accomplish at the moment. This is temporary and I’m doing what I can. That is what matters.

I am a thinker, an analyzer and sometimes that isn’t to my benefit. I overthink and overcomplicate some things, although I’ve gotten much better with that in recent years. I’m still a work in progresss, but I’m really starting to realize what matters more and what doesn’t.

There was a time (even recently) when I would give a lot of time thinking about why certain people tend to be so catty and negative about people they are supposedly friends with. I was one of those people that they did that with on occasion. I did not get it, but would spend hours evaluating it from every angle trying to ‘get it’. Finally- I realized that I wouldn’t get it- because I can’t see things from a perspective of jealousy.

I’m not a jealous person. I’m not sure if I ever have been, although I’m sure the green monster has reared its head in my life at some point- it’s not something I can remember. I have insecurities- but on the whole, I’m confident in who I am. I want the people that I love and care about to be happy and successful and when they have triumphs and joys- I’m genuinely thrilled for them. I cheer them on and it brings my heart joy to see them succeed. So- I learned that it is impossible for me to understand the mentality of someone who begrudges another for their successes or who feels that their way is the only way. (We are all different people and have different ways of doing things- it doesn’t make one right and the other wrong- just different. I celebrate differences and have often learned things from seeing someone elses perspective.) I’m not interested in being a cookie cutter version of anyone. I’m me and I’m glad of that!

So I’ve learned in this week- so that makes it time not wasted.. I’ve learned you can’t make sense from someone elses nonsense when your thoughts and ideals are completely different. It makes it easy to just shake my head and move on.

February 10, 2012

Food and Recipes

Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 8:22 am

I’ve been thinking for a while now at how I would like this blog to take a different direction and just haven’t been sure exactly where I wanted to take it- I love to cook and I love the idea of sharing recipes and various ideas that I have- but didn’t want this to be ‘just’ a recipe or foodie blog. There are some great ones out there- so I have been thinking about exactly what I do want to do- I think I’ll start using it to share household tips- and also other handy things I come across in my life travels, plus the continued gratitude journal and the 101 in 1001 project. It doesn’t mean I won’t share the occasional recipe- but I do have some ideas for a foodie blog- I just don’t think this is going to be it. I’d love to share some of my favorite producs and ideas- along with recipes and such- so expect to hear more about that in the near future.

February 2, 2012


Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 10:55 am

Today Marcel and I are celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary- Technically we aren’t celebrating until this weekend since he’s working tonight- but today is our ‘day’. He brought me some gorgeous roses yesterday and I made him some cranberry-almond brownies that happen to be one of his favorites. Mine too, but I’m trying not to indulge- although I did have a little bite.

It has been a busy day here in house- but a good one. Right now I’m looking forward to another year together with him- and the adventures that we will have along the way. He’s good about indulging my wishes and whims- I feel very blessed and lucky.

January 1, 2012

New Year- New Possibilities

Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 7:41 am

Day one of 2012. Wow! A clean slate and a year filled with potential and endless possibilities. I’m excited about it. I’m excited about the realizations I had towards the end of last year and how it is going to help me increase my potential and better understanding of myself in this one.

January 1, 2012.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • My Family-   They are always there for me through everything- and I’m so grateful.   What would I do without them?
  • My Friends-  Some of them I count amongst my family and again- I’m so grateful and blessed to have such a precious group of friends.  
  • PJ days-   Today is one of those lounge around the house and just catch up on little things days- and I love it.
  • Learning to let go-   I’ve had a problem with letting go of things lately and I’m learning to let go of the things that I really shouldn’t be holding on to.   It has been a little painful, but it’s a good thing.
  • Possibilities-  potential and a new day and year to do my best!

December 16, 2011

Goal Setting

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 6:27 am

I’ve been thinking about the things I’d like to accomplish in 2012 and I’m already working on setting some goals to allow me better time management and also to get me back in the right mindset for not only getting things done but for being more positive. I consider myself a pretty positive person, but I’ve allowed a few negativities to take root and manifest in my life and I’m working on ‘weeding the garden’ so-to-speak.

One thing that I’m definitely going to be doing is spending more time focusing on the little things I’m grateful for. I used to share them here often- and I’m going to get back to doing that list.

Another thing- is taking more time to nuture and take good care of my body. I’ve only got one- and I haven’t been doing all that I can to take care of it and I know I should. I owe it to myself.

More on the horizon- but this is a good thing to refer back to as I start preparing and writing things down. 2012 is going to be a good year- I’m certain of it.

Low Profile

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:16 am

I’ve been keeping a pretty low profile since I haven’t been feeling well and unfortunately that means I haven’t been coming on my laptop as much and writing- anywhere. I realized a few days ago that it could be part of why I’ve been feeling the way that I am, because writing can be somewhat like therapy for me- even if it’s something that I only read myself. It’s a way for me to purge my feelings and thoughts on certain issues and move on. Since I haven’t been doing that- I’ve noticed that I’ve been dwelling on certain things for far longer than I usually would- so a lesson to me- don’t stop writing, even when you don’t feel like doing it.


Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 5:16 am

Even though I haven’t had much of a physical presence on my blogs- (that is about to change)- I’ve still been busy with a gazillion other things like trying to get my business off the ground and trying to make decisions such as whether I need a reporting engine and other technical goodies. I’ve had to do the research on my own- and I admit it is a bit daunting and I find myself a bit lost at times- but that could be a culmination of a list of things. I do feel as though I’m making progress though and I hope that means I’ll be able to go into the New Year with a new perspective and a boost in business. I have faith, but I know it will just take time.

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