Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 28, 2010

Should Have Known

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 11:28 am

The past couple of days my hormones have been on a major rampage and wouldn’t you know it- yesterday ‘that time’ showed up and at least I understood why I’ve been so much more emotional than usual. I know- for any guy who may be reading this, you really don’t want to know about girly things, but you can always choose to skip this entry. I’ve known that I’m going through peri-menapause for a while, but the hormones (or lack thereof) get uglier every month. I know it sounds crazy, but I honestly feel like Jeckyll and Hyde at some points.

Along with this has come some pretty nasty cramps to the point of me taking Tylenol with Codeine to get relief. I have to do it every month and all I can say is Thank the Lord for it otherwise I’d probably be driven to drink haha. Marcel literally laughed out loud today when I looked at him and told him that I thought I’d be having my period Thanksgiving night and how with cramps like these it would hinder my ‘Midnight Madness’ shopping spree at the outlet. I know, stop shaking your head- I seriously love that Midnight Madness shopping THAT much that I don’t want anything to get in my way.

October 27, 2010

Wednesday Rambles

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 8:42 am

Last night’s movie night was just what the doctor ordered. I was feeling particularly stressed yesterday (which seems to be more the rule than the exception as of late) and in spite of the movie having some very sad parts that had me boo-hooing and close to going into the ‘ugly cries’, the movie was great. Life as We Know it was funny and also heart-warming and was a reminder of what’s important in life- Family, Friends and Love. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it.

Today so far has been one of those cold, dreary fall days. You know the ones- where you want to stay inside bundled up in a blanket eating comfort food. I do have several apples that are in need of baking, so I’ll probably bake those in a little while with a little cinnamon, oats, raw sugar and almond flour. I figure they’ll make a great dessert, especially since I found out that Marcel is coming home from work early to watch the soccer game. Looks like I’ll be retiring to the bedroom to watch television with Mister M. today.

October 26, 2010

Movie Night

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:48 am

Looks like Tuesday’s are becoming movie nights for Desere and I. Tonight we’ll be going to see Life as We Know It. We saw the trailer last week and both agreed that it should be the kind of lighthearted movie that we could both enjoy. Marcel is working and I just hope that JJ will behave while we’re goine. I guess if not- I’ll hear about it from the neighbors.

October 22, 2010

Pasty White

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life,Seasons — gardener @ 9:57 am

Marcel and I stopped at the gas station yesterday for a fill up when a girl passed by on a bike. She was pale, but then so am I. What surprised me was that Marcel said that she could use some indoor tanning lotions or something because she was so pale. I laughed, and looked at him and said, ‘Well what about me?’ His response was that my face wasn’t pale because I’d gotten some sun on it last week. I just shook my head. I wonder what he thought before last week? Men- you just gotta love em.

October 15, 2010

Movie List

Filed under: Favorite 15,Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:44 am

My friend Camille tagged me on Facebook to create a list of 15 movies that I love. It’s supposed to be things that pop into your head, not something that you think long and hard about-  In fact, it’s not supposed to take more than 15 minutes to complete.

I’m planning on sharing this on Facebook, but I thought it would be fun to share here in case someone wants to join and share their own Top 15 movies.    Mine are below- in no particular order.

My Favorite 15- (Movies)

  1. The Wizard of Oz
  2. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  3. The Other Sister
  4. Dangerous Minds
  5. The Blindside
  6. Schindlers List
  7. Titanic
  8. Legends of the Fall
  9. Remember the Titans
  10. Steel Magnolias
  11. Pretty Woman
  12. Avatar
  13. Grease
  14. ET
  15. It’s a Wonderful Life

There you have it- the 15 movies right off the top of my head that I love.   I’d love to hear your favorites.

The Outside is Evident to the Inside

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 10:28 am

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about health, fitness and the fact that I seem to have lost my way when it comes to exercise. I know why- there’s no doubt about it that the fact that my lack of motivation is evident of the emotional turmoil I’ve been struggling with most of this year. It wouldn’t matter which weight loss pill reviews that I read, because until I work through what needs to be worked through- I’ll continue to struggle. Don’t get me wrong- I’m not on a binge or anything like that- but I’ve always had a weakness for sugar and that continues. I know I’ll get my ‘groove’ back, but I also know that it isn’t about the food, but about what’s going on inside my heart and head. If you’re struggling- I’m sure the same is true for you as well.

October 14, 2010

Don’t Doubt Me

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 4:29 am

A little earlier my iPhone rang and I could tell by the ringtone that it was Marcel calling. He was at work, so I knew that he was either having a break and was bored, or that he actually had something to tell me. As it turned out- he had some news and the conversation went a little like this:

Marcel: Hey guess what? I’ve got some good news.

Me: Really? Do tell. (I figured I already knew, and as it turned out, I was right.)

Marcel: Remember me telling you I had to go to a meeting this morning?

Me: Yes, I remember.

Marcel: Well, that meeting was canceled, but as I was walking out the door, my boss asked me to wait because he said he had something for me. So, I waited and he came back and handed me an envelope.

Me: (Laughing) Hmmm, and I wonder what was inside that envelope.

Marcel: There was a letter inside. (nothing like him taking his time to get to the point- even though I already knew what it was.)

Me: Really? Hmmmm, and what did the letter say? (I was playing along since he was taking his sweet time.)

Marcel: Well the letter was from my boss that I was getting a raise.

Me: Well imagine that- Repeat after me- “From now on I will listen to Lori when she tells me something instead of being pessimistic.” I’m very happy for you sweetie, but I must say it- “I told you so.”

Marcel: (He repeated what I said) I guess I should have been more positive and patient instead of being so stressed about it.

Me: I believe you are correct. I think we should go to dinner to celebrate.

Marcel: Ok, sounds good.

At that point there was a little more chatter and we hung up the phone. Months ago, Marcel’s boss said that he was putting him in for a raise, but that the one guy higher up had to approve it. It has probably been about two months, and I suggested to Marcel when he started complaining that he hadn’t heard anything that he contact his boss and find out the status. He was very negative and said that he wasn’t going to get the raise because he’d recently switched to another department and that there was no way they were going to give him the raise if the possibility existed that he wouldn’t be going back to his old department. I did not agree. He was frustrated that things didn’t happen in ‘his’ time frame, but I assured him that he wasn’t the only person on their mind and if he was concerned about when he was going to hear something, that he should contact them. He said no… and he was certain that he wasn’t getting the raise, while I’ve said all along that he would.

He found out today that I was right. I teased him and told him that one day he’d learn not to doubt me. haha.. I am very happy for him though, plus the up side is that I don’t have to cook tonight.

October 13, 2010

Busy as a Bee

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:57 am

This has been an extremely busy week and it’s only ‘hump day’. I haven’t had nearly as much time to write as I’d hoped, but I think things are going to settle down a little right now and I’ll be able to have a chance to write more. I have so much I want to talk about, but one has to have the opportunity to get it out of the head and tap it out on the keyboards.

Right now- the coffee is ready and that means time for a cup of the steaming hot java and a quick bath to warm the bones. I’m freezing and have been most of the day.

October 9, 2010

Keeping Positive

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 8:47 am

One of my friends was laid off from the company she worked for earlier this year, and because she lives in a pretty remote area, she’s been unable to find any local jobs. She commuted about an hour each way for her last job and she was ready to do the same thing again. She was turned down for a job that would have required she travel 1 1/2 hours each way daily, plus they felt she was over-qualified. I told her I was sure that something would come along- and wouldn’t you know that yesterday she got a call and was hired not a half hour from her home. She starts next week. I hope this job is everything she’s ever wanted and then some. I’m VERY excited for her and can’t wait to hear all about her first day. She kept a positive attitude the entire time she was job hunting and I’m sure that contributed to her finding exactly what she was looking for.

Perfect Day

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:42 am

Today kicked off Marcel’s birthday weekend and I have to say that the weather couldn’t be much better. The skies are blue, the temps cool and I just finished making a huge pot of soup that we’ll sit outside and eat. It doesn’t get much better than this. The day has included drinking coffee at a local farm- turned restaurant, buying raw almonds at a market, taking a long run- walk with JJ and picking up Marcel’s birthday cake.

I wish every single day was just like this one.

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