Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 30, 2009

On Anger

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 10:01 am

The following is an entry that I wrote on my old WordPress blog on March 1st.  I came across it when I was sharing the links to my new places here, but thought it was something worth remembering, so I wanted to add it here.  If you’ve already read this before, it really is worth reading a second time.


********************************  From March 1st 2009*****************************
There are times when I find myself getting angry for little things- things that I know shouldn’t bother me, but yet they do. Luckily it doesn’t happen often but it does happen- after all, I am human and we all have our moments.

I try to be conscious when I find myself getting frustrated or angry and ask myself exactly WHY I am feeling that way- and whether it’s worth going to battle over. Most times it isn’t, and I do try to choose my battles wisely, but again, I’m human and I falter.

I’ve been thinking about that quite a bit this morning and came across the following in my inbox. If you have been reading any of my journals for any length of time, or if you know me personally, then you know that I like things that make cause me to pause, think, and wonder how (if at all) I can apply it to my own life and learn from it. This instance is no different.

“Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

Is your life filled with anger?

When someone cuts you off while driving, or misses an appointment you made together, you probably get angry.

Often our imaginations create internal situations and fantasies that perpetuate those feelings until you are boiling and ready to take it out on someone else.

Truly though, we waste too much of our time and energy feeling negatively towards all sorts of things in our lives.

When was the last time you went an entire day without feeling angry? Think about the times you most frequently feel those tense, frustrated feelings building up in you and examine the root. If the situation is unavoidable, you’ve got to force yourself to accept it and move past it.

Maybe you need to sit down with a co-worker and talk to her about what is bothering you–instead of just letting her idiosyncrasies get under your skin each day. Perhaps you need to find an alternative route home to avoid the daily traffic jam that makes your blood boil.

Your body and mind will thank you for the peace such moves provide in the end.

Wise words, and definitely something worth remembering.

How do you manage anger?

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