Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 1, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 1:20 pm

My friend Samantha received this from a mutual friend of ours, and she shared it with me. It is one of those things that after reading it, with tears in my eyes, I read it again, and thought about the truth in each and every word- about what matters in this life, and what doesn’t.

Take the time to cultivate and nurture ALL that matters in your life, and don’t sweat the stuff that doesn’t.

“Some things we keep.”

One day a woman’s husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t “anymore”. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more “just one minute.” Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say “I love you.”

So while we have it, its best we love it, care for it, fix it when it’s broken and heal it when it’s sick. This is true for marriage … And old cars … And children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.

Some things we keep — like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what.

Life is important, like people we know who are special. And so, we keep them close!

July 31, 2009

Golden Silence

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:03 am

Is it horrible of me to be happy that my husband is off fishing at the moment, and that I have complete silence in the house? I do love my husband and his company, but as you may or may not know, the doctor advised him to stop with the Zyban after he woke up the other morning with heart palpitations, which he swears are from the medication. Rather than take any chances, I’m glad the doctor asked him to stop them.

He’s made an appointment for next week to see about finding another alternative to stop with the smoking. In the meantime, for whatever reason, he’s struggling. He isn’t smoking any less, so I can’t say that it’s any type of nicotine withdrawl, but he’s been a bear to live with, and it is giving me a headache.

I’m biting my tongue, and often smiling through gritted teeth- but sometimes I just can’t do that and I react. I’m only human, after all.

I know he’ll feel much better if he can get that poison out of his system, but what am I in store for when he actually stops, before he does get it out of his system and stops having withdrawls? Lord help us both, is all I can say….

If he can get past the cigarettes, I can get past his moodiness. It’s for a good cause, I keep telling myself. 🙂

July 29, 2009

A Picture’s Worth…

Filed under: Inspiration,Life,photography — gardener @ 11:02 am

There are times when words cease to be necessary, when a moment, an object, or even a photograph tells the story-

Dare to be different- Dare to stand out in a croud and be yourself, even if standing up for yourself and what you believe it may not be the most popular thing. ANYONE can go along with the crowd and do what everyone else is doing.

July 28, 2009

On Understanding Happiness….

Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 4:57 am

I remember there being a time when I was just like so many others in the world who felt that happiness hinged upon ‘something’. The perfect job, the perfect guy, the perfect home, the perfect (insert anything here)- but it seemed that that type of ‘happiness’ always seemed to be fleeting, leaving a feeling of longing, of disappointment, of wanting ‘more’ of the brass ring that always seemed just out of reach, and sometimes I’d grasp it for a moment, only for it to slip through my fingers.

I’d love to say that I remember the exact moment when I realized that happiness is none of those things- it’s not about a ‘destination’, but about the journey, and depending on someone else to create that happiness for you is nothing more than setting yourself up for hurt and disappointment. Happiness is a Do It YOURSELF Project.

This morning, when I opened my ‘inbox’, I found this great email from Sparkpeople on happiness. I loved it, and when I find little things along the road of life that reach out and grab me, I can’t help but want to share them with others. You never know when it’s ‘just what the doctor ordered’ so-to-speak.

“A great obstacle to happiness is expecting too much happiness.” – Bernard de Fontanelle

Happiness is a state of mind, not a way of life or a destination that you’ll reach one day. Bumps in the road of life are to be expected, and we cannot let them ruin our days. We often think that if a combination of factors would just fall into place THEN we would finally be happy. Satisfaction can only come from within, through truly accepting yourself, your life, and your circumstances. During this life you’ll have many hard days–long work days, sleepless nights, worrying about the future, etc. This week, think about the joys of your life. Find creative ways to enjoy the little bumps in the road.

We All Need

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 4:47 am

Do you remember that song in the 80’s by Rick Springfield that said, “We all need, the human touch?“. I loved that song back in the day and now every time I see Human Touch Massage Chairs, I can’t help but think of that song.

Have you ever actually sat in one? Let me be the first to tell you, it’s the next best things to a real massage, and it seems to melt all my troubles away, not to mention the stresses of everyday life, or even the tense muscles that I often find myself having from working out.

For a long time, I spent so much time taking care of everyone else, that ‘me’ time fell to the wayside. That showed in many aspects of my life, and sadly I’m not the only one who falls into this category. About a year and a half ago, I decided to start thinking about ‘me’, which included becoming healthier, both mentally and physically, and NOT feeling guilty about it. During this journey, I’ve found that massage chairs are not only a delicious way to relax, but it also increases blood and oxygen circulation, which benefits vital organs. It’s not just an indulgence, but an indulgence with benefits.

Have you ever tried one? What has your experience been? I always feel so rejuvinated afterwards, and ready to take on the world.

July 27, 2009

Handy Dandy

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:58 am

Lately, I’ve found myself wanting to be more organized, or shall I say, more organized than I already am.  There are many things in my life that are extremely organized, and others which are really lacking. 

One of those areas that is definitely in the ‘lacking’ department is making grocery lists and meal planning.   I try, then I get busy with other things, days pass, and Monday rolls around and guess who hasn’t created a grocery list OR a meal plan for the week?   You guessed it, MOI. 

I really admire those people who seem to create menu plans and grocery lists with ease,  since I can make lists for everything else, but I can’t seem to remain consistent with those two.

SO- In an effort to actually try to create a habit and become more organized in the grocery shopping/ meal planning department I decided to use this iPhone application for ‘lists’.

At first, I was only making lists for letters I needed to write, and those type of things, and even created a ‘grocery list’ catgory, which is great because you can color-code items for their importance on your ‘to buy’ list.    I added items, but then forgot about the list.

I finally decided that a generalized grocery list was not the way to go for me, since I usually visit several stores, so what I decided to do instead was create a ‘list’ for every supermarket that I shop in, and as I go through the weekly sale papers, I add the items that I’d like to purchase along with the price, plus the items from each store that I’d like to purchase that are on my everyday shopping list.

From there, I created another list- and added each day of the week.  Within each day of the week, I can add ‘notes’ , which is where I”m adding the menu ideas for that particular day.   That way, not only do I have my shopping list, but also my menu ideas all in one space-  VERY HANDY!!

I put the new idea to the test this morning when I went shopping, and I LOVE it.   As I pick up the items in my cart, all I have to do is touch the square to the left of each item and the program adds a check-mark.  When I finish, I can select “Delete all checked items” and voila’  they’re deleted and my list is updated.

Hopefully, this new idea will allow me to remain organized.   Have I ever mentioned how much I ‘heart’ my iPhone?

July 23, 2009

It’s Official- Well Kinda’

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 12:38 pm

Marcel and I have been in contact with a Cairn Terrier breeder and have been emailing back and forth about a possible puppy in the future. We’ve been on the fence for a while as whether to get a new dog or not, mostly because the truth of the matter is- it’s easier without one. We don’t have to think about walking one, we don’t have to think about having it groomed, potty training, vet bills etc. On the other hand, we both love animals and think about how great it would be to have another in house, plus also a companion for Mister M. who I know is bored from time to time with all the ‘adult’ interaction.

We decided today to put ourselves on a waiting list with this breeder for a puppy which should be born in December sometime IF the breeding process goes well. That means if we decide to say yes, that we’ll have a puppy sometime in February. It’s still alot to think about, with our two month vacations home every other year, but I think we’re going to go for it.

Oh, and Marcel doesn’t know it yet- but I’ll probably call him “ToTo”. After all, what else is more fitting? I’ll probably give it a more original name, and just call him ToTo…

I’ll keep y’all posted on what we decide.

July 20, 2009

Here We Go..

Filed under: Life,photography — gardener @ 7:26 am

I wrote a while back that Marcel was planning to stop smoking once he was finished with school, and once Samatha’s visit had come and gone.   As you know, both have transpired, and this morning he had an appointment with the doctor about his plans to stop.

The doctor was supportive and enthusiastic, and gave him some medication that hopefully will help him stop once and for all.   I have a feeling that I’m going to need alot of patience during this endevour, because already Marcel is prickly and grumpy and his stop date isn’t for two weeks from now.

I know he can do it, I just hope he’ll believe in himself and make the changes.  I know his body will be grateful, and so will I, even though he doesn’t smoke near me, because I’m allergic.

Say a prayer for me that I can keep my big mouth shut when he gets grumpy, and just accept that it’s all part of the process. Say a prayer for us both, pretty please- I have a feeling we’ll both need it.

July 18, 2009

Learning Curve

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 10:22 am

Yesterday I started reading Jillian Michaels new book called, “Master Your Metabolism”, and so far I’m loving it. Granted, I’m only about a 1/3 of the way through it, but already there are SO many things that I’m relating to, and I’m curious to see how this plan is going to help not only my metabolism, but my hormone levels.

The book even says that hormones being out of whack can cause break-outs, which I was happy to read, because I’ve been considering acne treatments to get rid of these occasional break-outs I’ve been having. I definitely don’t think someone my age should be having them, so I’m curious to see what the book is going to offer that will possibly help with this little issue. Plus, once I get things in sync with my body, I may actually be able to drop the rest of this weight easier than it has been the last couple of months.

I’m learning so much and can’t wait to learn more and apply it to my life.


Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 10:18 am

Ever have those days when you feel exausted even when you’ve done nothing to get exausted from? That’s me today! I haven’t done anything much at all today other than resting but yet I feel exausted. I keep telling myself it’s this cold I have, and it’s taking a toll, but I don’t do ‘sick’ very well. This morning I was practically jumping up and down because I was feeling much better- now, is another story.

I’ve been taking Zycam, and it seems to be helping, but obviously I’m expecting big things. I just want this stuff to be OVAHHH. I know- whine, whine, whine. That’s how I feel.

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