Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 22, 2009

Sniffling, Sneezing.

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 2:46 am

In addition to all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather. It hasn’t been anything major, like the ‘oink’ flu, but more problems with sinuses and the changes that keep happening in the weather. I’ve really wanted a day where I didn’t have to leave the house, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen, not with Marcel working and JJ needing to go out from time to time.

What I have noticed is that my allergies and sinuses are on this sort of rampage, and I’m wondering if allergy bedding may not be the answer to my problems. I figure it’s worth a try, after all, it can’t hurt and anything that can possibly help me stop sneezing and sniffling is worth its weight in gold.

December 1, 2009

Wouldn’t You Know?

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:56 am

Well I finally did start working out again, only to find that the next day (yesterday) my favorite monthly friend decided to pay a visit and brought cramps with a vengance. I know, that is probably a little more information than you’d actually like to know, but it’s true. I have been hurting, but once this little week has passed, I’ll be doing regular work outs. I need to and I know it. I feel better, and even though I’m grumbling all the way through the work out, I always feel better afterwards. I think I cried through half of my work out the other day, because I felt annoyed with myself for letting other things get in the way of me taking care of me.

That’s not going to happen again. It may sound selfish, but if I don’t take care of myself, then how can I take care of anyone else?
It’s time for some changes. Now that JJ is better with his potty training, and I’ve found a balance… look out world 🙂

November 29, 2009

Back on Track

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 10:41 am

In an efforts to improve my own health and in hopes of finally getting to my goal in this weight loss endevour, I’ve started back on the elliptical again after a long time of not using it. It wasn’t as bad as I thought, but I could definitely tell I haven’t been on it in a while.

I decided that I’m cutting out the sugar, and am really going to be avoiding it, because it’s almost like a drug for me. The more I eat, the more I crave, and you can imagine the cycle. I didn’t work this hard to gain the weight back, so I’m going to make sure that doesn’t hapen.

Getting Serious

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 1:56 am

I don’t know about y’all, but according to my scales, I’ve gained two pounds since Wednesday. Granted, I know that it’s water weight from eating much more salt than I normally do, but I’m sure the excess calories haven’t helped either. I feel like I’ve been having some hgh, which means it’s time to do what I already knew to be true- time to get start exercising again.

No excuses, no more chocolate, or evening snacks. It’s time to get serious about reaching my goal weight, holidays or not.

October 24, 2009

Where To Go

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 2:31 am

I have a little work that I need to get done this morning and hopefully Marcel, JJ and I can spend the afternoon doing something fun. What that will be exactly, I’m not sure, but I’m open to suggestions. I think we’re going to call the Ikea and see if we can bring JJ inside as long as we hold him. It’s raining so we need to do something inside, and if we leave him here, he’ll cry the entire time, so that isn’t an option at this point.

One thing I do need is a swift kick in the pants to get started with exercising again. Last nigiht- I ate a turkey and cheese quesadilla which was good, but not the best choice at 9 p.m. I did use lowfat cheese.. but still. If I keep this up I’ll eventually need to look for the best fat burner so that I can lose weight. I am at a standstill and I know it’s my own doing. I’ve got to get those scales moving again in a downward spiral.

Ok, work awaits- more later. I think it’s time for a gratitude list, I haven’t done one in a while.

October 17, 2009

Delicious Discovery

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 9:17 am

I love it when I find really cool new things, and I love it even more when I find really cool new things that taste good. Today I was shopping at our local grocery store and I saw that they had some sort of ‘fig cake’ on sale. Technically, I think it’s suppose to be eaten with cheese, but I decided that I’d try it. The ingredients are simple- dried figs, cinnamon and whole almonds.. Oh and a smidge of anise, although I can’t taste that. Because I wasn’t sure if it would be good, I only bought one to try, but after I tried it, I knew I had to have more.

Since it was on sale, I knew today would be the last day so when he woke up from his little nap, we went to the same grocery store, but the one closer to our home. They had three left, and I bought all three. No added sugar, just nature at it’s finest. DEEEEELISH!! I hope it’s something they carry all the time, because I’ll be buying it all the time.

Guilt free eating YUMMO!

October 12, 2009

Nothing By Accident

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 7:59 am

I’m a firm believer that nothing happens by accident. When something happens, regardless of how great or how tragic, there is a reason behind it and a lesson to be learned. We may not see that lesson until much later, but the lesson is there just waiting to be discovered.

Today- I found the following quote in my ‘inbox’. It isn’t by accident that it’s there, and I know it. As I’ve been regaining momentum to continue my journey to being the best me, this is just the bit of ‘wiz’dom that I need to inspire and encourage.

I’m sharing it here for two reasons- one is so that maybe it can encourage and inspire you, and two because it will allow me easy access to revisit these words when I need them again, and trust me- I’ll need them time and time again.

There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or you’re OUT. There’s no such thing as life in-between. – Pat Riley, basketball coach

Thank you SparkPeople- I love you.

Are You Giving Your Goals Your Best Effort?

Your dreams deserve better than a half-hearted effort. Meet your goals with a weak handshake and they’ll soon be waving you goodbye. Since you probably don’t want to look back on a life full of “almost made it” memories, it’s time for total commitment. Leave it all on the field, don’t hold anything back. Is there anything more satisfying than pouring out your entire being, straddling the cliff, reaching your total limit, then looking up and realizing that oh-my-gosh-I-can’t-believe-I-really-did-it? And is there anything more tragic than failing and realizing you could have done more? If you feel “tuned out” of your current life, that’s okay. Make your first goal to build a life that you can get “in”-to. Then don’t look back. Make every day count and live purposefully, live energetically, live completely.

October 8, 2009

Back to Basics

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:29 am

I wrote a few days ago that I was giving myself a big kick in the pants and was going to be getting back in my work out routine so that I could get the rest of this weight off and I’m doing just that.

I haven’t actually started working out yet, because that lovely monthly visitor has arrived and she’s obviously mad about something because she arrived yesterday with a vengance. I know, for some of you, that may be a little TMI (too much information), but just close your eyes if you don’t want to see it, after all, it’s a part of nature.

I’ve been doing some reading and I’m fairly certain that I’m headed into perimenapause, which I would probably be indifferent about, other than the fact that it is making me extremely cranky at times. I did read that exercise helps with that as well, which is yet another reason that I should be working out.

I’ve started being more conscious about my eating again. Not that I wasn’t conscious before, but now I’m really being conscious. I want to get the rest of this weight off once and for all, and eating right and exercise is the only way to do it.

I’m kissing any processed sugars goodbye and will only get my sugars from fruits. I don’t eat much rice or potatoes, but I’m going to make sure that I am not overdoing it with them either, especially since I love potatoes so much and it’s easy to go on a caloric overload with them.

It’s back to basics for me, and once this monthly thing passes, you’ll see me on the bike, running, or on the elliptical at least five days a week with a little strength training tossed into the mix to build muscles.

More later- but if you’d like to join me on this journey- feel free to do the same 🙂 and let me know what YOU are doing.

October 4, 2009

Kick In The Pants

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:43 am

Do you ever have those periods in time when you just can’t seem to get full no matter what you eat? That has been me the past few weeks. I know that my sinuses have been giving me a few problems, but the truth of the matter is, I can be hungry, and a half hour later I’ll feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks.

I know when mom reads this she’s going to call me and say that the reason I feel like this is because I haven’t been working out regularly. Ok, who am I kidding, the past few weeks I haven’t worked out at all, unless you count walking to the train station to go to Bible Study on Tuesday mornings, and browsing the supermarket aisles. It’s true.

The one plus to all of this, is that I haven’t gained any weight, so that is a blessing, but before I do, it’s time to get myself back on track and buckle down. One thing is for sure. I may be able to maintain this weight if I stay on this path I’m on, but I won’t be able to reach my goal weight, so it’s time to find the balance between work, excersise and play.

Who wants to join me? If you do- let me know and I’ll create a group blog where we can all write and support each others efforts. 🙂

September 25, 2009

The Doctor Will See You Now

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 1:49 pm

After playing phone tag with my best friend all week, we finally had a chance to catch up a little earlier this afternoon. She’s the office manager of a major doctor group and has been in meetings and setting up new products all week long. She said that the exam table that she’d been waiting to come in finally arrived and that they we so pleased with it that she made another order for 5 more, which will cover two of the doctors offices. Now, she said next week she has to start on the other side of the complex. Looks like she’s got her work cut out for her. She said what she really wanted to do was crawl up on one of the tables and take a nap.

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