Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 5, 2011

Taking Time

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Women — gardener @ 11:07 am

One thing I’ve noticed about myself this year is that I have not taken the time to do things the way I should be doing them. I know- that may not make a lot of sense, but what has happened is that so many things have happened and have been going on- that I have just trudged forward without really taking the time to process what needs to be processed, plus I’ve forgotten to take some time for myself to take care of ‘me’ and I can see that it’s taken a toll.

2010 was a really bad year for me but I thought after taking a little time at the beginning of the year to work through a few things that I was ok- The truth is- I still wasn’t where I needed to be in many ways- and it has shown in a lot of things- including my weight- I’ve gained 10 pounds this year, and while I’m not happy about it- It has made me realize tha I need to take a closer look at myself and what’s going on around me- and why I’m struggling with some things that are outside of my control.

I feel tired on so many levels- and uninspired- even though great things are happening in my life. I know that it’s time to really take time and think about me.. and get back on track. I can do it- The first thing is going to be to dedicate more time to writing and doing more things that I love- and not just my business stuff- but exercise and keeping my body and mind healthy.

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