Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 27, 2009

Handy Dandy

Filed under: Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:58 am

Lately, I’ve found myself wanting to be more organized, or shall I say, more organized than I already am.  There are many things in my life that are extremely organized, and others which are really lacking. 

One of those areas that is definitely in the ‘lacking’ department is making grocery lists and meal planning.   I try, then I get busy with other things, days pass, and Monday rolls around and guess who hasn’t created a grocery list OR a meal plan for the week?   You guessed it, MOI. 

I really admire those people who seem to create menu plans and grocery lists with ease,  since I can make lists for everything else, but I can’t seem to remain consistent with those two.

SO- In an effort to actually try to create a habit and become more organized in the grocery shopping/ meal planning department I decided to use this iPhone application for ‘lists’.

At first, I was only making lists for letters I needed to write, and those type of things, and even created a ‘grocery list’ catgory, which is great because you can color-code items for their importance on your ‘to buy’ list.    I added items, but then forgot about the list.

I finally decided that a generalized grocery list was not the way to go for me, since I usually visit several stores, so what I decided to do instead was create a ‘list’ for every supermarket that I shop in, and as I go through the weekly sale papers, I add the items that I’d like to purchase along with the price, plus the items from each store that I’d like to purchase that are on my everyday shopping list.

From there, I created another list- and added each day of the week.  Within each day of the week, I can add ‘notes’ , which is where I”m adding the menu ideas for that particular day.   That way, not only do I have my shopping list, but also my menu ideas all in one space-  VERY HANDY!!

I put the new idea to the test this morning when I went shopping, and I LOVE it.   As I pick up the items in my cart, all I have to do is touch the square to the left of each item and the program adds a check-mark.  When I finish, I can select “Delete all checked items” and voila’  they’re deleted and my list is updated.

Hopefully, this new idea will allow me to remain organized.   Have I ever mentioned how much I ‘heart’ my iPhone?

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