Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 5, 2011

Taking Time

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Women — gardener @ 11:07 am

One thing I’ve noticed about myself this year is that I have not taken the time to do things the way I should be doing them. I know- that may not make a lot of sense, but what has happened is that so many things have happened and have been going on- that I have just trudged forward without really taking the time to process what needs to be processed, plus I’ve forgotten to take some time for myself to take care of ‘me’ and I can see that it’s taken a toll.

2010 was a really bad year for me but I thought after taking a little time at the beginning of the year to work through a few things that I was ok- The truth is- I still wasn’t where I needed to be in many ways- and it has shown in a lot of things- including my weight- I’ve gained 10 pounds this year, and while I’m not happy about it- It has made me realize tha I need to take a closer look at myself and what’s going on around me- and why I’m struggling with some things that are outside of my control.

I feel tired on so many levels- and uninspired- even though great things are happening in my life. I know that it’s time to really take time and think about me.. and get back on track. I can do it- The first thing is going to be to dedicate more time to writing and doing more things that I love- and not just my business stuff- but exercise and keeping my body and mind healthy.

Making a List

Filed under: Holidays,Life,Seasons,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 9:07 am

Since I’m super late with my Christmas shopping- I think it’s about time that I sit down and decide what I’m getting for whom and start making it happen. I think I’ll probably give my brother a Starbucks card because I know it’s an indulgence that he really enjoys- and I know he doesn’t really need anything else- Dad could use some micrometers and I still haven’t decided yet on mom- but I’ll figure out something. I’m still working on Marcel’s too- although I do have a few ideas.. Slowly but surely-I’ll get there.. Just gotta get that list made and start checking it off.

November 29, 2011

Sweet Guy

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:53 am

A while back Marcel and I bought a television for the guest room and set it up. Well, I say a while back- it was last year, but we are yet to get the DVD player hooked up- or we were until today Marcel pulled out the video cables and when I got home from high-tea with Desere he was happy to show me that I could lie in the guest room (since I haven’t been feeling well) and watch movies if I wanted. I was thrilled and it’s perfect for when he’s watching sports on television and I want to watch a movie. What a sweet guy I’m married to.

November 21, 2011


Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Life — gardener @ 10:00 am

When I logged in today I was ashamed to see that it has been so long (almost a month!) since I was here last. I could give you a gazillion reasons as to why I haven’t, but the truth is on top of everything else I’ve been doing, I just haven’t made the time for it.

I know- I know- sad but true. I have a lot I want to talk about and share in this space- and am considering where I want this space to go in terms of blogging at the beginning of the year- but I will share that with you as time goes on.

Now that I’m feeling as though I’m starting to catch up after our extended holiday, I’m hoping to post much more frequently.

Thanksgiving is here- (where has the year gone?) and I’m thankful for the wonderful people in my life.


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:00 am

Things have been somewhat of a whirlwind around here since the vacation with me playing catch up (constantly) and getting the new business off the ground. Thanks to the angels that be- I finally got the site off the ground and live and have been moving forward ever since.

I’m now working on marketing ideas, including the possibility of custom pins to help promote and get my name out there. I know that every little bit helps and I’m crossing my fingers and praying that all takes off and I start soaring.

October 31, 2011

Balancing Act

Filed under: Life,Women — gardener @ 8:45 am

Things have been almost maddening busy around here with not a lot of time for me to catch up on email, write letters, or do much of anything else. I’m still trying to strike that balance time wise, but I’m fairly certain I’ll get there. I have felt somewhat like I’m walking a tightrope and there is a balancing act going on- one that I don’t seem to be winning.

We’ve had a few social things planned and this past Friday was one of them. I don’t know if it’s my age or what- but when I put my make-up on it didn’t seem like my eyelashes looked as good as they usually do. The thought of eyelash enhancer crossed my mind- but I’m going to wait and see if this eyelash misbehaving trend continues. I really want to look my best.

October 24, 2011


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:57 am

I had a great vacation, but the one thing I didn’t do that I told myself I would do- was use that opportunity to start eating healthier again. At the start of each week- I’d tell myself the same thing- over and over again – for seven weeks. It never happened. I never ate healthier- in fact, if anything I ate worse!

I’ve thought about it- and even chastized myself a bit, because I know better, and what was already a bad habit has become even worse. I know it’s time to make some changes.

Since I’m already extremely busy and I don’t want to overwhelm myself, I’m making a few small changes over the next couple of weeks and see where it takes me. I’m looking forward to getting back on a regular exercise routing and eating better. That part of the journey has begun- plus nothing after 8 at night. If I can make it through this week with NOTHING but water after 8- then I’ll cut anything with sugar after that. I’m already easing off that- but it’s not going to be cold turkey. It’s still never going to be 100% sugar-free, after all- I have a cupcake business and I will have to test new products, but that doesn’t mean I have to eat them outside of testing them- plus I can spend extra time on the elliptical when I know I’m going to be having a cupcake.

I can do this- I’ve done it before, plus me and my health deserve it.

October 14, 2011


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:51 am

Even though we’ve been super busy and doing a lot of traveling- the one thing that I’ve come to realize after visiting several countries and interacting with various cultures is that we really aren’t as different as we like to think we are. I have also realized that based on my reaction to several things or at least my way of thinking with some things that have happened in recent months- that I really need to rethink a few things.

I’ve believed for years that sometimes we tend to be our own worst enemies and I’ve realized it lately more than ever. I also realized that people can’t have power over us that we don’t give them- and I’ve got to learn how to draw and keep those boundaries solid.

We are home now- and I’m feeling somewhat saddened by the fact that mom and diddy will be leaving next week. My plan is to take a few days to myself to get things in order and then start getting busy with the business. I have cupcakes to sell!

September 14, 2011

What Really Matters

Filed under: Life,Life's Little Hiccups,Travel — gardener @ 8:36 am

I’m not sure why- but it has been one of those days. You know the ones- where it seems like everything you touch breaks or falls apart. I know that tomorrow is a new day (thankfully) and in spite of having much to do- I’ve decided that while dinner is cooking that I’ll spend a little time writing and reflecting.

There has been a LOT going on in my world as of late. Most of everything that has happened has been positive- (Started a business, my parents are visiting and we’re vacationing) but there are a few blips on the screen that have raised my stress levels. I keep looking and moving forward- determined not to look back and keep reminding myself that the actions of others are theirs and theirs alone and that I can’t change it. It doesn’t make it easy though- especially when you see people you love and care about getting hurt.

I’m an emotional soul- so it takes me a while to process things and give them a place, but I’ll get there. After all- there are great things happening- We’re headed out to Germany and Austria tomorrow where new adventures await. Not to mention mom and diddy will be sharing that with us- so that makes it all the more special. Focus on the good stuff- that’s what I keep telling myself. After all- that’s what really matters isn’t it?

September 8, 2011

The Little Things-

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:33 am

Not too long ago- I designed some stickers with my cupcake logo and phone number to use on my cupcake boxes. I loved the proof but you never really know what you’re getting until it arrives- and today was that day! I was not only happy about the little stickers- but I was THRILLED with them- and they will definitely be something I’ll continue to order in the future.

Having my family here and being on vacation with them brings me much joy- but this was the proverbial icing on the cake- It is the little things that make me smile- and in this case that’s something that should be taken literally- since the stickers are small, but will look perfect on the boxes.

What ‘little’ thing has brought joy to your life today?

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