Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 31, 2009

Angels in the Form of Friends

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:19 am

Marcel is snoozing, and I’m suppose to be waking him now, so this is going to have to be short.

It has been a busy day- first Bible Study this morning, and this afternoon Bobbi and I met up with our friend Anna at a local cafe that I’d never been to. They frequent the place on a pretty regular basis and have raved about the coffee and other goodies- sure enough, I was not disappointed with the smoked chicken and avocado salad with a light honey-mustard dressing. It was delicious, and along with great food and coffee, the company was even better.

We spent the afternoon chatting, the way us girls do when we get together, and in what seemed to be a blink of an eye, hours had passed. As we prepared to leave, I stood up to pay for my lunch, and Anna (who had already told Bobbi that it was her turn to pay for lunch), said that she’d be paying for my lunch as well. I told her that she didn’t have to do that, but she insisted, and I was so grateful. It was an unexpected treat.

I’ve been thinking so much about the friendships that I have in my life lately, and how blessed I am for each and every one of you. Each person bringing a rare gem (themselves) to my life. God has blessed me richly, and for that, among other things, I’m so grateful.

My Gratitude List For March 31, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • An afternoon spent in the company of friends.
  • Anna’s lunch treat.
  • The diamonds in my life- also known as my friends.
  • Finding the brand name of the coat I’ve been wanting.
  • Warmer temps.

March 30, 2009

New Look?

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 1:09 pm

I love the cheerful, yet retro look of this space, but yet I can’t help but find myself wanting something that’s my very own, so I think I’m going to go on the quest to find someone to help me with a layout- or spend some time in the coming weeks creating something for all three of my sites that reflects the theme of each website.

I found a company that does a wonderful job, but I really don’t want to pay the outrageous price they are asking, when I think I may possibly be able to come up with something on my own.

Gratitude List

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 10:06 am

I can’t believe it- tomorrow is the last day of March, and Wednesday will be the first day of April (don’t forget those April Fool’s Jokes). 

We are finally leaving the winter period and heading full-force into spring.  We have more daylight hours, flowers are blooming, trees are beginning to show signs of life, and baby lambs, goats, and birds are being born.  

New beginnings.  There is something musical about hearing those words, that knowing that each day we are given a fresh slate, and the possibilities endless.

As spring begins, I find myself thinking about choices, and why I make some of the ones I do.   I also find myself energized and ready to take on the world.

How about you?  What does spring represent to you?

My Gratitude List for March 30, 2009.

Today  I’m Grateful For:

  • New Beginnings.
  • Endless possibilities.
  • Life
  • My “true blues” (whom I’ve spoken of many times)
  • My unbiological sisters

On Anger

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 10:01 am

The following is an entry that I wrote on my old WordPress blog on March 1st.  I came across it when I was sharing the links to my new places here, but thought it was something worth remembering, so I wanted to add it here.  If you’ve already read this before, it really is worth reading a second time.


********************************  From March 1st 2009*****************************
There are times when I find myself getting angry for little things- things that I know shouldn’t bother me, but yet they do. Luckily it doesn’t happen often but it does happen- after all, I am human and we all have our moments.

I try to be conscious when I find myself getting frustrated or angry and ask myself exactly WHY I am feeling that way- and whether it’s worth going to battle over. Most times it isn’t, and I do try to choose my battles wisely, but again, I’m human and I falter.

I’ve been thinking about that quite a bit this morning and came across the following in my inbox. If you have been reading any of my journals for any length of time, or if you know me personally, then you know that I like things that make cause me to pause, think, and wonder how (if at all) I can apply it to my own life and learn from it. This instance is no different.

“Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

Is your life filled with anger?

When someone cuts you off while driving, or misses an appointment you made together, you probably get angry.

Often our imaginations create internal situations and fantasies that perpetuate those feelings until you are boiling and ready to take it out on someone else.

Truly though, we waste too much of our time and energy feeling negatively towards all sorts of things in our lives.

When was the last time you went an entire day without feeling angry? Think about the times you most frequently feel those tense, frustrated feelings building up in you and examine the root. If the situation is unavoidable, you’ve got to force yourself to accept it and move past it.

Maybe you need to sit down with a co-worker and talk to her about what is bothering you–instead of just letting her idiosyncrasies get under your skin each day. Perhaps you need to find an alternative route home to avoid the daily traffic jam that makes your blood boil.

Your body and mind will thank you for the peace such moves provide in the end.

Wise words, and definitely something worth remembering.

How do you manage anger?

March 29, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 4:46 am

Since I didn’t get the chance to do one yesterday, and I don’t want the day to get away without me doing one today, I wanted to share my gratitude list for today.

Two more days left in this month, and we’ll kiss it goodbye and welcome April.

The old saying goes, “April showers, bring May flowers.” but with all the rain that so many of us have had in March, it makes me wonder if the flowers will come early this year, or if April will be kind in terms of rainfall. Personally, I could use a little more sunshine, although I’m grateful for what we’ve had.

My Gratitude List for March 29, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Springing forward, which means longer days.
  • My mom-in-law for respecting my wishes to eat healthy.
  • Good health.
  • Mister M. not waking me during the night.
  • People who ask questions that are actually interested in the answer.

Sunday Pause- Food for Thought

Filed under: Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 4:36 am

A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.

– Francis Bacon

This morning, I found the above quotation in my ‘inbox’, and it caused me to pause and think about the magnitude of those words. While I was sitting here ‘pondering’, the telephone rang, and I saw from the Caller ID that it was my mom-in-law.

She’d called to tell me that she had a chicken breast to go along with my dinner at her house today, because she knew I didn’t want to eat the sausage they are having. I’d planned to bring my own chicken breast, but she insisted, so I relented. If it makes her happy, then why not? After all, it’s just a chicken breast. I just don’t want anyone to feel put out because of my lifestyle.

During the conversation, she proceeded to tell me how great I looked last night at my sister-in-laws 40th birthday bash, and how I must love all the compliments I’ve received for my hard work in my battle to lose weight and get healthy. She said it makes it worth it because everyone is happy for me.

I do appreciate the compliments, although I do find it difficult to discuss from time-to-time, but I don’t do it for the compliments, or the recognition of my ‘blood, sweat, and tears’, I do it because the bottom line is that I want to be healthy.

I know there are some things that we can’t help. There are times when our body rails against us, and for whatever reason, we become ill. That is one of those things that can’t be helped, but many times, it can be avoided.

Before last year, I would have never believed that aside from being overweight, that the food that passed my lips would have an affect on the way that I felt. We all know that high fat, sodium, processed, sugared foods are not good for you, but yet we eat them anyway, but yet I never contributed it to the way I felt. I thought that I felt ‘blah’ because I was overweight and didn’t exercise.

Partly that is true, but mostly, it was the food. More than a year later- I can tell immediately with my energy levels if I’ve eaten or drank processed sugar, or eaten something fried or loaded with fat. I can almost hear my body screaming- WHAT ARE YOU DOING???

Before you think that I never eat sugar, or eat fried food- think again. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. When I was home for the holidays with Marcel- there were several times that we went out for ‘fried catfish’ or ‘fried mullet’, but rather than having the ‘fried’ catfish, the ‘fried’ french fries, the ‘fried’ hushpuppies, AND the ‘mayo-rich’ cole slaw- I had a couple pieces of catfish, baked potato, and a green salad. I allowed myself either one, or no hushpuppies.

It’s all about moderation, and I’ve learned that, although I do have to remind myself from time to time when I have the urge to get crazy.. that it isn’t worth it.

Last year when we went to Paris with my parents, I remember seeing this HUGE table of desserts in a restaurant we were at. There were several French desserts that I really wanted to try, so I did. I had a few bites of each, and that was more than enough, but it wasn’t long that I felt sooo sleepy, and sooo sluggish.

Those who know me, know that working out was never something that I did. Even when I was not overweight, I didn’t work out. I remember some of my friends talking about how they loved the feeling they had after a workout and I thought they were nuts.. Sweating and panting like an overheated dog- resulting in a great feeling? Nahh, I didn’t see it happening.

But here I am years later, and Yes, Virginia- excersise is enjoyable. It has become a part of my life- like sleeping, eating, breathing, and I know my body thanks me for it.

I’m still not at the weight that I’d like to be, but I’m working towards that, and I know I’ll get there. What I do know, is that there is nothing that I could ever put in my mouth, that is better than being healthy, in both body and mind.

March 28, 2009

Living Beyond Our Self Imposed Limitations

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 1:36 am

Anyone who knows me knows that I love quotations and words that motivate and inspire. I like to share things that I come across that serve to inspire and motivate me, in hopes that it will have a domino effect in the lives of those around me.

This morning, I came across the wise words of Ralph Marston, which I share below. If you were a regular reader of my old journal, then you know that I often shared Ralph’s words of ‘wiz’dom.

When I began my weight loss journey in January of 2008, I learned to set myself free, to let go of the excuses, realizing that the only person who was holding me back, was ME.

These words below can be said about so much more- and I find myself being challenged in other aspects of my life- to realize that ‘can’t’ is a word that defeats me before I even begin, and that even if I don’t succeed in the way that I may have hoped, just beginning is moving towards the goal, towards grasping the brass ring.

I hope that today, you’ll also be challenged to reach beyond yourself, outside of your comfort zones and go for the brass ring.

Happy Saturday- Thanks Ralphie, for these great words of ‘wiz’dom.

Set yourself free

There is no outside force holding you back. You are holding you back and you are blaming it on someone or something else.
The way you are able to continue holding yourself back is by maintaining the illusion that you’re a victim. Once you release that illusion, you will naturally and easily move forward.

In fact, it is easier to fulfill your best possibilities than it is to avoid them. So let go of the blame and watch the limitations drop away.

Certainly there will always be challenges, and yet it is not the challenges that hold you back. For each challenge provides you with a pathway through which you can move toward fulfillment.

It is your very nature to accomplish. Lovingly accept your destiny, and allow that accomplishment to be manifest through you.

Set yourself free to follow your purpose. Set yourself free to truly live.

— Ralph Marston

Saturday Slumber

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 1:24 am

*Yawn*   That’s a little how I feel this morning- sleeeppppyy.  I have a feeling that the grey skies and drizzling rain have something to do with it, but I’m up and moving around, have had breakfast and a little coffee, I’m sure I’ll be ready to take on the world.

Today is my sister-in-law’s 40th birthday today, which means a big bash tonight.  We have a few little suprises up our sleeve for the festivities, and we need to get out this morning and take care of those.

Oh, and I’m curious what y’all think.   I had a discussion with someone the other day about the colon cleansing hype that’s going around now, as to whether it actually is something people should do or not.  This person says it’s necessary, and I say it isn’t. After reading colon cleanse reviews, I stand firm on my belief. What do you think? The discussions I find myself in from time to time are surprising, but I guess we all have those.

I’d better light a fire under myself and get moving. I’ve got to make sure that I have enough time today to get my work out in, and everything else that I’d like to accomplish today, before the big party tonight. Hopefully they’ve aired out the place so that I’ll actually be able to stay- if I can smell even a smidge of cigarette smoke (even though no one will smoke inside with me there), I’ll be going home early.

March 27, 2009

Almost Forgot

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 12:46 pm

I almost logged out without sharing today’s gratitude list, and since I do like to take a moment out of my day to list just a few of the many things in life that I’m grateful for, I don’t want to leave without doing that.

I’d also love to hear something that YOU are grateful for today.

My Gratitude List for March 27, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • A great afternoon and lunch with Desere.
  • Discovering a new store that I didn’t realize existed.
  • Horseradish-Wasabi Sauce – One word (YUMMM)
  • Work! Yeah!
  • Solutions to life’s little problems

Now,  it’s your turn.    What is one thing you’re grateful for today?

Just Realized…

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 12:39 pm

As I sat down to type this, I realized that not only have I not eaten yet, but that I also have laundry in the washer that needs to be put in the dryer, so it looks like my time here is going to be very limited.

Since I’m sitting here squinting, because the lighting in this room isn’t very good, it probably isn’t a bad thing. I’ve noticed that when my allergies and sinues are giving me fits, then it seems that my eyes are less than stellar.   That coupled with the lighting, doesn’t make a great combination.

How have you spent your friday? I spent mine with one of my dearest friends, Desere. We went to lunch today at a very quaint restaurant that my sister-in-law suggested, and she was absolutely right when she said we’d love it. We did. The service was great, but the food was even better. We both had tomato soup in a bread bowl, surrounded by a salad of mixed greens, olives, feta, tomatoes, pickled bell pepper and other goodies. It was fantastic, and just enough that we were full and not stuffed.

Afterwards we did a little shopping and enjoyed the sunshine! I was so thrilled to see the sun today- since the weatherman said there wouldn’t be any, actually getting it on those days is an extra treat.

My stomach is growling, so time to eat.

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