Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 22, 2009

New Admiration

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:03 am

We finally have our little baby home with us. I am extremely happy, but let me tell you- I have a new level of admiration of people who have more than one small child in the house. I know, some of you may think that a puppy is different than a baby, but after not getting much sleep last night between JJ and Mister M. I think they are more similar than not. I believe the biggest difference is that JJ didn’t have to eat, when babies do, but he kept me on my toes.

At least I was able to catch up on the latest with Grey’s and I found myself wondering if Izzy had a form of cancer that spread. I am still not to the point where everyone else is on the show, so don’t share any spoilers. Right now- it’s time to finish dinner and get back to work. I hope that JJ allows me a little rest tonight, or maybe that Marcel tends to him tonight. After all, that’s what people with babies do, right?

October 21, 2009

What’s Happening Here

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 1:45 am

Today is the day- If all goes well with his trip to the vet, Baby JJ is coming home with us today to make his new home. I’m excited and pray that he loves it here with us as much as we are going to love having him here.

In other news, I finally splurged on a laptop. I’ve been wanting one for a while, and was looking at a gazillion different types, but yesterday I finally took the plunge. My heart was set on an MacBook Pro, but in the end, I decided that my next desktop is going to be a Mac, and I bought a Toshiba laptop. The store didn’t have it in stock, but they ordered it and it should arrive in the next day or so. I can’t wait to have it since it’s going to allow me to do my work everywhere, without having to borrow Marcel’s laptop all the time when I don’t want to work inside or when I don’t want to sit in the computer room.

It also comes with a free Windows 7 upgrade, which I’m really excited about. I’ve heard lots of great things about this new system, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it runs. Another thing it has is a webcam, which I think could be fun to Skype with mom and dad, plus my friend Caroline who lives in the UK.

Alot is going on here, and I have so much to talk about, but right now my oats await and so does work. I also need to get some work around the house done in anticipation of JJ’s arrival. At least we are having left overs tonight, which means I don’t have to cook. That’s a good thing.

October 18, 2009

A Case of the Blahs

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 12:06 pm

Another end to yet another day in the month of October. Before you know it, it will be time to start looking for turkey’s and thinking about Thanksgiving. It was a gorgeous day today. Marcel and I spent some time walking in the woods, but yet I’m feeling a little melancholy today. I’m not sure why, I just am. I skipped Sunday dinner at my mother in laws, but Marcel did bring me a plate, which I thought was really sweet of him.

Right now, I think I’m going to curl up in the bath for a little while, and then grab myself a cup of coffee and relax. Work is done for today- deadlines met for tomorrow, even though it isn’t here yet. I will send them in the morning and think about what projects I can get complete in the next few days, because I have a feeling once we pick up JJ, things are going to be busy until we get him settled. Marcel will be working, so it will fall on my shoulders. Not that I mind. He’s so adorable 🙂

October 17, 2009


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:21 am

I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately, about many things and about nothing. I know, it’s cryptic and it’s also true. Some things I’ve thought of lately are about things happening in my life that I believe are leading me on a specific path towards something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and haven’t done yet. It’s as though these things are happening, in order to pave the way for that to happen. It’s interesting to see those things happen and yet I also find it fascinating as well.

Other things I’ve been thinking about is how ridiculous some people are, and how they get these thoughts and ideas in their head that truly make me think “are you kidding me?” I’d love to say that these same people surprise me, but sometimes you have to consider the source.

Before you think there’s some sort of drama brewing- know that there isn’t, at least not in my world. Unless you count the pending drama that could happen when Mister M and Baby JJ meet next week for the first time. 🙂

I love life, and I love the people in my life. I’ve been blessed with great family and friends. I’m going to spend more time nuturing the relationships that mean the most to me, and letting some go that have become toxic. It’s necessary at times.

My work has recentlly brought me down the path of doing alot of research for the best weight loss pills, plus other weight loss methods, diets and other programs. It has been fun, and educational, and leading me places I never thought I’d be. I happen to love what’s happening and can’t wait to see more as it unfolds.

Delicious Discovery

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 9:17 am

I love it when I find really cool new things, and I love it even more when I find really cool new things that taste good. Today I was shopping at our local grocery store and I saw that they had some sort of ‘fig cake’ on sale. Technically, I think it’s suppose to be eaten with cheese, but I decided that I’d try it. The ingredients are simple- dried figs, cinnamon and whole almonds.. Oh and a smidge of anise, although I can’t taste that. Because I wasn’t sure if it would be good, I only bought one to try, but after I tried it, I knew I had to have more.

Since it was on sale, I knew today would be the last day so when he woke up from his little nap, we went to the same grocery store, but the one closer to our home. They had three left, and I bought all three. No added sugar, just nature at it’s finest. DEEEEELISH!! I hope it’s something they carry all the time, because I’ll be buying it all the time.

Guilt free eating YUMMO!

October 16, 2009


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:36 am

I’m peeking in quickly before heading off to the bath and jetting off to the studios with Marcel for the evening. My abscence hasn’t been me succombing to being sick, but rather more a quest of me being overloaded with work to the point of almost overload. Luckily it wasn’t quite to that point, so I was able to make each and every one of my deadlines, some with time to spare, and even squeezed in an extra emergency project for one of my clients that I was able to do in record time. I wonder if I should start charging emergency rates for those projects that I get today, that should have been done yesterday? haha

It’s a thought, but one I don’t have much time to ponder at the moment, because it’s time for my bath. Dinner was a little meager tonight- grilled chicken breast with baked sweet potato. Marcel had left overs but I really didn’t have time to cook anything for myself, so that was the extent of it. I don’t mind though, both were nourishing and good for me.

Gotta dash before my bath water gets cold. Hope y’all have a great weekend.

October 14, 2009


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 11:21 am

I hate to say it but I think I may be coming down with a cold. I hope not- but I’m not feeling up to par. All I can say is that I hope it isn’t the Oink-Oink since I am not taking the shot. I’m also not taking the Flu shot either.

What I am going to do is take a hot bath, curl up on the sofa and drink a cup of coffee. That’s what I’m going to do.

October 12, 2009

In the Blink of an Eye

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:38 am

I can’t believe that two hours have passed in the blink of an eye. Seriously, one minute I was sitting here looking for spa filters for someone, and the next minute I know, I’m looking at the clock and see that two hours have magicaly disappeared.

I also noticed that my coffee is also extremely cold, and there is a rumbling in my tummy that means it’s time to put down the computer for a little while and get some food in the oven. It’s going to be easy food tonight, so at least it won’t take too long to make.

Tomorrow morning is Bible study and I’m looking forward to this weeks lesson. How is your week shaping up so far??

Nothing By Accident

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 7:59 am

I’m a firm believer that nothing happens by accident. When something happens, regardless of how great or how tragic, there is a reason behind it and a lesson to be learned. We may not see that lesson until much later, but the lesson is there just waiting to be discovered.

Today- I found the following quote in my ‘inbox’. It isn’t by accident that it’s there, and I know it. As I’ve been regaining momentum to continue my journey to being the best me, this is just the bit of ‘wiz’dom that I need to inspire and encourage.

I’m sharing it here for two reasons- one is so that maybe it can encourage and inspire you, and two because it will allow me easy access to revisit these words when I need them again, and trust me- I’ll need them time and time again.

There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or you’re OUT. There’s no such thing as life in-between. – Pat Riley, basketball coach

Thank you SparkPeople- I love you.

Are You Giving Your Goals Your Best Effort?

Your dreams deserve better than a half-hearted effort. Meet your goals with a weak handshake and they’ll soon be waving you goodbye. Since you probably don’t want to look back on a life full of “almost made it” memories, it’s time for total commitment. Leave it all on the field, don’t hold anything back. Is there anything more satisfying than pouring out your entire being, straddling the cliff, reaching your total limit, then looking up and realizing that oh-my-gosh-I-can’t-believe-I-really-did-it? And is there anything more tragic than failing and realizing you could have done more? If you feel “tuned out” of your current life, that’s okay. Make your first goal to build a life that you can get “in”-to. Then don’t look back. Make every day count and live purposefully, live energetically, live completely.

October 10, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 2:06 am

Happy Saturday y’all.

Well, I survived yet another Dutch birthday party celebration. Seriously, I don’t generally mind them, but when it’s ‘that time’ and the cramps are not great, then I really prefer to crawl in bed and snooze. But you know what they say- no rest for the wicked. We had a good time, and it was great to see everyone that I hadn’t seen in a while.

Today is officially Marcel’s birthday and he’s watching the soccer game at the moment and I’m attempting to play catch up.

What I realized is that I haven’t done a gratitude list in a while. It doesn’t mean that I’m any less grateful, but it means that I haven’t taken the time to actually pause and be grateful, and I need to be more conscious about doing that. It makes a difference in my life, and I believe gratitude is important. We All have something to be grateful for.

My Gratitude List for October 10, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Marcel, who turns 44 today.
  • Olivia, who won homecoming queen last night at her school.  When I saw the news this morning, I cried.  
  • Ainsley, who in spite of all her trials lately has risen above it all with grace and dignity. 
  • Being blessed with my current job that I love so much.
  • True friendships, which are more precious to me than gold.
  • Mom and diddy- for helping me out with a little project, and for being the wonderful parents that they are.
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